Looking at it another way. Has anyone fitted
solar panels because their
battery kept going flat? What I am trying to get at is do we actually need them or do we just think we do? I certainly dont need them in the summer and we as motorhomers do tend to move around a lot. So has anyone bought them because they proved that they actually needed them?
It is very difficult to judge what is the "ideal" way to charge and maintain batteries, as very one is different in their use and most importantly do you need them!!
You can only make a judgmental call when you can look at different examples (which these forums certainly help) of use of a motorhome and hopefully match someone's experiences with your own. Different people walk different paths, use their vans in different times of the year and use diffent electrical equipment ( I personally do not walk the path of
solar or genny and have opted for advance charging, a personal decision as I am trying to use less gas).
There is no doubt that
solar certainly has it's benefits, providing that the conditions are there to reap the rewards. The bottom line is this.................. without a good
battery capacity and size, what ever path you walk will be a waste as not having the storage capacity for whatever method you take will be a waste of your own money!!
I have many examples on our books where
solar has been of benefit (whether the van is at a farm for storage reasons, or they are wild camping in LaManga). Mainly these are customers that do not spend a great deal of time in this country and are in hotter climates (where the use of lighting and heating are not so demanding to the leisure
battery bank), but I can say that every one of them certainly has a good
battery bank to make the benefits of
solar worthy of the investment.
It is all down to person preferences at the end of the day and most importantly where and when you use the motorhome and what is running inside.