Don't they want our money?

  • Thread starter derekfaeberwick
  • Start date
Island MP slams rise in camper van visits - The Sunday Mail

Seems to me this M.P. isn't too keen on us, do you think his constituents will be happy?

Years ago, we used to see signs saying: 'No Gipsies' outside pubs etc, Campervaners are being classed as unwanted types by this sort of bad publicity. I find comments like this MP has made derogatory to the entire camper van fraternity. Racism and ageism are illegal, so be careful Mr MP, someone just might bring a class action!
Just another example of an MP gobbing off about something he knows nothing about!

Bring on the Revolution!
No they don't want our money

Sadly it's not just Scotland. On a recent visit to North Wales we drove to the top of the Great Orm, a beautiful viewpoint and a good start for a number of walks in the area. We parked up and went to pay our money to the mechanical bandit that seems to lurk in every car park these days only to find that Motorhomes were not permitted. At all. Ever. However much you pay.

A nice big car park is provided - but not if you holiday in a camper. You are not welcome in Llandudno. Oh well. France it is then.
Sadly it's not just Scotland. On a recent visit to North Wales we drove to the top of the Great Orm, a beautiful viewpoint and a good start for a number of walks in the area. We parked up and went to pay our money to the mechanical bandit that seems to lurk in every car park these days only to find that Motorhomes were not permitted. At all. Ever. However much you pay.

A nice big car park is provided - but not if you holiday in a camper. You are not welcome in Llandudno. Oh well. France it is then.

Blatant discrimination:mad: Many disabled people own M/Hs as their only form of transport We have rights not to be excluded:p

Why do they not put up a sign at the beginning of the road, save us wasting our time driving up there:confused:
everytime im in france it seems we are welcomed,,they acually seem pleased to see us,,,,over here,,,were looked down on i think,,,maybe because i have a selfbuild they think im a new age traveler ?,,,old age traveler more like ..:)
Article by Lesley Riddoch in today's Scotsman newspaper, titled Road to the isles is clogged with campervans

part of article here - have to buy newspaper or subscribe to read the rest
Road to the isles is clogged with campervans - The Scotsman

According to Lesley, it seems we are now "binfillers".
Usually quite outspoken - I think she will receive a lot of flak about this one!

If you want a copy of the full article, I can scan it in at work tomorrow and email as pdf file - just let me know.

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According to Lesley, it seems we are now "binfillers".
Usually quite outspoken - I think she will receive a lot of flak about this one!

If you want a copy of the full article, I can scan it in at work tomorrow and email as pdf file - just let me know.


Could you not post the article here?

They just don't get it do they:D To be able to "fill their bins" we have had to buy the goods first:rolleyes: Now, considering most M/H's have small fridges and do not want to carry, or have space for, a fortnights supply of heavy tins where do they think we buy our provisions?

The ferry companies who have had to slash their fares are no doubt rejoicing, fuel stations are rubbing their hands with glee:D. Just looking at a few posts on here confirms we "binfillers" are buying things like new tyres and batteries! Not the average purchases of hikers with a tent.

Sounds like a business opportunity for a couple of locals to me......... A mobile M/H service truck stopping off where us "binfillers" are. With two tanks dispensing fresh water & collecting waste water, rubbish collection and even selling provisions:D Oh maybe a trailer with a tank for emptying the cassette. Now that would be a service worth paying a couple of quid for:)


Years ago, we used to see signs saying: 'No Gipsies' outside pubs etc, Campervaners are being classed as unwanted types by this sort of bad publicity. I find comments like this MP has made derogatory to the entire camper van fraternity. Racism and ageism are illegal, so be careful Mr MP, someone just might bring a class action!

If they discriminated against ethnic minorities, women, men, DAPs, young, old, etc..etc...etc, I'm sure some officious body would descend upon them from a great height.
But it's apparently OK if you happen to be driving a MH.
MP seen blowing of the Western Islands

There is Good News I am informed by an Islander that the Western Islands Council are to provide a number of CDP points around Lewis. :)

It would seem thats this is at odds with the views ofWestern Isles MP Angus McNeil SNP:D
just who is out of touch we will have to wait and see

I wonder where you can check SNP expenses ??:confused::confused:
He should live in a motorhome !

Being a member of the SNP he proberly has Three one for Scotland one for London one for the Western Isles all on expenses of course

Could we not do as the French Fishermen and Farmers do Blockade the Ports


I like that idea,,,,but were British,,,so we wont stick together !!
Article by Lesley Riddoch in today's Scotsman newspaper, titled Road to the isles is clogged with campervans

part of article here - have to buy newspaper or subscribe to read the rest
Road to the isles is clogged with campervans - The Scotsman

According to Lesley, it seems we are now "binfillers".
Usually quite outspoken - I think she will receive a lot of flak about this one!

If you want a copy of the full article, I can scan it in at work tomorrow and email as pdf file - just let me know.

