Does size matter?

i call everything a camper,it's only got 2 syllables so it's 33% less time consuming to say,and at my age that's important

I call mine a 'van, even easier to say....cept note the ' before's important ..:lol-053:
Yes, caravanette I have heard too, whatever one of those is! Another one is "bus" again going back to a VW (Volkswagen ;) ) with windows theme.

My parents had a Commer caravanette, it took 7 people comfortably sat up and the seats folded down to a mahoosive bed (7 people remember)..;)
When we are talking to customers about holidays and where we've been at weekends etc we call ours "the van" or "the camper".
(If we tell people we have a camper they always say oh have you got a VW!)
We don't tend to call it a Motorhome as if you do, you get all the, oh you've got loads of money then have you, oh yes, money bags etc etc.
It's frustrating, No we're not money bags, we work for a living and save our money for things we like! just because they sit on their backsides at home claiming dole money and not working but it makes me embarrased to call her a Motorhome!
My home has a large garden...

...depending on where I park it, but at the moment I'm stuck in a corner on a pub car park waiting for the monsoon to stop.
The public are amazingly short of knowledge on motorhomes in general. When I say I have a converted van, they will invariably ask "Oh is that a VW?" as though VWs are the only kind of MHs/campervans :lol-053:
Surely they are!

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