Finding drinking water.?

We have never had any problems by looking out for garages or supermarkets with a busy car wash attached. This guarantees that a)the high pressure and volume must mean its coming off the mains, and b) the regular use means water is never held for very long in a holding tank. so should be fit to drink....even on the continent.

Most, if not all, modern car washes I believe use re-cycled water so I wouldn't rely on this advice. I remember a few years ago, when we had a severe drought conditions and water usage bans were in place, the local car wash were permitted to carry on doing business because their water was recycled and filtered.
i have knocked on doors many a time .just have a say 10 litre plastic bottle . works in any country . i have advised this before on several threads . never been turned down.

July, 2010 driving through the Pryennes towards our destination in Murcia, we were running low on water. Hit a small village and took my 18L plastic container with a tap on one end and asked a local elderly lady for water. My Ann walked with her, while I followed her for about 200 metres. She gave us all the water we wanted. Insisted we had a snack, which we had as she was very pesistent. The whole episode from start to finish was about 1 1/2 hours. Before we left, Ann put a few things very English, Baked beans, Carnation milk, Oxo cubes etc, in a plastic bag and gave it to her as a thank you for her hospitality. We could not converse in Spanish or she in English. It was a really wonderful experience.
i test our buildings every month for legionela our council failed its 100 % H&s test due to 6 trucks not having soapy fluid in the
wash bottles.

simple but as stated above its the mist that effects/vapour that will give you it.
i always carry bottled water for drinking, either fresh from the supermarket or refilled from a trusted source. that way you dont have to worry about whats growing in yer onboad tank.
hi. i drove for our local water board .i very often got to the scientists in the labs .most knew i visit africa very often and i have always asked questions . we got talking about water and the berkenfeld filter system in my truck. i dont use it much only if water is in doubt . but anyway they all said dont waste money cleaning it out .just empty it and fill with a known chlorinated water like uk mains . leave it a couple of days drain and fill up and go. they say the chlorination is enough. personally i hve as far as i know never had upset stomach by drinking the water.
i just followed their advise . sometimes have put river water in as had to . next available good supply fill drain off ,fill again off we go.i very ocasionally use the filter if river water is used for drinking .
if you get chance visit a fresh water site near you .its very interesting how they clean our water. .
hi david and ann.
i like you have met lots of folk by asking for water .some i still visit .they are now good friends . its even more so on the desert runs . they know you need water and are only too helpfull. cant be greedy but have spent a few days sometimes at their villages . its amazing ,they hardly anything yet share it with you. i,m sure to this day some think peaches grow on trees in tins in uk. they love them . have fun .we do,
pure water

Fit a 'pure filter' then you really can pee in your tank. But if not to your taste it allows you to top up from anywhere such as springs, rivers, etc. I've been using for last year all over Europe and it really has made a difference. If you're washing up or making tea with boiled water take straight from normal tap. Cold drinks or just wanting to drink water....take from pure filter tap......lovely. Has kept the dog happy too.
i find the berkenfeld better as its cheaper on its filters .they are a ceramic candle that can be scrubbed .my mate as the nature pure but finds it soon slows down and loses pressure. .it works though . i just scrub mine and go again . i bought mine 12 years ago from brownchurch landrover people in london . they specialise in expedition vehicles . bought my roof tent from them as well for my vw. must say i find europe ok for good water almost all of the time.
my set up liker steves .the filtered tap is extra . normally just use tank water straight .
Goodness, I must be really wierd.

I was brought up to believe that you must eat a peck of dirt before you die. I have drunk from streams & from tap water in many different countries. I have never bothered with filters or sterilisation of tanks (on my boats, caravans or vans) and yet I seldom have tummy upsets. I also don't stress about "use by" dates & will often just remove mouldy bits of cheese, jam, bread, black pudding, pate etc & eat the rest. Most of these foodstufs were created to make food last long before fridges were invented.

I strongly believe that we need a certain amount of dirt/ bacteria etc in our food regularly to maintain a healthy resistance to ilness. I suspect that the recent huge increases in allergies may at least in part be due to "over cleanliness" in modern family life.

Excuse me, I must go, I need to chase the chickens, goats, sheep & cow back into their own half of the house. :banana: :cool1:
I just didn't bother fitting a water tank!! Far to much hassle. 2 x 5litre bottles from the supermarket last me & the dog 2 weeks. Only thing I have to worry about is emptying the loo
Finding drinking water question

I just didn't bother fitting a water tank!! Far to much hassle. 2 x 5litre bottles from the supermarket last me & the dog 2 weeks. Only thing I have to worry about is emptying the loo

Thank you to all the members who took the trouble to reply to my question about finding water.A most interesting selection comments.Regards to all.

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