Word of advice from someone who's been there. Never drink water in developing countries. Just because the natives have drunk it all their life doesn't mean that they've developed some kind of resistance to it and neither will you.
Children in these countries can carry up to 1000 hookworms, roundworms and whipworms in their bodies, which cause anaemia, stunted growth and other debilitating conditions. One gram of faeces can contain 10,000,000 viruses, 1,000,000 bacteria, 1000 parasite cysts and 100 parasite eggs and seven out of 10 childhood deaths in developing countries can be attributed to just five main causes of which one, diarrhoea, is caused by water-borne pathogens.
When I went to Tibet, where the water has very nasty parasitic worms called Giardia and Cryptosporidium, I took one of these:
I only needed to use it a couple of times as we were able to obtain bottled water, which is guaranteed to be free of any nasties.