Diy motorhome forum

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Just a note for anyone that also uses the 'darkside' as well as here....
It seems the owner has now shut the forum down after putting it up for sale briefly after a large dummy spitting.
So sadly any pictures etc that you may of had on there are now lost.
Just a note for anyone that also uses the 'darkside' as well as here....
It seems the owner has now shut the forum down after putting it up for sale briefly after a large dummy spitting.
So sadly any pictures etc that you may of had on there are now lost.

I wondered what was wrong,seems some did not agree with new look which i found 100%,do think the owner spat the dummy as a few of his replies where some what rude as apposed to what a good site owner should do,its now on another site but you cannot log in,motorhome fun to be correct,thanks for info,pity as it was a good site and almost as good as this ,i did say almost.
Probably more going on behind the scenes than we know about.
The other site also requires you to pay £15 just to be able to post...
Frankly I found his actions rather childish BUT his bat and his ball I guess....
He won't be getting a cent out of me though ;-)
what site you talking about? Curious. (PM if can't post name in public please)
Annie, I think that it's part of the other group, y'know------with the yellow smiley face

That would be about right.....
I'll reserve my thoughts on the owners actions for elsewhere....
BUT it involves a lot of astrixes ;-)
As I recall some ex members of the self build site were given a home by “Jim”. Now “their” site is a forum section in the “fun” empire. I was never a member although I looked in occasionally but found it very quiet, few posts compared to the self builders.

I guess it is sad to lose diversity but possibly better to have one healthy self build site.

Could not see old familiar names on the new fun forum section, wonder where they are now?
When Jim put the site up for sale I was contacted by a few of the members asking me to buy it. I did contact Jim and initially, he did agree to sell it to me but then he realised who I was a respectfully declined the sale.

I am more than happy to set up another niche forum to join wild camping and motorhomer if people want me to.

Do you want me to?
Dummies thrown out of the pram or an excuse to shut it down, who knows? It's the loss of a good free database for novice self builders, and the now wasted efforts of the contributors, that annoys me.
When Jim put the site up for sale I was contacted by a few of the members asking me to buy it. I did contact Jim and initially, he did agree to sell it to me but then he realised who I was a respectfully declined the sale.

I am more than happy to set up another niche forum to join wild camping and motorhomer if people want me to.

Do you want me to?
I think it`s worth a go.
Self building is on the increase.
When Jim put the site up for sale I was contacted by a few of the members asking me to buy it. I did contact Jim and initially, he did agree to sell it to me but then he realised who I was a respectfully declined the sale.

I am more than happy to set up another niche forum to join wild camping and motorhomer if people want me to.

Do you want me to?

Sure we have a self build section here,but yes a DIY MOTORCARAVAN site for self builder would be good with the legal aspects and self build pictures where to get stuff etc.
May just be a new string to ones bow.
Don't think I'll bother with another DIY forum. If I build another van, I'll probably just do a Blog and hope it doesn't get deleted on someone else's whim.

But good luck if you do start one.
When Jim put the site up for sale I was contacted by a few of the members asking me to buy it. I did contact Jim and initially, he did agree to sell it to me but then he realised who I was a respectfully declined the sale.

I am more than happy to set up another niche forum to join wild camping and motorhomer if people want me to.

Do you want me to?

I think it is worth a go Phil always found the other site interesting.
I'm probably missing the point here I know.
There's an enormous amount of "self build" videos out there, From the outright daft, to the brilliant, like Greg Virgo's sprinter build.

SBMHC is a fund of knowledge, well worth the £15 a year. That would have been my go to, if I hadn't been persuaded to buy Demi.

I have registered and I have also purchased the required licences for Xenforo 2 and the related addons.

Hopefully, I will have the site online within a week and I will transfer the Self Build topics from this forum over to that site.

If anyone would like their wild camping accounts transferred over automatically please add your permission in this thread and I will do it for you.

I have registered and I have also purchased the required licences for Xenforo 2 and the related addons.

Hopefully, I will have the site online within a week and I will transfer the Self Build topics from this forum over to that site.

If anyone would like their wild camping accounts transferred over automatically please add your permission in this thread and I will do it for you.

Please Phil...
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