Driving too close - Police

Not very good at recognising sarcasm are you, Northerner? :lol-053:

...and if you are so keen on fairness, why do you attack Kimbowbill when she started all this off in a very mild and reasonable way? Fairness does not mean assuming that the police are right all the time - they are human like the rest of us, which means some of them are nasty, argumentative and corrupt and some of them are decent, reasonable and honest. Fairness means applying the same rules to everybody and examining any given situation in an objective way. I obviously cannot say whether there has been anything untoward in this particular case but, similarly, you cannot say that there hasn't. So offer your opinions and advice by all means but why do you always have to do it in such a nasty and aggressive way?

Oh my God, here we go again. Where did I 'attack' Kimbowhill? I wish that you'd stop this obsession with me where you yourself behave in the nastiest and most aggressive way. Please do everyone a favour and stop this vendetta!
Oh my God, here we go again. Where did I 'attack' Kimbowhill? I wish that you'd stop this obsession with me where you yourself behave in the nastiest and most aggressive way. Please do everyone a favour and stop this vendetta!

Well, how about "Before jumping to ridiculous conclusions, the OP should ask herself........." for a start? I could list other quotes from this thread but you must be the only person who can't see how you come across. And paranoia doesn't become you either. :)
While I have criticised Northerner in another post regarding sharp remarks, I find I am in support of his side in this one - his replies have been blunt, yes, but that's all and he's quite correct in what he says.

Perhaps the OP is simply fancied by one of the original officers!!!:scared:
I wish there was a way to electronically bang your heads together you two wallys. Go on, kiss and make up.
Well, how about "Before jumping to ridiculous conclusions, the OP should ask herself........." for a start? I could list other quotes from this thread but you must be the only person who can't see how you come across. And paranoia doesn't become you either. :)

And you call that 'an attack'. When were you appointed this forum's moderator? Time and time again you leap in to have a go at me with the simple aim of starting another row. Don't you think that others are capable of defending themselves if they think that I've been too robust in my responses to them? The simple fact is that you don't like me and, like a woman scorned, you take every opportunity to attack me. It adds nothing to the threads, causes arguments and annoys other members.

Do us all a favour, give it a rest and stop this endless stirring, which from previous threads involving other members proves that there is no paranoia on my part and that you're an old hand at this kind of behaviour.

Should I not respond to any more of your posts it's because I've simply had enough of your childish obsession with me and am now going to find out how I can totally ignore all future posts of yours.
The simple fact is that you don't like me and, like a woman scorned, you take every opportunity to attack me.

Don't know you, mate - so it is not a question of liking or not liking you. I simply don't like bullying and aggressive behaviour.
I wish there was a way to electronically bang your heads together you two wallys. Go on, kiss and make up.

I hope I've solved the problem. He is now the first person on my 'Ignore List' so I won't see any of his provocations and cannot respond. Hopefully this will lead to a quieter life for everyone.

Edited to say: It works! Posts appear from him but a message flags up to say that this person is on your Ignore List and the post isn't shown. Brilliant! I no longer have to put up with his petulant whining and trouble making! Hopefully, now that he knows I'm not reading his attempts to cause yet another row he'll give up being a self-appointed moderator where I'm concerned.
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I hope I've solved the problem. He is now the first person on my 'Ignore List' so I won't see any of his provocations and cannot respond. Hopefully this will lead to a quieter life for everyone.

Edited to say: It works! Posts appear from him but a message flags up to say that this person is on your Ignore List and the post isn't shown. Brilliant! I no longer have to put up with his petulant whining and trouble making! Hopefully, now that he knows I'm not reading his attempts to cause yet another row he'll give up being a self-appointed moderator where I'm concerned.

I just wonder if you will stick to ignoring John, Northerner. lol
Oh my God, here we go again. Where did I 'attack' Kimbowhill? I wish that you'd stop this obsession with me where you yourself behave in the nastiest and most aggressive way. Please do everyone a favour and stop this vendetta!

You just dont get it do you, you cannot see its your style of writing!!! And where dose your style of writing come from ?..........ITS your personality.

Please dont say "and here is another one" ......."if five people say your ill then lye down"
You just dont get it do you, you cannot see its your style of writing!!! And where dose your style of writing come from ?..........ITS your personality.

Please dont say "and here is another one" ......."if five people say your ill then lye down"

Regrettably you are another one! You're another one of those people who can't let once they've clashed swords with someone! And of course your personal attacks simply fuel the flames. It must be your personality I suppose! Interesting to see though that the first person to respond to John H's attack on me found nothing wrong with my posts (unless being blunt is a crime?) but you probably chose to ignore that?

But here we are again. This post was going just fine until a couple of people bearing old grudges came along and stirred the pot! I really do wish that you's stop trying to intervene on behalf of other people. If someone is unhappy with my response to them I'm sure that they're quite capable of answering for themselves without you acting as the prosecution, judge and jury! As I said, that's your personality!
Fewer People Posting

Is it my imagination, or are there fewer people starting threads and posting over the last week or so?

I wonder why that is?
la la la la la la la la la la :rolleyes:
.......Anyway back to Jen's thread.

:rolleyes2: Jen I would just ignore them would and see if it stops, but if it doesnt I would be inclined ot put in official complaint. Say how intimidated you feel :scared:
The Police

I would sing

Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Is it my imagination, or are there fewer people starting threads and posting over the last week or so?

I wonder why that is?

Just wishful thinking on your part I suspect to give you the opportunity to get in a sly little dig! Why do people inflame threads with posts like yours?

Have members noticed that what was very reasonable and interesting thread has now, once more, been polluted by two or three people who cannot resist personal attacks?
Is it my imagination, or are there fewer people starting threads and posting over the last week or so?

I wonder why that is?

I cannot find the link to start a thread anywhere ------any help so I can start at least
Just wishful thinking on your part I suspect to give you the opportunity to get in a sly little dig! Why do people inflame threads with posts like yours?

Have members noticed that what was very reasonable and interesting thread has now, once more, been polluted by two or three people who cannot resist personal attacks?

Feeling a tad paranoid are we? Where did I mention your name? I suggest you pull your neck in old chum. I asked a simple question. A lot of threads are being hijacked as a vehicle for you and John H to knock three bells out of each other and from where I stand it is bloody boring.

There you go Mr Plain Talking. Is that clear enough for you?
Feeling a tad paranoid are we? Where did I mention your name? I suggest you pull your neck in old chum. I asked a simple question. A lot of threads are being hijacked as a vehicle for you and John H to knock three bells out of each other and from where I stand it is bloody boring.

There you go Mr Plain Talking. Is that clear enough for you?

Come on, you're not fooling anybody! :lol-049:
Last week i was at a crossroads waiting to turn right, to my left there was a police van waiting to turn left, basically heading the way i was coming from, anyway, i made my turn, driving along i noticed the police van had changed their mind and was now behind me, i was doing 20 mph over speed bumps, they were that close i could smell the paint, so i stopped, got out and asked them why they were driving so close to me, two officers looked at me gone out and said they were doing checks on my vehicle, i still didn't think that driving as close as that was acceptable and asked for the drivers number, when i got home i called the local police and reported him, since then, i have been stopped twice, they say for routine checks, i've nothing to be worried about as all is in order and i never drink n drive, i feel this is intimidation, any advise what i should do,
Some years ago I gave edvidence as a professional/expert witness which blew the police case out of the water. for some time afterwards I was stopped almost on a daily basis.I shrugged it off unfortunately I wasn't aware of the Police complaints commission.

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