drive north

They are Belgian gnomes not swiss ones from Zürich ant they are a little bit bigger than Lennny just a bit. :)

my back garden, i wish:D:D:D
That's MINT Hilly, Is'nt this one of your previous pics of a secret sleepyspot of yours?;)
brilliant shot, and not a single footprint in the snow
Brrrrrrr snow.....Brrrrrrr little people like me would freeze in that!!!:D
Im 5'4" too and yes thats a dwarf.
any size under that qualifies as a hobbit
ahem! lenny!! :D :D :D

HOBBIT:eek: Just a minute, BIG YIN, Iv'e been called a Munchkin before but never a Hobbit,I'm just going up to the loft to see if I can find me Elton John platforms that I got married in:D, then I'll be back, Tich.:p

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