Exmouth Sea Front Motorhome Ban


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Devon - BBC News

Looks like the idiots have spoiled it for everyone else. Pay and display car parks can be used maximum 3 days. By the look of the number that have turned up on the sea front it’s not surprising the Local Council have stepped in and stopped it.
All starting to creep in here to with hight restriction gates on a lot of c/parks,also for the first time abbeycentre shopping mall have put a ticked unit in as folk were parking cars and taking bus into belfast for the day or work,sine of the times.
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No surprise is it. :( Everywhere should have a 48 hour limit to stop the numpties from parking up for the week.:rolleyes2:

Can you stay in your van overnight in the pay and display?
All starting to creep inhere to with hight restriction gates on a lot of c/parks,also for the first time abbeycentre shopping mall have put a ticked unit in as folk were parking cars and taking bus into belfast for the day or work,sine of the times.

also blue badge holders made to pay
what price the disabilty act?
also blue badge holders made to pay
what price the disabilty act?

A Blue badge does not mean you get free parking (although a lot of places don't charge) it is to get a suitable parking spot that allows doors/boot to be fully opened for access and usually close to entrances.

Edit: In carparks that is
A Blue badge does not mean you get free parking (although a lot of places don't charge) it is to get a suitable parking spot that allows doors/boot to be fully opened for access and usually close to entrances.

Edit: In carparks that is

A lot on cars here were forged and police are now taking action by clamping or removal.
A lot on cars here were forged and police are now taking action by clamping or removal.

i was under the impression that the free parking for the disabled was to help and comfort them.
i stand corrected.
i was under the impression that the free parking for the disabled was to help and comfort them.
i stand corrected.
Well my opinion is not going to be popular but,here it is anyway. I see no reason for disabled to be able to park for free, special places for disabled of course, but not free, I know several people who have disabled badges who are A ,well able to walk several miles and B who are well able to pay a parking fee, as for disabled being able to park on double yellow lines is crazy, the lines are there to keep traffic moving so why allow some members of our community to park on them causing congestion.lots of Chelsea Tractors 4x4s are displaying disabled badges, can this be right, before you say I am jealous, nonsense, I am just a realist.
Of course there will be exceptions to this but each case should be looked at on their merits and different disabled badges, [other colours maybe ] issued?:scared::scared::lol-053:
I can't understand the reasoning for this. At an hour away we can either take the van or the car and pay anyway. This is just discrimination against one type of private vehicle against another for the same space. Car drivers complained to the council they couldn't find a space so vans are banned. What's next 4x4s, white vans, red vans, estate cars, odd numbers?
I can't understand the reasoning for this. At an hour away we can either take the van or the car and pay anyway. This is just discrimination against one type of private vehicle against another for the same space. Car drivers complained to the council they couldn't find a space so vans are banned. What's next 4x4s, white vans, red vans, estate cars, odd numbers?

iv'e been going to exmouth seafront for many years and always spend £30 to £40 a day.
i know a lot of others who spend more.
there will be a large shortfall in revenue to exmouth because of shortsighted councilers that will have to be made up in an increase in council tax.
This is nothing more than active discrimination against a particular group of users. We are n't able to discriminate against ethnicity,religion , disability, not that I want to, but why are councils allowed to discriminate against our vehicles without providing somewhere for us to park?
there seems to be a bit of anti disability on here,
i hope they don't get any medical problems for they will realise that every little helps.
we should be focusing on our parking rights and not picking on weaker members.
there seems to be a bit of anti disability on here,
i hope they don't get any medical problems for they will realise that every little helps.
we should be focusing on our parking rights and not picking on weaker members.

Where is there any anti disability or picking on weaker members in this thread please?
there seems to be a bit of anti disability on here,
i hope they don't get any medical problems for they will realise that every little helps.
we should be focusing on our parking rights and not picking on weaker members.

It’s not anti disabled it’s just the Decision makers make the wrong decisions about blue badges and motorhome parking and a lot more besides.
i was under the impression that the free parking for the disabled was to help and comfort them.
i stand corrected.

there seems to be a bit of anti disability on here,
i hope they don't get any medical problems for they will realise that every little helps.
we should be focusing on our parking rights and not picking on weaker members.

Maybe you should stand back and have a look at how you perceive the disabled. Most of them I know are pretty feisty.
there seems to be a bit of anti disability on here,
i hope they don't get any medical problems for they will realise that every little helps.
we should be focusing on our parking rights and not picking on weaker members.

Disabiity takes many guises, not everyone is affected by mobility problems hence no automatic right to a blue badge. And that is different to whether people should pay for parking.

I continue to do a lot of work with disability groups, and I can categorically state you wont find more judgemental people than within disability groups frankly amazes me at times

You could argue that sometimes (not always) parking for Blue Badge holders is free at a certain location as any alternative free parking nearby is deemed too far for someone with a blue badge to walk. So they dont have a choice of where to park whereas an able bodied person has (in some circumstances), so the council decide to make it free for badge holders. I Can assure you as someone who has advanced Arthritis on both knees and constant pain I would much prefer to be pain free and be able to sprint to the shops rather than get the odd bit of free parking.
You could argue that sometimes (not always) parking for Blue Badge holders is free at a certain location as any alternative free parking nearby is deemed too far for someone with a blue badge to walk. So they dont have a choice of where to park whereas an able bodied person has (in some circumstances), so the council decide to make it free for badge holders. I Can assure you as someone who has advanced Arthritis on both knees and constant pain I would much prefer to be pain free and be able to sprint to the shops rather than get the odd bit of free parking.

Me too give me my mobility back and they can stick their badge lol.

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