Deleted member 775
Hi Mandrake
You mention porta potty's. We are looking at all options in our hunt for our 1st MH and are now looking at Hobby 600's. They look good, reasonably priced at around 10,000 euros for a newer MH than you would get if you were buying say a Hymer on that budget {which we have been looking at and are still interested} and space wise for us they seem ideal. However they all seem to have porta potties. How do these compare with Thetfords ? Just as easy to dispose of but simply internal to the MH rather than external ?
Also once MH is purchased, is it easy enough to buy a new potty and fit it or is it something you need professionaly done ? ie could a complete amatuer do it under instructions or do you need to know more etc.
Finally, have you or anyone else got any thoughts on the Hobby 600 re: reliability, parts, things we should look out for etc
There are just 2 of us and a dog and we want something to potter round Spain where we live rather than a round Europe expediation {save that for the next MH !}.
Thanks for any help you can be.
if you buy a van with a toilet fitted they drain into a black water tank then you empty at a disposal site. also some have a cassete toilet fitted that you open a small door in the side of the van and you dispose of the contents via a container into the public toilets or the sewer system, or campsite system as for hobby 600 cannot help there i am strictly a 2k bedford cf owner does what it says on the tin for a lot less cash
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