The Western Islanders need to look no further as to who fills their bins
AT least MOST motor caravanners pick up their rubbish this is why WE are binfillers

THis article is in the Stornaway Gazette

Pick up your rubbish

Published Date: 16 October 2008

We went to the cinema on Friday night with our five children to see Wall-E ... had a great time, lovely cinema, lovely audience full of families with their children laughing and eating sweeties.... as you do.
The film finished and we gathered up our stuff and rubbish and made our way out. How bad was it when my six year old was shocked by the sheer volume of rubbish left on the floor and seats. It was apalling!

Is it us that are weird and particular that we teach our children to pick up after themselves? Or do people live in such pigsties at home that just dropping their wrappers and bottles and rubbish is the
norm? Or is it just another example of the 'not my problem' attitude that prevails

Why should someone else have to pick up your mess? There is a bin at the top of the stairs by the door that you have to pass by to get out! Is it really too much to expect that you use it? You'd all be complaining if the cinema banned the bringing in of sweeties as they have everywhere else.

M. Smith
30 Sheshader
When we were on the Uists in June we found that most of the dumpster type bins provided for rubbish disposal were full to bursting with what looked like commercial type rubbish, in one case empty two litre water bottles!

We always dispose of our rubbish in a responsible way but if the bins provided are not emptied on a regular basis then this must propagate the myth that motorhomers are "binfillers". Some of these bins did'nt look like they had been emptied for weeks.

If the western islanders want our trade and our money then their local councils must get their act together to provide the facilities that tourists need, rubbish disposal, CDP points etc, even licensing campsites for the summer season, there must be at least one crofter that would be up for it!

We love the western isles and will definitely be going back, there's still a lot we have'nt explored yet, but we would like to feel welcomed not just tolerated. :(
The Western Isles has a recent history of depopulation due to the lack of any meaningful work, the crofting system only provides a subsistence income and many islanders need to have other jobs to keep their heads above water.
Many of the younger Islanders have left the Isles to find meaningful employment, leaving an aging population.
the answer to this problem is to build an economy that caters to the tourist, to encourage and offer those tourists services that would tease the pounds out of their pockets.
Alas, those places are few and far between and last year we positively craved somewhere to spend some money.
Instead of bleating about Camper vans, that pin head McNiel should be seeking some Scottish Government Grants, to provide the sort of stimulus for us as visitors to inject a bit of money to create a sustainable tourist Industry.
A few places to eat a decent meal would be a start.:confused:
We will be visiting the western Isles from Sunday. We are doing an 8 day Island hopping trip. Then 6 days on the mainland I will report back in a couple of weeks.
The Western Isles has a recent history of depopulation due to the lack of any meaningful work, the crofting system only provides a subsistence income and many islanders need to have other jobs to keep their heads above water.
Many of the younger Islanders have left the Isles to find meaningful employment, leaving an aging population.
the answer to this problem is to build an economy that caters to the tourist, to encourage and offer those tourists services that would tease the pounds out of their pockets.
Alas, those places are few and far between and last year we positively craved somewhere to spend some money.
Instead of bleating about Camper vans, that pin head McNiel should be seeking some Scottish Government Grants, to provide the sort of stimulus for us as visitors to inject a bit of money to create a sustainable tourist Industry.
A few places to eat a decent meal would be a start.:confused:

I have written to Mr MacNeil along the same lines as this post. I will let you know if I hear anything in return.

For the record, Here is the text of my letter:

Dear Mr Angus MacNeil,
I understand that you are concerned that there are too many tourists camping and motor-homing in your constituency. It would appear that your view is not shared by the traders in the islands. I refer you to the article published in the Stornoway Gazette on 30th July this year. If we are to believe this story, there was not one trader interviewed who did not welcome the increased trade that these people bring to the economy of the Outer Hedbrides.

I am not aware if you know much about the activities of these "bin-fillers", but it is not practicable to carry more than a couple of day's supplies in the average camper's storage compartments. Therefore it follows that stores will have to be replenished on a frequent basis, bringing more cash into the lives of the islanders.

Also, almost without exception these people are on holiday and invariably enjoy treats such as visits to local hostelries and restaurants etc., as part of their enjoyment of your delightful part of Scotland. Many jobs are dependant upon this sort of activity being sustained.

So I would urge you to consider the benefits that such tourism brings to the people you represent. Perhaps you should talk to some of them to ensure that in future, when you speak in public, your views are more in line with the traders who are seeing an increase in business due to the increased sales to campers and their like.

Many of us realise that living in such remote places is not easy and anything that brings money into the islands is more likely to be welcomed than rejected by the islanders themselves.

Over time the increased income may fund more facilities for visitors which for a set of islands whose income is mainly derived from tourism. This could be the very thing that allows island life to continue and not force the young of the community to leave for opportunities elsewhere.

I hope that you will begin to see this in the months to come.

Yours sincerely,


BTW I realise that the grammar in the last paragraph could do with some improvement.
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