Just chatting with some friends about this sort of thing yesterday! Someone said their Mum used to say "red hat, no knickers" and another piped up with "fur coat no knickers" ! I'm guessing they used to reckon only a certain type of female would wear them
Then there's 'blue and green should never be seen' but someone else said 'red and green should never be seen except on an Irish queen' - no idea what that's about.
Someone else said that square meal comes from having square bits of wood as plates on old ships... they'd have thin battens running across the table, so the plates would fit in and wouldn't slide about.
We lived in America for a while about 20 years ago and some of the slight differences in expressions used to make us laugh. We say "haven't done that in donkey's years" whereas the Americans would say "haven't done that in a cow's age"

Do you think someone on the Mayflower got their animals wrong and it stuck? :lol-053:
I've had an old paperback for about 40 years called "To Coin a Phrase" and it's full of sayings and their meanings. I'll dig it out sometime and share some good ones.