The bottom line is supply and demand. There's huge developing demand for fuel and food in India, and China. The west has been living on borrowed time for hundreds of years, exploiting overseas labour, and resources so we can enjoy a better standard of living. It's payback time now.
wait now, lets get this in perspective
"quote" (
The west) has been living on borrowed time for hundreds of years exploiting
overseas labour, and resources "unquote"
this should read (
"the ruleing classes")
and while
("the ruleing classes") exploited overseas labour and resources,
they also exploited scottish, irish, welsh and indeed english labour and resoures
over the years, we in the west, have become richer, not from the profits of exploitation,
but from standing up for our rights
we in britain, europe and u.s.a, pay way over the odds for imported products etc.
but the producing countries, recieve, way under the odds, for their products
so where does the real money go?
straight into the coffers of the ruleing classes
ruleing classes, used to be aristrocracy
but today its a mixture of aristocracy and global companies
I cant remember the exact figures, but its something like
2% of the population control 95% of the countrys wealth
we only have, what we have today, because our grandfathers, worked a 12 hour day,
for 45 years, of their 60 year lifespan, to give us it