Double seat swivel

Graham B

Full Member
Hi looking to fit a double seat swivel to a transit custom I'm converting some advertise 20 minutes to do the job but looking on the utube videos so.e are taking days by competent mechanics grinding bolts off etc lots of things having to be adapted
Anyone got any advice on the best one to buy .they all seem to be a nightmare and also difficult to rotate
If only one person sitting at one end the torsional force would be very high in a crash, and you require the gap to get from front to the back, just fit 2 front swivels so you can turn both single seats around, mine do this so we can watch tv if wanted, and talk face to face with folks in the back.
We had a double swivel in our Relay. As others have said, it was fiddly to turn, pretty uncomfortable as a leisure seat ( especially for Dave, I minded the upright seat less). It also raised the seat very high which was annoying for a tall passenger. Had a single swivel put in instead, which has been much better. We had the double as we thought we would need the extra practice, it was used just once! Still got the double seat ( brand new) if anyone wants it!;)
As said they are a faff and rather odd angle when swivelled and not very comfy. Being able to access the cab from the hab and have two swivel, adjustable captains seat up front was a massive bonus for us.
I have the Kirivans double seat swivel fitted in my VW T6 and recently fitted the Kirivans drivers seat swivel and Pat, me and the dog just manage fine with them.


I have the Kirivans double seat swivel fitted in my VW T6 and recently fitted the Kirivans drivers seat swivel and Pat, me and the dog just manage fine with them.


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It’s the angle of the base and upright back I feel uncomfortable. Your picture shows this well. The extra couple of inches in height is an issue as others have said but each to their own if it works for you💪
1thanks for the feedback .
I would prefer the single seat it's a much more practical solution with direct access
To the van .but we have a spoilt dog who likes to sit o my wife's knee while travelling
And thought the double seat would be better as he could have his own space

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