diesel price

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Highest Price I Have Seen Today £1.12
Lowest Price I Have Seen Today £1.09
Not Much Diffrence Is There
We Might Have To Go Back To Steam At Least The Water Is Cheaper
But Dont I Know If The Price Of Coal Might Be Offputting
Aint We Being Riped Off By Such High Tax
Highest Price I Have Seen Today £1.12
Lowest Price I Have Seen Today £1.09
Not Much Diffrence Is There
We Might Have To Go Back To Steam At Least The Water Is Cheaper
But Dont I Know If The Price Of Coal Might Be Offputting
Aint We Being Riped Off By Such High Tax
Yes but we english just put up with it and we dont protest enough.
Think i will sell my van and buy a gypsy bowtop.;)

most days i put £15 in , with the hope that tomorrow it will fall in price. am i dillusional ? (i can say these words but cannt spell them)
most days i put £15 in , with the hope that tomorrow it will fall in price. am i dillusional ? (i can say these words but cannt spell them)
thats the way to do it, :D
if you always put in £15, the price will never rise :D
but it will never go down :mad:
only your mileage will :confused:
thats the way to do it, :D
if you always put in £15, the price will never rise :D
but it will never go down :mad:
only your mileage will :confused:
the bad news is you are gonna get less for your £15 in april the taxmans on the beg again:mad:
most days i put £15 in , with the hope that tomorrow it will fall in price. am i dillusional ? (i can say these words but cannt spell them)

Your spelling looked 'gud' to me. On the news this week they have forcast £1.50 per litre by the end of the year!!!

Our van is a bit thirsty anyway so this could be an expensive year:eek:

maybe we just have to find the perfect wild spot and stay there for the next 20years. my one would be the west coast of scotland , near a distillary , with some good local fishing.
Back to Veggi oil then

Stopped the veggi oil because Tesco's was getting to expensive perhaps it's time to look again especially on those hot summer days, I hope!
It was obvious that once the £1.00 barrier had been breached, the champagne and cigars were broken out in the oil cartels boardrooms and after all the back slapping was over and they sat down with their feet on the ebony boardroom tables the toast was, " here's to the breaking of the £1.50 barrier, lets target the summer holiday rush, cheers boys job done" then they awarded themselves some 8 figure bonuses and went home and slept with big smiles on their faces. they have been itching to fleece us more for years and even if oil prices fall back to $50 a barrel, you will never see the price fall bellow £1.00 a litre again, ever, ever, ever. Unless you borrow the Tardis.
In answer

Well fuel prices are pain, but who is at the bottom of it, The green tree lovers who shout about 4x4,s and would have us all riding push bikes, yet at the same time say nothing about the cutting down of the rain forest, the train companies who want more money for doing less. This useless nu labour who just waste billions on rubbish with no results and then start again. The growth of china and india, the arabs who always play piggey in the middle.
Or is it us for allowing brown and his like to make us all feel sad about even owning a car or motorhome. I think its us, and we our seeing the start of the end to motorhoming, The powers that be in the EU have plans made for green eco zones around all major cities within europe and there will be yet more banding for engines and so on, and of course more taxes, But unlike the rest of europe we also pay sky high taxes on all our labours, I see council tax is going up yet again, mine will be over £2000 pa this year, yet my house in france costs £300 pa, and I was going to buy a house in germany and the tax was only £100pa. yet both of these countrys have better schools, a good police force and so on, Fuel is just a very small point when one looks at the whole picture.
Well fuel prices are pain, but who is at the bottom of it.....

The bottom line is supply and demand. There's huge developing demand for fuel and food in India, and China. The west has been living on borrowed time for hundreds of years, exploiting overseas labour, and resources so we can enjoy a better standard of living. It's payback time now.
carbost advice

