The point about urine is not correct. MSU samples are the cleanest as most of the muck in the urethra is flushed out at the beginning of peeing but not all. If it where true then nobody would ever have suffered from Bladder or Kidney infections.
I do beg to differ on this point...if you have a urine infection of course it will be contaminated. However, the reason a MSU is required for microbiological analysis is in a normal ie uninfected sample this will be sterile. But I can say that urine is one of the best media for growing bacteria in.
There is no part on your body that is sterile infact you have more bacteria in and on your body than there is cells that make up your body:scared:
The route to a bladder or kidney infection is usually starting from the outside end of the urethra and the bacteria migrate up this into the bladder. Females are more susceptible as they generally have a shorter distance between the anal region and tip of the urethra.
A lot can depend on which way you wipe:wave:
Im not trying to be pedantic but bacteria is a subject I do know very well.
The whole point is make sure everything is clean...wipe that tap with alchol wipes and let it run for a few seconds before filling your container or van.
You are unlikely to grow legionella bacteria in your vans water system as these are found in large cooling systems such as poorly maintained hotel hot water systems and large industrial cooling towers as has been suspected in the recent Edinburgh outbreak.
I do beg to differ on this point...if you have a urine infection of course it will be contaminated. However, the reason a MSU is required for microbiological analysis is in a normal ie uninfected sample this will be sterile. But I can say that urine is one of the best media for growing bacteria in.
There is no part on your body that is sterile infact you have more bacteria in and on your body than there is cells that make up your body:scared:
The route to a bladder or kidney infection is usually starting from the outside end of the urethra and the bacteria migrate up this into the bladder. Females are more susceptible as they generally have a shorter distance between the anal region and tip of the urethra.
A lot can depend on which way you wipe:wave:
Im not trying to be pedantic but bacteria is a subject I do know very well.
The whole point is make sure everything is clean...wipe that tap with alchol wipes and let it run for a few seconds before filling your container or van.
You are unlikely to grow legionella bacteria in your vans water system as these are found in large cooling systems such as poorly maintained hotel hot water systems and large industrial cooling towers as has been suspected in the recent Edinburgh outbreak.