Damaged tyre: what would you do?

As an aside…I asked Michelin why they recommend 80psi on rear Michelin Crossclimate on a MH when they stamp max. 75psi on the tyre. This is what they said…

Dear Ian
Thank you for contacting Michelin customer service.
The max. pressure marking is purely for the US market, due to different laws and regulations and does not apply here.
The tyre pressure previously recommended (80psi) stands.
I've Michelin Cross climates all round. The left front has sidewall damage after a brutal pothole hit. They are maybe 50% worn. I'd prefer to avoid the expense of replacing both. What's the thinking of a single replacement?
I'd put the rears on the front if in good condition, and maybe the spare or one new one and the other good front on the back
I'm now wondering if the very slow puncture is actually not the tyre leaking but the alloy being very slightly deformed resulting in the 10 psi loss in 3+ weeks. And with it being so slight a leak, I'm hoping it all can be made airtight with the new tyre. It'll all become clear with the old tyre off.

I'm now wondering if the very slow puncture is actually not the tyre leaking but the alloy being very slightly deformed resulting in the 10 psi loss in 3+ weeks. And with it being so slight a leak, I'm hoping it all can be made airtight with the new tyre. It'll all become clear with the old tyre off.
Could be the valve so check that the inner is screwed in tight - there is a tool for the purpose. Alloy rims can corrode and cause slow leaks around the tyre bead so a clean up with the tyre off may be required. Could even be a puncture!
Maybe of interest is that when I priced up some tyres quite recently I found that Asda also sell tyres, and when you buy them they can be fitted at a local tyre service convenient to you. They were sold well under my local trade price. Have a look and see.
Michelin own Blackcircle tyres
Colewood Automotive own Asda tyres,
The tyre needs to be examined to give a proper diagnosis.....
No good guessing
Single damaged front tyre replaced. Tracking and suspension was unaffected. Gloss black alloy wheel badly scuffed but damage is just cosmetic. Enamel paint purchased.
New tyre placed on rear axle and current rear promoted to front.
Tread depths are now
Rears 8mm (new) and 6mm
Fronts 6mm and 5mm,
so differences on each axel acceptable in my view.
Spare is a space saver (it's my car not my van I've been dealing with)
Happy result. Thanks for all suggestions and comments.
A new tyre would be the minimum I'd go for. Depending on what tread wear was on the others I might change all four. They are what keep you in contact with the road, so no repairs only the real thing for me.

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