After reading the chopper thread it brought back memories of my childhood. I sat there pondering what was my absolute favorite toy!
In 1981 I got a Sinclair ZX81, I was 11 years old and I learnt to program in basic on it. I wrote little computer games and it started something that would stay with me as my main hobby and job.
These days most peoples chip and pin cards have more power and memory!
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Before these "Posh" computers I had one called an ORIC, very simple with the usual cassette player & TV monitor.
6502 processor running at 2meg, I think it had 8k ram. Processor same as the BBC.
Now if you could write in machine code (what's that most will ask!) then it's surprising what it could do!
I was in telecomms R&D and my first processor controlled switch was based on a 6502 processor with 16k ram.
Did a lot of development work using a Beeb
All this bloatware from programmers who don't understand the basic principles!!
PS same processor was used in the first night vision systems for British military, all written in machine code for speed of operation
As a kid, I used to build transmitters and receivers, modifying ex WW2 equipment etc
I claim to have one of the first portable telephones using a simple VHF oscillator to transmit from the handset and a Sinclair matchbox receiver, all built into an ordinary handset.
Other fun was to get government surplus batteries of either 90 or 135v, connect a few in series and leave two pieces of copper pipe coming out of my rucksack with a sign saying "Danger High Voltage" There was always someone who would try it!!
Alternatively, connect ten in series and wire to a 4B pencil, you can strike an arc and if close to say a Physics bench, then it would char the wood, you could then slowly burn your initials into the bench and with even more batteries, have it glowing!!
Sadly with the demise of suitable government surplus and the increase of Health & Safety, Kids cant experiment and have fun, with a few painful mishaps!!
A damage was done purely in the aid of scientific exploration, Honest!!