Driving too close - Police

Some years ago I gave edvidence as a professional/expert witness which blew the police case out of the water. for some time afterwards I was stopped almost on a daily basis.I shrugged it off unfortunately I wasn't aware of the Police complaints commission.

Precisely. They may not issue any directives to colleagues, nor is there any paper trail, but these people talk in the breakrooms and the dining places just like any other workmates. It's quite easy for a group of bent coppers to target a particular person in a particular area. If that person has wound them up in some way by making a fuss, they have a motive.

95% of the time the police do a good job, and I've no complaint. But it's naive to think they are not subject to human nature, or covert collusion like the rest of society. On account of the power they wield, the effects can be wide ranging. A classic exmple of police brutality and corruption was the Battle of the Beanfield, which eventually went unpunished by the system.
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Precisely. They may not issue any directives to colleagues, nor is there any paper trail, but these people talk in the breakrooms and the dining places just like any other workmates. It's quite easy for a group of bent coppers to target a particular person in a particular area. If that person has wound them up in some way by making a fuss, they have a motive.

95% of the time the police do a good job, and I've no complaint. But it's naive to think they are not subject to human nature, or covert collusion like the rest of society. On account of the power they wield, the effects can be wide ranging. A classic exmple of police brutality and corruption was the Battle of the Beanfield, which eventually went unpunished by the system.

But once again I ask, how do you know about these 'bent coppers'? And once again I say that it just takes just one officer to object to a conspiracy to target a member of the public and they're all out of a job! So yes, they are human but they are subject to far greater monitoring than the general public and a lot has changed since 1985! But can you imagine what this country would be like if policemen started targeting civilians simply because they'd been wound up! My God, officers on the beat get wound up every day by hooligans and yobs and they simply don't have the time or interest to start a vendetta just because, as in this case, someone ticked them off for driving too close. It's ludicrous to think that every time someone has a go at a policeman he's going to go back to the canteen and tell his mates to keep their eyes out for a particular vehicle and give the driver a bit of grief! They'd have a list a mile long and would spend most of the day pursuing these petty squabbles! Sorry, but it makes no sense whatsoever.

And as for the Battle of Beanfield (in 1985) how can you assert that no one was punished? Eventually several police officers were found guilty of wrongful arrest, assault and criminal damage. So the bad apples don't always go unpunished and since then, as I've said, things have changed enormously and not just in the police service. And you'll also find that most cases such as this aren't of policemen deliberately going out of their way to attack protesters but of them just cracking under the pressure of the constant barrage of insults and attacks and over-reacting because, as we all know, policemen are supposed to be immune to this kind of provocation. Unfortunately though, they are as you say, only human.

I think that we may be wise to see what happens to Kimbowbill over the next few days before we start on any more conspiracy theories!
There are lots of reasons police can stop a vehicle,a good e,example is updates on the motor insurers database if a policy is renewed with a different company.

And of course a. Vehicle that has insurance maybe driven by someone who isn't etc.

In terms of corruption ,i don't think it is unreasonable considering the amount of officers employed somewhere there will be a bad apple.

Fortunately the police take this type of thing seriously so whilst a possibility,there is an effective prevention mechanism.

In terms of kimbo just carry on with your business, highly unlikely victimisation on the basis everything seems audited and scrutinized nowadays
Kimbo, I'm really sorry to hear the boys in blue keep stopping you but maybe one of them has taken a shine to you ;) :heart:
Last week i was at a crossroads waiting to turn right, to my left there was a police van waiting to turn left, basically heading the way i was coming from, anyway, i made my turn, driving along i noticed the police van had changed their mind and was now behind me, i was doing 20 mph over speed bumps, they were that close i could smell the paint, so i stopped, got out and asked them why they were driving so close to me, two officers looked at me gone out and said they were doing checks on my vehicle, i still didn't think that driving as close as that was acceptable and asked for the drivers number, when i got home i called the local police and reported him, since then, i have been stopped twice, they say for routine checks, i've nothing to be worried about as all is in order and i never drink n drive, i feel this is intimidation, any advise what i should do,

Don't stop and question the police when they are just going about their everyday business. And yes I am aware of the irony contained within this post.
Kimbo, I'm really sorry to hear the boys in blue keep stopping you but maybe one of them has taken a shine to you ;) :heart:

I am thinking the same thing.... perhaps you should mention to the policeman/woman the next time you are stopped, that your 'husband' suspects you to be having an affair with a policeperson and could they be quick, because you don't want anyone to get hurt! :lol-061:
Reporting them won't do any good as they will just close ranks remember they all are in the same club and you only report one copper to another copper and they will get you in the end
Reporting them won't do any good as they will just close ranks remember they all are in the same club and you only report one copper to another copper and they will get you in the end

Brilliant, I don't just "like" this I LOVE it!

You haven't read thro the thread, have you! :lol-049:

Stand by for a broadside from Northerner, followed by a boarding raid! :scared:
I am thinking the same thing.... perhaps you should mention to the policeman/woman the next time you are stopped, that your 'husband' suspects you to be having an affair with a policeperson and could they be quick, because you don't want anyone to get hurt! :lol-061:

Better not .......... that is exactly what Raoul Moats girlfriend told him and look what happened then. :scared:
That's it now Jen,

your a marked girl......were gonna be raided when we get to Brandon, by every police dept out, looking for everything ever...Guns....dogs...riot squad......we're all doomed.....:scared:
Is it the fact your cars stolen Jen or the bumper sticker that says "up yours copper" lol :lol-053:

Maybe he just fancies you and doesn't know how to ask you out on a date?
Just want to clarify a couple of things, my car is not a shed and is in good running order, and two different stops by two different cops, one a woman, so the "fancy" theory is out the question, phew.

i have typed out a reply about 3 times now, but i'm mot going to bother, i hate everyone falling out, again, i sit on the fence with Northerner and John H, i respect both of you and your points of view.

I have used the ignore button on a member and it is good, its the first time i have done it, and it does work.

thank you all for your very varied replies, of which i take on board all of what everyone is saying, i have not had a pull today, i wish i had, this bliddy tooth is killing me :scared:

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