FAO Phil

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First of all wvw sorry that you have chosen to leave the forum but as I said last week there are these members who are hell bent on destroying this forum as they have no interest in our chosen hobby..
Phil has a job on his hands to filter out the as I would call then {assholes} who are not here for the forum but for there own simply minded enjoyment of winding up people then deny that they meant it that way...Well it high time that this bunch of as****s P155ed off and let the people that are here for the interest that other on here share...and go a play with there like mined friends else where...
If I have offend anyone then sorry but this forum is not for destroying members it's here for the good of our chosen hobby...
I rest my case????
As always bulletproof vest is on and the odd stab in the back which I am sure someone will do????
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Don't leave just ignore those who upset you , that's what I did (although couldn't help myself and had a sneaky peek which was silly of me). Stick with it and ignore those people who are hell bent on upsetting you. :heart::heart:
I understand that some people are more sensitive to criticism than others,and get upset more easily, personally I care not what people say or think about me, if a reply to a thread you have posted upsets you merely ignore the thread , there are Keyboard Warriors everywhere and all they crave is a reaction to their stupidly, they live in a small World ignore them, they hate that.
To Jess if you are viewing this thread....
Whislt I was typing in reply to ...your leaving the forum I've burnt my dinner so you can't leave till you have bought me dinner and a nice glass or 2 of White wine...lol,???????
I've decided to leave the forum, please could you delete my account.

There's some really great members and I've had alot of help from some people already in the short time I've been a member but over the past week or so I've had some not so pleasant exchanges with a couple of people and so I have decided that I don't wish to put myself in that position again, and as I don't know who they are I don't want to risk bumping into them at a meet.

Keep up the good work, I think on the whole this is a great forum. For me, it was just spoiled by a small number of members.



Sorry to hear that wvw. As you say, this is a great forum with plenty of well-meaning banter. Plus whenever anyone asks a serious question there is always a good supply of offers of help and advice.

We all have different styles of humour, and I'd say that the majority of it on here is only meant in fun, but as in real life, others, understandably, won't always see it in the manner intended. You will have seen loads of examples of that in the army as well as in other walks of life. I for one often post comments that seem humorous at the time, but then later I worry that someone will take it the wrong way. If along with the "Like" facility on comments, we also had a kind of "Not very impressed" option, some misunderstandings could be sorted out, and any offence or upset avoided? I'm not sure which particular threads or comments have upset you recently, although I could take a guess at one or two. Would it help for you to tell us on here, so we could offer our thoughts?

There have only been a very small handful of people on here in recent months who have seemed malicious or deliberately hurtful, but as soon as other members have noticed they usually get put in their place quite quickly, before any intervention is needed by Phil. That tiny minority of people are only doing damage to their own credibility and character, and as others have said, the rest of us shouldn't allow them to spoil things for us all.

Why don't you go along to the Southern Softies meet as planned (ok, they're not really "old relics"!), and maybe air some of your thoughts and views, while also having a good time, meeting new people and making new friends? Then see how you feel about things afterwards?

Best wishes for whatever you decide, but I think you should stay.
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WVW don't consider going down that road, stay with us and enjoy the true comradeship of your friends.
Please don't leave us as we all will miss you very much and the goodies on this site far outweigh the baddies. As you have elected to not receive PM ask Phil how to block a member so you dont see what he has written in any post, I had to do this once (not sure this facility is still available) and it solved my problem and now I really enjoy being a part of this site. Whatever you final decision is we will all respect it but very sad if you go, I know we have never met but I have really enjoyed your posts.

Please dont leave the site WVW:sad: I dont know whats happened as I havent been on much the last couple of days but it would be a shame. I was lookiing forward to meeting you at the 'southern Softies meet' and I for one value your comments and knowledge you contribute to the site

Jac :wave:
WVW also remember that the medium of a forum is very one dimensional, No tone, Inflection on what we write,

If we write something in jest it can be easily construed as insult because only our minds interpret the message there is no body language etc etc that inherently we get the vibe for in "real life".

I have fallen foul of this both in comments I make and how I percieve comments re my posts, when in reality,the message I am trying to express couldnt be further away from the truth.

