Db 520 an


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Geday from australia. Julton here. We have recently become grey nomads. We purchased a fiat avida motor home. Found a few issues with it ,one of which im strugglng with. Im hopingyou good forum folk can help please
Initial problem. The water pump not working. The pump itself is fine
I believe it o be a distribution board issue
I have a db 520 an
I have removed RL2 to find that the coil terminals are shorted
To sort this i need a cicuit diagram.
Can someone please help
Thanks in anticipation


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Well hello in Australia, that's a long way from here.
Sorry I can't help with your problem.
G'day and welcome. Some tech wizard will be along eventually, sorry I can't help, I'm only at the wiring a plug stage!

Whereabouts in Oz are you from? Toured for two stints of 6 months and a 2 month. Brother and family live in Adelaide.
Welcome from Northern Ireland, wildbus is your man on here with electrical stuff.
Welcome, hope you get your wiring sorted. Keep popping back as sometimes it takes a few days for some to start to reply.
Greetings from sunny Wales. Looking forward to the match next Sunday, although with Wales not being at their finest just now, I guess it's probably an Aussie win.

Back on topic, did you mean the DS520-AN? Your pic looks just like the panel on my van (2018). AIUI the AN is the version that CBE supply to van manufacturers. The retail version does not have the big stud marked OUT.

I have looked online for a circuit diagram a number of times but with no success. There are plenty of versions of the user manual available to download though. Might be useful if you don't have any docs at all.

Can you not identify the faulty relay and replace? In the UK we would look on RS Components or Farnell.
Are you sure you're not just reading the back EMF diode?
Have you removed the relay from the board and tested? And what is the actual resistance reading? It would naturally be between 100 and 200 ohms so would probably look like a short on some meters.
Happened to be scrabbling about in the leisure battery compartment so had a quick look at the relay in question.
This is the one needed - available from RS Components UK and Aus:-
It's very unusual for a coil to go short circuit. Have you checked the resistance reading on the lowest ohms setting (probably 200) with the test leads in both directions?
As Steve mentioned there is always a anti flyback diode in parallel with the coil and you could possibly be reading that and not the coil.
Not sure why you replied to me as I'm not the OP. There's nothing wrong with my distribution panel. I just happen to have the same one as the OP and was satisfying my curiosity as well as trying to help.

The datasheet for the relay gives a coil resistance of 685ohm and, strangely, there is no mention of a diode.

Anyway, no sight of the OP since his first post last Saturday unless he's reading the thread without logging in. It's the sort of thing that seems to happen from time to time on here.
Not sure why you replied to me as I'm not the OP.
Oh, that's easy....old and not paying attention! But if you're interested here's an article on flyback diodes.https://youtu.be/7nrDeQRTCm8?si=vkOfB69cTsRaGtGP
Basically energy is stored as magnetism in the relay coil and core, when the relay coil is switched off this energy suddenly gets released and appears across the coil as a large voltage spike that could damage semiconductors in the driving circuit, the diode simply absorbs that spike.

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