Emovis Tag

Very puzzled about this bip and go. Does this mean you are automatically charged for toll roads? If so how do you find the vehicle rates of charge?
Can,t say about bip go but I have a ATMB tag an all info we needed was on their web site. When we signed up several yrs ago it seemed the better deal at the time direct debit payment notified 21 days in advance of payment only advance payment was the postage to UK
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Just an update for info in case anyone searches for this thread...

I recently changed our current account to First Direct and it appears that First Direct cannot do SEPA Direct Debits (SEPA being a pan European DD arrangement) so therefore I am unable to have a tag with Bip&Go until I have another account set up that can deal with international DD's.

I thought I'd mention it just in case.

Luckily its dead easy to set up an account elsewhere which I did yesterday on line with HSBC. I'll just use it to service my B&P account.

PS The 4€ discount for new joiners to Bip&Go still holds. PM me your name and email address if you are thinking of getting a tag and I can sponsor you for the discount (which I also get).
Thanks for the comment. We struggled earlier to get Bip&Go for the same reason. You can set up SEPA direct debit with Nationwide but not with this company as their website has no field to enter the BIC code of the intermediary bank that processes their international payments. B&G wouldn’t offer any other payment arrangement, told me to go to their Agence on a French motorway when we get there (it says you can do this on their website too). So I did so…impossible monsieur if you have an English account…do it on line in England…grrr…therrre’sa hole in my bucket! …Er??? Eh bien.
Setting up my Bip&Go ( that i got through GMJ`s link so we both got the 4€ discount ) couldn`t have been easier using my TSB account.
No have a tag billed at home

Sorry to labour the point but you have a tag to use on the French motorways which is paid for by a pre payment card?

The reason I ask is that I was under the impression that the motorway tag had to be linked to a bank account and that they wouldn't accept a card - credit or pre payment.

Could I ask what motorway tag you have?

Edited to add: sorry I just saw your post above and it is an ATMB tag. I had a look at payment and it says by Direct Debit and that you will need your IBAN number? (IBAN mentioned under 'Documents required' and the DD mentioned further down just before the 'Subscribe' button)...

If it can be paid by CC rather than bank account, I'd be interested.
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Can,t say about bip go but I have a ATMB tag an all info we needed was on their web site. When we signed up several yrs ago it seemed the better deal at the time direct debit payment notified 21 days in advance of payment only advance payment was the postage to UK

You mention direct debit in your post above though?....


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