:idea: If you let Ruber Tramp and me know who they are we will :hammer: them for you then take you out for a :cheers: or three to cheer you up. XX

Bruce...you remind me of my embarrassing old grandad!.....I won't be helping you to :hammer: anyone 'cause I haven't got a soft enough:hammer:. I would however, have a:cheers: with anyone and everyone!
By the way...How did it go on the butcher's slab this week?
Hi vwv - may I add my wish that you stay on the forum? I really enjoy reading your posts, you sound nice. I don't know what upset you, I must have missed that. If something sounds as if it's going to get unpleasant, I just stop reading it. However, if someone else upsets you, just let me know and I will give them a proper mouthful. I am one of those fairly quiet people who astonish everyone when they eventually get mad. :mad1:
As for contacting Phil, I told him his new system was incomprehensible!
hi wvw

having just been reading All the responses from members it is obvious that you are an asset to the forum and you should reconsider, you will be missed by many, myself included as a fellow tranny owner.

Sorry to hear that wvw. As you say, this is a great forum with plenty of well-meaning banter. Plus whenever anyone asks a serious question there is always a good supply of offers of help and advice.

We all have different styles of humour, and I'd say that the majority of it on here is only meant in fun, but as in real life, others, understandably, won't always see it in the manner intended. You will have seen loads of examples of that in the army as well as in other walks of life. I for one often post comments that seem humorous at the time, but then later I worry that someone will take it the wrong way. If along with the "Like" facility on comments, we also had a kind of "Not very impressed" option, some misunderstandings could be sorted out, and any offence or upset avoided? I'm not sure which particular threads or comments have upset you recently, although I could take a guess at one or two. Would it help for you to tell us on here, so we could offer our thoughts?

There have only been a very small handful of people on here in recent months who have seemed malicious or deliberately hurtful, but as soon as other members have noticed they usually get put in their place quite quickly, before any intervention is needed by Phil. That tiny minority of people are only doing damage to their own credibility and character, and as others have said, the rest of us shouldn't allow them to spoil things for us all.

Why don't you go along to the Southern Softies meet as planned (ok, they're not really "old relics"!), and maybe air some of your thoughts and views, while also having a good time, meeting new people and making new friends? Then see how you feel about things afterwards?

Best wishes for whatever you decide, but I think you should stay.

well put
Bruce...you remind me of my embarrassing old grandad!.....I won't be helping you to :hammer: anyone 'cause I haven't got a soft enough:hammer:. I would however, have a:cheers: with anyone and everyone!
By the way...How did it go on the butcher's slab this week?

Hi mate, Not good on the slab I'm afraid. They just did exploratory. I am booked in for the real thing now on the 24th. Sh@@@@@g myself. No pun intended. :wacko: They said I have to have a liquid diet and in the same breath said no alcohol. whatever are they like? :lol-049:
Have a good time this week end and sorry mate, but you've now got to drink for two of us. :cheers:
Might be just the innate crassness of those from the colonies, but where I come from, the usual response to those publicly announcing their departure for reasons of personal preciousness or thin-skinness is "Watch that the door doesn't smack you on the backside on the way out.
Hi WVW, sorry to hear you are leaving. We are new too and were looking forward to meeting you at Stonehenge (bit worried about what they are threatening to do to us newbies there!). I myself am very sensitive and worry about some of the comments on here but have decided to take them as purely fun. Was also looking forward to meeting your dog! Hope you change your mind and you come along to the meet. Sue
PS at the mo it looks like from the list below that you haven't been back on the thread to see all the support and good wishes you are receiving. I do hope you take your time to come back and read this
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The amount of support shown here just proves what a cracking lot of people there are out there. I too have been quite shocked at some of the thoughtless and nasty comments that I have come across on this site that are neither clever nor amusing (though there are those who must think themselves hilarious). Since I first came across WVW I have looked forward to her posts which embrace the concept of what this site is all about. So all I can say is PLEASE DON'T LEAVE :sad: This site needs us ladies to give a more balanced viewpoint so please give your support to this lovely lady.
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I'm just a new kid who hasn't been here five minutes, but I do hope this lady does NOT leave the forum!
This forum is good and her posts are interesting and usually lead me to a better understanding of something useful.

Stick with it,wvw, please!
If someone has WVW's email address, maybe they could send her a copy of this thread to show the support that she's getting?
Come on WVW please please please speak to us all so we know you are still with us.
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