Faulty TomTom


Full Member
i have a TomTom Go Live 1000 which I haved used satisfactorily for a few years. Battery life is only a matter of seconds, but apart from that it's been ok! Last time I used it I wanted to navigate to lat / long co-ordinates, this has never been a problem in the past but this navigation option suddenly disappeared, it isn't even greyed out. I've tried restarting it but can't get it back. Obviously it's out of warranty and TomTom say it's irrepairable.

I like the old TomTom but am not impressed with the new one, making changes whilst driving looks more difficult. If I can't fix it I may go for a big Garmin.

I would be interested to know if anyone has any ideas about how I can fix this.
A new battery would probably fix it, when the battery has completely died they don't work properly even when plugged in, TomTom advise that the battery is not replaceable but it has a plug on the end of the wires so it can be replaced even though it is technical and the battery can be purchased for approx £10. 302 Moved
I have changed the battery and reinstalled the navcore on successfully a few times on this model, fiddly but full instructions are on Youtube
If you decide on the Garmin I would be interested in the Tomtom, I like a challenge
My friend had problems with a tom Tom he plugged it into the computer and it sorted itself out worth a try I think
if you don't like new tom tom

Put battiery in first . I did it to my wifes and haven't seen it since .all good.
I now use my google map on tablet. no speed cameras warnings tho. But time line instead.
Navigation units are a trade off.

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