drinking in m/h

Very good, but it does not alter the fact that if you HAVE to move for whatever reason then that would leave you open to a ban!

Hi PaulC,
totaly agree with you, but all things being considered, if legaly parked then should not be a problem, and I will treat the answer in the way it's worded, the rest is up to the individual concerened.

Happy Camping:)
Hi All,
this is the reply I received from the free legal assistance team, hope it helps sort out this grey area.


If you are legally parked then you should not be prosecuted. However you should make sure the keys are not in the ignition or they could potentially prosecute you for drunk in charge

We hope this information answers your question and that you found our free service fast, comprehensive and useful. We answer questions on any legal matter so please tell anyone else who you think might benefit from our free assistance.

It would also be a good idea to bookmark http://www.lawanswers.co.uk in case you need free advice on any other legal question.

Please come back to us if you have any other legal matter we can assist with in future.


It would appear that the information I got back as already been covered by previous posts, but at least if neccessary we can quote the reply from the above people.

Happy Camping:)

this seems an excellent outcome thanks very much , as has been stated as long as we are legally parked if we are asked to move then we can say no .if they insist then they are causing us to commit the offence of driving whilst under the influence of drink that must come under the law of allowing permitting or causing an offence
Drinking in M/H

To me as a teetotaller.."much ado about nothing"...Don't bloody drink....... full stop.
I once knowingly drove a car while drunk and I mean really drunk. I'd been to a BBQ and returned to find my house burgled and my Dog stolen and held to ransom. It might sound a bit odd but he had my phone number on his collar and they left a message on my answering machine.
The CID officer that attended got me to call the man responsible and he said let's go and get your Dog. I pointed out to him that I had drank a lot and he said it's ok it's not far. He went in his car and I went in my Land rover, got the Dog and all was well - the chap said some drug addicts had given him the Dog to sell and no money changed hands.

If a police officer needs to move a vehicle even if s/he doesn't have the appropriate licenced they are allowed to do so. If you cannot move it due to drinking give the copper the keys.
I once knowingly drove a car while drunk and I mean really drunk. I'd been to a BBQ and returned to find my house burgled and my Dog stolen and held to ransom. It might sound a bit odd but he had my phone number on his collar and they left a message on my answering machine.
The CID officer that attended got me to call the man responsible and he said let's go and get your Dog. I pointed out to him that I had drank a lot and he said it's ok it's not far. He went in his car and I went in my Land rover, got the Dog and all was well - the chap said some drug addicts had given him the Dog to sell and no money changed hands.

If a police officer needs to move a vehicle even if s/he doesn't have the appropriate licenced they are allowed to do so. If you cannot move it due to drinking give the copper the keys.
bedford mj you say that you once drove knowingly whilst drunk, shame on you you cannot have been too drunk as you remembered driving :eek::D
Mandrake, I didn't mean that I don't do all those things:D:D
I just don't smoke:D:D
you shocked me there for one moment as i thought you was a pious man and joind the temperance brigade

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