End to cheap alcohol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21686
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Deleted member 21686

The government have announced today they are going to crack down on cheap alcohol and stop the multi pack deal we get at the supermarkets.
They say this will stop drunkeness and binge drinking.

What planet are they on?

It will do neither.

People will just pay more and the boose cruises to France will start again.

Most people who buy the multi packs from the supermarkets are sensible and they last a few weeks.

For some this is the only enjoyment they have.

This will be just another excuse for a tax.

Oh well out with the home brew kit.

If this country was not so depressing people may not need to get hammered.
Completely agree with you, an excuse for another tax. If they were really concerned about reducing
loutish behaviour then why not raise the drinking age to 21. Oh because that does not give them any
more tax revenue. I was told off this morning for shouting "Lying bitch" when Teresa May was being
interviewed on tv - makes me very angry.
Completely agree with you, an excuse for another tax. If they were really concerned about reducing
loutish behaviour then why not raise the drinking age to 21. Oh because that does not give them any
more tax revenue. I was told off this morning for shouting "Lying bitch" when Teresa May was being
interviewed on tv - makes me very angry.

Hi did you noticed she could not say how much she drank,

Completely agree with you, an excuse for another tax. If they were really concerned about reducing
loutish behaviour then why not raise the drinking age to 21. Oh because that does not give them any
more tax revenue. I was told off this morning for shouting "Lying bitch" when Teresa May was being
interviewed on tv - makes me very angry.

On top of that , bring back sensible drinking hours. Most of the kids only go out when we used to be coming home. Having tanked up on cheap booze.

It's our culture to drink a lot, how the hell you change that I don't know.

It's no good saying that opening hours on the continent are long, from my experience, it's predominantly the Brits that get totally slaughtered at night.
They are going to make a minimum of 80p a pint. When did you last buy a pint for 80p. Yet another storm in a political teacup. Stops us from looking too close at the rest of the budget, ie pensions:confused:

Gangs of 12-16 year olds running riot in the evenings and getting drunk is caused by parents who either aren't there or parents who don't care.

A whole culture change is needed. Fiddling around with a few multi buy regs will do nothing to solve the problem.
Minimum price booze

Its easy!! Proper licencing hours, proper enforcement and take politics out of it. Right what's next ?
They are going to make a minimum of 80p a pint. When did you last buy a pint for 80p. Yet another storm in a political teacup. Stops us from looking too close at the rest of the budget, ie pensions:confused:


Yes but once the additional tax is in place just how long do you expect it to stay at 40p?
Got my cans of Stella in the motorhome for the weekend.

No binge drinking in my motorhome just a few cans each night while we watch the tv.
I'm not in favour of changing licensing hours.

It won't make any difference to underage drinking or binge drinking. If you're crazy enough to knock back a bottle of vodka in an hour you can do it between 6 and 7 or 10 and 11 or at 3.00am in the morning regardless of what times they happen to be selling it.

Restricting licensing hours simply impinges on the freedom of sensible consumers eg People who work late and can't always get to the shops by 11.00pm, while doing nothing to tackle the causes of teenage problem drinking.
Strangely, for I hate the government and its taxation, I think I am on the side of stopping these cheap "carry outs" and, instead, helping old-style pubs.

In my view, publicans did a fair job of keeping drinkers in order and this was in the days when folk had far more self-discipline than now.
Sure, I was a boozer myself, and got banned from a handful of pubs in my time, BUT, imo, the situation then was better controlled than nowadays.

The advent of different, cheaper drugs and "cheaper"than the pub, alcohol, has led to far more silly street drunkeness and anti-social behaviour among youths.

OK, there are responsible folk who buy packs - eg you guys on this forum ( you can't afford to lose your license when you're living in a motor) and also the Poles ( some of the time) who are prepared to sit drinking in the digs or in the park.

So, my short-term solution is this:
Bring back the old "refundable deposit" on each can and bottle, but, this time, make it a £1 on each!!:(

Then, any decent folk, who have not lobbed their empties any old which way, can claim back a tidy sum next morning.
Others, who think " blow this, I'm going down the pub" will be doing us all a service by helping keep the old pub tradition alive. The streets will be much cleaner and safer.

