Fitting rear parking sensors


Full Member
Yesterday I fitted the Dolphin DPS400 parking sensor kit, and it was surprisingly simple to do.
I did have a problem making connections to reversing light, but that was due to a lack of slack on the cable and the awkwardness of getting to it, but the job was really simple taking about 90 minutes and saving me £250. The kit cost £49 from Amazon.
The rear bumber had to be removed but that involved simply removing 8 bolts 4 from the top and 4 from underneath the van. There are even marking inside the bumper showing you were to drill the 21mm holes using the drill bit supplied by Dolphin. I mounted the sounder on a rear panel in the bedroom, and it can still be heard clearly with the engine running. When finished I managed to get the control panel and excess cabling into the rear light void area with no issues. I had to adjust the sensitivity so that you get a continuous sound one foot from an object.
You can buy a kit for an additional £10 with a visual indicator, with built in sounder, but I felt that all of the hassle running cabling to the dash from the rear of the van was not necessary. However if I change my mind I can buy the indicator and replace the sounder. You can also but extension leads if they are required,
Dolphins warranty lasts for as long as I own the van.

The second photo shows the small sounder, the control panel is situated inside the rear light void 15 inches below this.
The German who reversed his MoHo into my 1100cc BMW motorcycle and pushed it 2 meters into its trailer has reverse sensors fitted.
Unfortunately, he had the radio on and didn't hear the warning.

Even more unfortunately, his wife was sat in the cab and didn't get out to watch the back of his van!

I much prefer having someone watch when I'm going backwards. Children are born with the ability to teleport!
That looks a good and easy install, I tried to fit on our tow car another Fiat the 500, but inside the bumper was such a collection of plastic webs and things I had to give up nowhere to drill the holes. However I fitted a tow bar and that kind of works in a similar way 😉🤔!
Camera PLUS Sensors ... Ideal Combo (y)

They look like a very good colour match to the Rear Bumper.

PS. If you find you want to have the buzzer closer or a visual indicator, a fairly simple cabling route without disturbing camper interior or making holes could be to route underneath forward to the starter battery box; come up inside it on the right hand side where there is already a drain/vent hole and then up, running under the mat to the dash area.