Probably using you as a wind break.
Shame you’ve got wind that’ll be the haggis
We parked there in June and had boy racers lapping the car park at ridiculous speeds so moved on and parked in lay-by/grass bank alongside road a few miles south.
Lidl allow overnight parking I think, down beyond Morrisons.
Good luck.
Empty your gray and toilet water out side window,soon move, then you will be discussed on here very soon.:lol-049:
I think it's the same with the Spanish, the Italians, the all the Mediterranean countries driving standards are terrible. The hot climate and heads bursting with religious clap-trap and sangria means they are volatile, irresponsible and prone to poor judgment. :banana:I lived in France and they drive like idiots. Not crazy or anything but you can go down a road with no traffic on it for miles but you can bet your bottom dollar that some frenchie is right up your a*** but won't overtake you or drop back.
I have driven in France many, many thousands of miles over many years ...
In my view the standard of driving is of a high order and greater consideration by far is given for those in camping cars ...