A bit drastic, but badly needed.

I know what I'm chatting about, as I've suffered over forty attacks on my place ( including several bottles through the windows) and, also, I lived upstairs in pubs for years and years, when and where circumstances suited.

Yes, as ever, the innocent will have to pay the price for the irresponsible, but that's nothing new.

Deal with the problem now, or lose another two generations, imo. Almost all alkies are the way they are because they DON'T go to the pub, and not bc they do.
Think about it: it makes sense.

(Pissy-arsed) Sean Rua.:tongue:
We should emulate the French with a civilsed attitude to alcohol
I can't agree with sean rua that "cheaper than the pub alcohol" causes street drunkeness & anti social behaviour, look at France & Spain, the price of booze in the supermarkets is a small fraction of that charged in the bars & yet you don't see "our problem" over there.
I think this government are a load of w+nkers, another kick in the teeth for us pensioners, I for one am on a basic state pension & can only afford to buy beer when they are almost giving it away. They keep on about beer being not much dearer than water, but the stuff they are referring to is not much stronger than water.
The beer I drink is fairly weak & no self respecting binge drinker or p+ss artist would be seen dead drinking the stuff.
By the way, have you noticed the strength of the beer on French supermarket shelves, its difficult to find one that doesn't result in brain damage, some are up to 12%-14% which would make Carlsberg export seem like Tesco lager in comparison, yet you don't see the French youngsters falling about rissholed.
I think its another excuse to screw more tax out of us.
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In the olden days drunks gave up and went home when the pubs shut at 10.30, they don't go out until that time now. They top up on cheap booze at home and are then on the drink until after 4 am and still have time to visit the police station before they go home. If you are fortunate enough to live in a good area then you may not see that anything is worth trying to stop kids from getting pissed up and causing mayhem on housing estates. We live in selfish times where rights come way ahead of responsibilities.:sad:
I am hoping that raising the price per unit might make a difference to us.

We mostly use a local Country Park for exercising the dogs. Up to now, we are about £400 out of pocket in Vets bills due to the dogs stepping on broken beer and wine bottles. The other dog walkers must think I am an alcoholic myself as they regularly see me coming out of the woods with a carrier bag full of empties. :cheers: I cannot leave glass bottles laid there as some idiot will break them (if they already have not). It is not right that I should have to clear up their mess but the alternative is worse.

It would be a big step forward if plastic bottles were used instead of glass. They would still be an eyesore but at least they are not dangerous.
As mentioned previously, a deposit on bottles is the answer to many problems. Better for the recycling industry, the environment etc.

It works in Europe (thinks, is there a correlation in the fact that a deposit taken and not having waste bottles and cans strewn around?)

It's very much a cultural thing, you don't get as many groups of other nationals getting wasted around their own town or city or even worse, going to another country to "PARTY TILL YOU DROP".

I feel ashamed to be British in this type of scenario.

I'm not saying other countries are perfect, not by a long chalk, but we seem to be one of the Best?? at consuming alcohol and being a bloody nuisance.

Me, I don't drink much, but enjoy the sitting in a small bar sipping a drink and watching the world go by!!
in my opinion this tax will not reduce binge drinking and loutish behavior....however, I think the laws on drunk and disorderly should be changed and toughened up. as far as kids and drink go, again i am not in favour of criminalising children for foolishly trying to be grown ups by excessive drinking, but i do think if found drunk and being antisocial they should be made to spend time, supervised with an officer dong community tasks for so many hours at evening and weekends etc. they don't like not being able to hang out........
I get the feeling I'm starting to harp on like a right old miserable bggr, but I honestly think that, though I'm not British, the good old British pub had a lot going for it.
I include the unfriendly but nice-looking, "biscuit-box" ones in the south of England AND the rough and ready, sawdust and spit ones in the industrial areas.

