Do I Need a TV Licence for a Caravan or Motorhome?

Last time I bought a to they told me they needed my details and I told them no chance , I paid cash , my details are nothing to do with them and to pass them on is not right especially to someone who is going to badger you for money , it would be so simple to make tv's that couldn't receive BBC channels and that would be the end of it for a lot off people , that said there is no way the BBC would want that to happen lol , as I said go on YouTube and search for to licence man and see how things have changed
my grandmother never had a tv didnt stop tv licencing from sending threatning letters year after year.
over the years weve had a couple of rental flats and bought and done up a few ... whenever weve had an empty flat weve had threatning letters from tv licencing , they cant even be arsed to send a polite reminder before starting with the threats.
weve got a retail premises in a shopping precinct ... youve guessed, we get similar theatning letters there.

we also get the performing rights society claiming we need one of theirs as well in case we play music to staff or clearly states you need only need one if you charge customers to listen to music. again you get the threatening letters , the promised visits never materialise and theres no record anywhere of any recent prosecutions.
That isn't the case. You need a TV licence if you have apparatus used to receive live broadcast (or to download from iPlayer).
It doesn't matter whether anyone is watching: the receiving is what matters.

No you are wrong,new letter sent out now states watching,it used to say own & capable of recieving,old hat now.
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That statement is slightly confusing, but technically correct, therefore I'm guessing it's the official wording as they always intend to deceive.

Having apparatus with a tuner in capable of receiving live broadcasts does not require a licence.
Using that tuner to receive live broadcasts does require a licence.

To be clear:
You can have a television set in your home & legally not be required to have a TV licence.
It will have a tuner in it that allows it to be used to watch live broadcasts but you still do not need a licence.
If you use that television set to watch things on that are not live broadcasts (or downloaded from iPlayer) you do not need a licence.
If you use that television to watch live broadcasts (or to download form iPlayer) you will need a licence to stay legal.

Correct in the last bit,WATCH,i always cover my eyes if one is switched on in a room,honest.
Point being we need the (a) BBC .
Like it or not it's important to have such an organisation .
We can argue all day about bias etc but its important to have a commercially independent broadcaster .
I , personally , think they were quite biased at the time of the Scottish referendum . At least , up to a point , they are answerable .
Yes the license system is archaic but what is the alternative ? Obvious answer is to just do away with the license fee and for the service to be paid for by the chancellor .
Immediately you have political control .
All very well for people on here to moan/not pay their license fee . We are (mostly anyway) of an age to have benefited from the beeb . It has to be paid for
You might need one for a static if used simultaneously, but not for a vehicle.
Official TV Licensing website - Second home TV Licence

If you have a home TV licence and no one has access to use it while you are away then that licence covers in a touring caravan or motorhome. However if someone is at home using the set, while you are away or you have set that set to record while you are away, then you do need a separate licence. If you full time then you would not have a home licence as was my case. My licence was marked with the vehicle registration number.

If someone in your household is over 75 then you get your licence without a fee.
Adding an amount to electricity bills is one suggested alternative to licences. Theoretically it should reduce the charges as everyone would pay, no chasing "non-payers". Apply for a exemption if over 75yrs or do not use TV/ iPlayer etc. They do this in Portugal and it's just a few euros every two months, but no exemptions unless you use less than 400kw a year, when it is automatically removed from the bill. Trouble is, I think in UK it would gradually creep up in price ( like the water meters were going to reduce charges but now it's dearer) and become another "tax" which is compulsory. Certainly would save money in threatening letters though. 😂
I'm sure you are right, but what the letter says is irrelevant. The law says receiving, not watching.

Leagal statment says watching,do read it please,you can watch tv from a mobile these days hence the legality and law was changed to WATCH LIVE TV.

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