Apache Two
First of all wvw sorry that you have chosen to leave the forum but as I said last week there are these members who are hell bent on destroying this forum as they have no interest in our chosen hobby..
Phil has a job on his hands to filter out the as I would call then {assholes} who are not here for the forum but for there own simply minded enjoyment of winding up people then deny that they meant it that way...Well it high time that this bunch of as****s P155ed off and let the people that are here for the interest that other on here share...and go a play with there like mined friends else where...
If I have offend anyone then sorry but this forum is not for destroying members it's here for the good of our chosen hobby...
I rest my case????
As always bulletproof vest is on and the odd stab in the back which I am sure someone will do????
Phil has a job on his hands to filter out the as I would call then {assholes} who are not here for the forum but for there own simply minded enjoyment of winding up people then deny that they meant it that way...Well it high time that this bunch of as****s P155ed off and let the people that are here for the interest that other on here share...and go a play with there like mined friends else where...
If I have offend anyone then sorry but this forum is not for destroying members it's here for the good of our chosen hobby...
I rest my case????
As always bulletproof vest is on and the odd stab in the back which I am sure someone will do????
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