Yes, most of the social problems in the world need a lot of re-educating to go on, before kids realise that some of the things they do ain't good. In many cases, I think they just ain't been taught. It's quite common to see schoolkids discarding wrappers, cartons, genera MacDonald detritus just wherever they stand - like monkeys with banana skins.
It's natural, but it's messy for humans to do.

All these wrappers should bear a high charge too; they are, imo, unnecessary waste. The high-cost recycling idea is a good one, though a damn nuisance brought on us by eejits acting the maggot.

Culture depends largely on learning that comes from the family and the community and the school. Personally, I can only speak from limited experience in France, but, on the racecourses and on the city streets after rugby I saw the same sort of carry-on that we see in UK and Ireland.

In fact, the real disgrace came fro old, rich, middle to old aged English getting legless after trying to scoff champagne! At Longchamps, there were old bggrs in immaculate blue blazers with gold buttons rolling about on the steppings way before the Arc de Triomph race was due to start.

An hour or two before this spectacle, they were talking all posh and carrying ice buckets and trays of glasses to their women folk.
The women folk - no spring chickens I may add - were similarly well turned out with gold dripping off everyfinger and neat blue rinsed hair with pearls.
They were the first to keel, and were soon showing their big fat legs and knickers as they rolled about.

Finally, to top it off, I had to visit the gents, where the grand finale was these these old dears squatting in the wash-hand basins to take a pee!

So my age-ist remarks about drunken, drugged up kids is only part of the story, I suppose.

As for the poles and east europeans, they are usually fairly well behaved for the amount they drink. Some even put all the litter together in a box.
However, it is quite common for one of them to be so drunk on the monday morning after, that they go driving on the wrong side of the road or fail to stop when everybody else does.
My son got shunted at a zebra crossing in Ealing. The guy was a well-spoken Pole who admitted his guilt at once.
Next thing he took off at a rate of knots and the son and a blackman chased him all the way to Greenford, where he drove into a small carpark and surrendered.
The Old Bill said it was a not-uncommon event. Apparently, it's the done thing in Poland - especially after weddings.

I won't even start about Scotland! All I will say for now is that drink in the tenements was a dangerous thing - Glasgow or Auld Reekie. Folk have no idea about measures and drink like cowboys. I've seen them steaming or asleep in the kitchen by the time I've showered and got ready to go out.

If a man has no self-control, he should leave his drinking for in the pub.

Btw, at least 70% of all revenue collected by the State should go to the hospitals - especially to the wards dealing with alcohol and drug -related incidents. The government should get f a.

sean rua
( off it till Easter) :)
Off licence and supermarket booze is far too cheap. You could double some of it in price and still get the same amount for half of what you would pay in a pub.

Having lobbied government departments and organised fuel protests for three months early last year, my opinion is that the cost of off licence sales should go up but predictably, the idiots who govern us have gone about it all the wrong way. What should happen is a massive reduction in fuel duty bringing the cost of a litre back to nearer a pound. To recoup those losses a pro - rata increase in off licence and supermarket (not public houses....they're suffering enough) alcohol sales should be introduced. The exchequer would not lose out as the alcohol retail market, although slightly smaller in gross monetary terms, is not that far away from total fuel revenue...and as already stated, there is a huge margin to play with what with carry out booze being so cheap....and I'm presuming they can do the arithmetic...can't they?

Such a massive reduction in fuel costs and the knock-on effects can only help revive a failing economy and a big hike in take-away booze can lessen the idiotic bingeing we see on the streets and maybe as a side effect perhaps we will see pubs making a revival.

Well there's the plan, it's obvious to me.....but I'm just a simple westcountry boy who has a scruffy campervan and who likes a drink now and again, so what do I know?
Such a simple solution staring ministers and civil servants in the face. Will they adopt it? Will they feck as like......They want to squeeze us slowly so that we won't notice while keeping us pi$$ed so that we don't think for ourselves and talk incoherent rubbish when we complain!
This could be a good earner,back on the beer runs to Calais:dance::dance::dance::dance:

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