End to French Speeding Fines following us home?

You can ignore anything through the post if you want. We just don't know what happens if/when you return to whatever country you got the fine.
The way I see it is, at least it's only a fine and not points.

I believe we do send fines to EU, collecting it is another matter.
I got done in Germany with a very sneaky camera on a 3 lane carriageway which suddenly went fron 50mph to 30.
Paid up as you say no points and it was only about £25. The communication included a photo.
And I saw the camera flash
I've just Googled the question of whether we can be fined on French automatic speed cameras and the answer is no according to two sources. Admittedly one was the Sun. I'm not likely to be worried about this as I have no intention of driving in Europe again having spent years crossing the Channel at least once a week driving for work. I gave up about two years in to the new regime where the DVLA divulged names and did panic when the new speed cameras flashed because of the vehicles height but never got a ticket.
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Are you sure about this? I'm sure I read that this agreement stopped.
Seems quite a few sources are saying that but it’s written into the agreement in black and white. I did post the relevant section either on here or MH but it was unclear ( as most government statements are) as to when or if it will be in force.
Seems quite a few sources are saying that but it’s written into the agreement in black and white. I did post the relevant section either on here or MH but it was unclear ( as most government statements are) as to when or if it will be in force.
Yes, I remember you posting it.
I won’t be bothering about speeding fines, it appears from the image below, that I am able to time travel, so I can fix any speeding before they catch me........
seen in the French Connexion Newspaper: Drivers of UK-plated cars flashed for speeding in France are no longer receiving fines in the post.
Due to full ****** as of this month, the UK has fallen out of EU cooperation rules on exchange of driver information on speeding offences for purposes of sending out fines.
A spokesman for the Interior Ministry’s road safety section said that fines for speeding by British drivers were suspended as of midnight of December 31, awaiting future negotiations on the point with the UK.
However “we do not yet have any perspectives as to when this work may start”, he said.
He said the previous information exchange regime was based on a 2015 EU directive which no longer applies to the UK. “Exchanges with the UK started in January 2019 and that year 444,378 fines were sent out. We don’t yet have any data for last year,” he said.
That year British drivers were flashed more than any other nationality, thought to have meant tens of millions in fines for the French government.
At present due to ******, the French authorities have no right to retrieve the driver’s name and address from their numberplate.
As formerly they will only be fined - on the spot - if their speeding is identified by an officer in person with a portable device. The same applies now to other offences that cameras can pick up, such as going through a red light, not wearing a seatbelt or talking on the phone.
Some other non-EU countries do have bilateral agreements on this with France, including Switzerland and Monaco.
The information exchange regime in theory went both ways, ie. including French-registered cars flashed in the UK, however previously there was doubt as to whether the UK was in fact sending fines to France.
Do the French do on-the-spot fines for speeding and demand payment there and then (obviously not applicable to cameras though)?
Was stopped near Lyon in 2009 doing about 90-100 (car) by a plain blue subaru, gendarmes were disgusted that we had too few euros (were on our way home) so made me follow them to a cash machine and pay them the 60 euros. He opened a money wallet to accept the cash. I swear it had well over 3000 euros in it. "Nil points" followed us home. Two years ago got flashed in northern france in the wife's 911, 90 euro fine waiting for us on the doormat.
Was stopped near Lyon in 2009 doing about 90-100 (car) by a plain blue subaru, gendarmes were disgusted that we had too few euros (were on our way home) so made me follow them to a cash machine and pay them the 60 euros. He opened a money wallet to accept the cash. I swear it had well over 3000 euros in it. "Nil points" followed us home. Two years ago got flashed in northern france in the wife's 911, 90 euro fine waiting for us on the doormat.
Most of them carry credit card machines now so you can pay by card, there and then. Not sure if this method allows you to add tips to the amount though if you had good service.....:unsure:
seen in the French Connexion Newspaper: Drivers of UK-plated cars flashed for speeding in France are no longer receiving fines in the post.
Due to full ****** as of this month, the UK has fallen out of EU cooperation rules on exchange of driver information on speeding offences for purposes of sending out fines.
A spokesman for the Interior Ministry’s road safety section said that fines for speeding by British drivers were suspended as of midnight of December 31, awaiting future negotiations on the point with the UK.
However “we do not yet have any perspectives as to when this work may start”, he said.
He said the previous information exchange regime was based on a 2015 EU directive which no longer applies to the UK. “Exchanges with the UK started in January 2019 and that year 444,378 fines were sent out. We don’t yet have any data for last year,” he said.
That year British drivers were flashed more than any other nationality, thought to have meant tens of millions in fines for the French government.
At present due to ******, the French authorities have no right to retrieve the driver’s name and address from their numberplate.
As formerly they will only be fined - on the spot - if their speeding is identified by an officer in person with a portable device. The same applies now to other offences that cameras can pick up, such as going through a red light, not wearing a seatbelt or talking on the phone.
Some other non-EU countries do have bilateral agreements on this with France, including Switzerland and Monaco.
The information exchange regime in theory went both ways, ie. including French-registered cars flashed in the UK, however previously there was doubt as to whether the UK was in fact sending fines to France.
That was my understanding but originator of this conversation seemed adamant

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