hi sagart thanks for advice, if i ever buy a house it would be that red one. i do know skye but haven't used the van there.i love the fairy glen at uig. does anyone know it? a cat took me there
Well fuel prices are pain, but who is at the bottom of it, The green tree lovers who shout about 4x4,s and would have us all riding push bikes, yet at the same time say nothing about the cutting down of the rain forest, the train companies who want more money for doing less. This useless nu labour who just waste billions on rubbish with no results and then start again. The growth of china and india, the arabs who always play piggey in the middle.
Or is it us for allowing brown and his like to make us all feel sad about even owning a car or motorhome. I think its us, and we our seeing the start of the end to motorhoming, The powers that be in the EU have plans made for green eco zones around all major cities within europe and there will be yet more banding for engines and so on, and of course more taxes, But unlike the rest of europe we also pay sky high taxes on all our labours, I see council tax is going up yet again, mine will be over £2000 pa this year, yet my house in france costs £300 pa, and I was going to buy a house in germany and the tax was only £100pa. yet both of these countrys have better schools, a good police force and so on, Fuel is just a very small point when one looks at the whole picture.

eu .india .red ken .the russians ,or whoevever you blame
i can see where you are comming from about the reasons and agree
but i dont realy care who is to blame
to me the cost of fuel is not a small point
my pocket is my main concern
and the price is rising
you seem willing to acept high price of fuel or have i got it wrong
Most of us have houses, motorhomes and an OK standard of living. We are not scrabbling for food, or tortured, or oppressed. Whatever we have got we always seem to want more and that includes moaning about pricey fuel, which is partly the consequence of our collective greed in the past.

I think we should be thankful for what we have got, and really think about what we all personally have got compared to other people in the world.
Most of us have houses, motorhomes and an OK standard of living. We are not scrabbling for food, or tortured, or oppressed. Whatever we have got we always seem to want more and that includes moaning about pricey fuel, which is partly the consequence of our collective greed in the past.

I think we should be thankful for what we have got, and really think about what we all personally have got compared to other people in the world.

it seems our opinions differ i wont coment further
cheers terry
The bottom line is supply and demand. There's huge developing demand for fuel and food in India, and China. The west has been living on borrowed time for hundreds of years, exploiting overseas labour, and resources so we can enjoy a better standard of living. It's payback time now.
wait now, lets get this in perspective
"quote" (The west) has been living on borrowed time for hundreds of years exploiting
overseas labour, and resources "unquote"
this should read ("the ruleing classes")
and while ("the ruleing classes") exploited overseas labour and resources,
they also exploited scottish, irish, welsh and indeed english labour and resoures
over the years, we in the west, have become richer, not from the profits of exploitation,
but from standing up for our rights
we in britain, europe and u.s.a, pay way over the odds for imported products etc.
but the producing countries, recieve, way under the odds, for their products
so where does the real money go?
straight into the coffers of the ruleing classes
ruleing classes, used to be aristrocracy
but today its a mixture of aristocracy and global companies
I cant remember the exact figures, but its something like
2% of the population control 95% of the countrys wealth
we only have, what we have today, because our grandfathers, worked a 12 hour day,
for 45 years, of their 60 year lifespan, to give us it
Most of us have houses, motorhomes and an OK standard of living. We are not scrabbling for food, or tortured, or oppressed. Whatever we have got we always seem to want more and that includes moaning about pricey fuel, which is partly the consequence of our collective greed in the past.

I think we should be thankful for what we have got, and really think about what we all personally have got compared to other people in the world.

What a load of bo***cks , Firefox, what has happened in the history of this nation has nowt to do with the obsene tax we are having to pay on fuel and many other necessities in order to live a comfortable lifestyle.
If we don't have tax on fuel we won't have relatively free health and other welfare state benefits. And if you still want those benefits, you'll have to have tax on something else like more VAT or more income tax.

If you think you have it bad here, why not move out to the USA. You'll pay much less tax on fuel but forget free hospital treatment. You'll have to pay $1000 a year health insurance.

You can't have it all ways. There's a limited amount of money to go round. It's pretty pointless wanting everything cos you're not going to get it. And if you vote for another government like Cons or Lib Dem, there's no way they would cut fuel tax by much either. It would mean too big a hole in the economy.

If you want big fuel tax cuts, then be constructive, and explain what else you are going to cut or tax to make up the balance :D
If you think you have it bad here, why not move out to the USA. You'll pay much less tax on fuel but forget free hospital treatment. You'll have to pay $1000 a year health insurance.:D

My daughter in Oregon was complaining last night that petrol has just gone up to $3.25 a GALLON - quite looking forward to a holiday there this year...just wish I could use my own van!
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