I get the feeling I'm starting to harp on like a right old miserable bggr, but I honestly think that, though I'm not British, the good old British pub had a lot going for it.
I include the unfriendly but nice-looking, "biscuit-box" ones in the south of England AND the rough and ready, sawdust and spit ones in the industrial areas.
Yes, most of the social problems in the world need a lot of re-educating to go on, before kids realise that some of the things they do ain't good. In many cases, I think they just ain't been taught. It's quite common to see schoolkids discarding wrappers, cartons, genera MacDonald detritus just wherever they stand - like monkeys with banana skins.
It's natural, but it's messy for humans to do.
All these wrappers should bear a high charge too; they are, imo, unnecessary waste. The high-cost recycling idea is a good one, though a damn nuisance brought on us by eejits acting the maggot.
Culture depends largely on learning that comes from the family and the community and the school. Personally, I can only speak from limited experience in France, but, on the racecourses and on the city streets after rugby I saw the same sort of carry-on that we see in UK and Ireland.
In fact, the real disgrace came fro old, rich, middle to old aged English getting legless after trying to scoff champagne! At Longchamps, there were old bggrs in immaculate blue blazers with gold buttons rolling about on the steppings way before the Arc de Triomph race was due to start.
An hour or two before this spectacle, they were talking all posh and carrying ice buckets and trays of glasses to their women folk.
The women folk - no spring chickens I may add - were similarly well turned out with gold dripping off everyfinger and neat blue rinsed hair with pearls.
They were the first to keel, and were soon showing their big fat legs and knickers as they rolled about.
Finally, to top it off, I had to visit the gents, where the grand finale was these these old dears squatting in the wash-hand basins to take a pee!
So my age-ist remarks about drunken, drugged up kids is only part of the story, I suppose.
As for the poles and east europeans, they are usually fairly well behaved for the amount they drink. Some even put all the litter together in a box.
However, it is quite common for one of them to be so drunk on the monday morning after, that they go driving on the wrong side of the road or fail to stop when everybody else does.
My son got shunted at a zebra crossing in Ealing. The guy was a well-spoken Pole who admitted his guilt at once.
Next thing he took off at a rate of knots and the son and a blackman chased him all the way to Greenford, where he drove into a small carpark and surrendered.
The Old Bill said it was a not-uncommon event. Apparently, it's the done thing in Poland - especially after weddings.
I won't even start about Scotland! All I will say for now is that drink in the tenements was a dangerous thing - Glasgow or Auld Reekie. Folk have no idea about measures and drink like cowboys. I've seen them steaming or asleep in the kitchen by the time I've showered and got ready to go out.
If a man has no self-control, he should leave his drinking for in the pub.
Btw, at least 70% of all revenue collected by the State should go to the hospitals - especially to the wards dealing with alcohol and drug -related incidents. The government should get f a.
sean rua
( off it till Easter)