End to cheap alcohol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21686
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yeah,many white van men [and women of course] will be thanking ozzie for that
I suppose the next French import that the UK Government will bring in
will be the Future French law that drivers have to carry a ( or maybe two?) breathalyser kit. :bow:

I saw drunkeness when I went to France, so I reckon they do have a problem.
Nothing compared to my own land, of course. Every weekend we have some vehicle leaving the road or hitting a bridge.

As a drinker, I know how it is: when the drink's in, the sense is out. It wasn't so crucial when there weren't many folk driving, but, in today's world, it's not a great idea, imo.

My personal view is that many, many, people in modern life ain't happy and are searching for something. The chemical solution, via alcohol or other drugs, seems to be in vogue.

In the old days, we said 'twas because life was hard; now they say 'tis bc they're bored. All amounts to the same, I guess, though the modern way is killing off something I thought was good, ie. the pub and pub life.

Obviously, I'm just a thing of the past and my way will die out. Pity, though, for me, at least.

One thing is for sure: it ain't no good looking to governments for the answer. They are bad and will not help ordinary folk.

sean rua.
"So, my short-term solution is this:
Bring back the old "refundable deposit" on each can and bottle, but, this time, make it a £1 on each!!:("

I wish they would do the above, I could then spend all my spare time like I did as a kid a collect all the emptys I could find and take back for the deposit for my pocket money.
Perhaps it would make up for the expensive fuel and allow me to use the camper more. :drive:
I for one enjoy a good beer at the weekend, if it goes up a bit it wont stop me but why should I & others be punished for what others do, as has been said the goverment should be dealing with the louts in stronger ways not through the normal mans pocket....Iv just bought 30 beer for £15 today, if I drink a doz of them tonight, I wont be running around the streets wrecking & fighting so why should I pay more because the police cant deal with the trouble makers....

PS: I LOVE GOOD OLD BINDGE DRINKING....work hard play hard but I also understand right from wrong, & respect others too..........
The only thing is, dilligaf, that laws ain't written for the law-abiding such as yourself; they're made because of problem-makers and, also,
to raise money for the state through taxes and/or fines.

I'd agree that if folk played the game, there would be no need for much of the redtape and regulation that we have, but
it ain't an ideal world.

In your case, the initial outlay would have been greater, but you'd claim back plenty the next day - provided you took all the empties back.:cheers:

sean rua.
Alcohol is a drug and you have to hit on the "Pushers"....the greedy Licencees who serve already inebriated people with more booze...hit on them...take their licences...close them down.

I live in a small country town with an approximate population of 11000....there's 19 Pubs and Bars within it's boundaries. It seems to me there's plenty of scope for shutting a few down.

In any case, there's an easy way for a Lush to get subsidised booze....just become a "Registered Alcoholic", the Government takes over paying for your booze.

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