Cullera Mini Meet is GO!

Unfortunately this all points to the overall fact that the days of wild camping in the popular areas of the Spanish Med costa as are well and truly numbered. The only viable alternative will be some poorly sited aire or zona de parking por autocaravanas or a (likely) crowded campsite.
Toleration at Cullera is supposedly down to a sympathetic motorhoming Alcalde, make the most of it while he's still the incumbent.
we're on a lovely spot given to me by a dutch chap at la linea IMG_1148.jpg he said my dog would love it and she does it's just past tafira the bottom tip of spain n36.06771 w5.68502 you can see africa across the sea and there is a sandbar so calm waters , it's behind a closed for season campsite, it's perfect apart from the fact that there are a few traveller types here who are going through to the campsite to fetch water etc and kickback might come from there, it is a truly wild spot with a bumpy track as access that could be trouble if it was wet, there's a large field split about 50/50 travellers overnighters with a few kiteboarders over by the sea IMG_1149.jpg, there are possibly 30 vans here could easily cope with double that , have pmd chris poi admin with details of this and couple of others seen today,
We drove over the mountains from Santander to Logroño to avoid tolls, both passes were open, bit icy but no problem, van's covered in salt I can almost hear it rusting.
But it was worth it, mind-blowing scenery & we saw some eagles.
Sunshine everwhere now in mid Spain, has been plenty snow but roads are clear.
Hope to hit the Med today & Cullera tomorrow, if anyone is there.
Just arrived in Cullera, loads of vans here, can't see any green Ws.
We are in the road behind the apartment blocks, not happy parking here but apparently the police moved the vans here from the fields & it's better than the mud.
Quite surprised to see the flooding everywhere.
The weather is supposedly improving, it's been quite hot today.
We will stay here for a couple of days before moving south.
Just had 4 tapas in our favourite pub & we are absolutely stuffed, won't be able to eat anything else tonight.
We moved away ffrom on cullera during the bad weather and are now slghtly inland at aire in Simat, good services and nice village.
We moved away ffrom on cullera during the bad weather and are now slghtly inland at aire in Simat, good services and nice village.

Am in Seville tonight, moving Cadiz way tomorrow and then into Portugal. Anyone else that way?
We're in Rota just above Cadiz aire in two parts one signposted with the services the other seaward side longer bays but shaded stopped for lunch in contil de frontera yesterday lovely aire on the estuary
Area behind the dunes still flooded, took this piccy when we walked up to the Castillo


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This is a car park behind the apartment blocks.


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Just arrived in Cullera, loads of vans here, can't see any green Ws.
We are in the road behind the apartment blocks, not happy parking here but apparently the police moved the vans here from the fields & it's better than the mud.
Quite surprised to see the flooding everywhere.
The weather is supposedly improving, it's been quite hot today.
We will stay here for a couple of days before moving south.

The cops told everyone on the road that were "camping" to move about two weeks ago,some stayed there and kept their gear inside,the rest came down behind the dunes. We were told to move from here when we had the storms before Xmas,but that was for our safety as they were concerned about the river level,apart from that they haven't bothered us at all.
I'm in the big field where the toilet dump is,there's only 2 others here,loads of room and not flooded.
I'd be very wary about putting anything outside the van if you intend to stay on the road,it was just a warning last time,but next time....
We never put anything outside the van in Spain, been coming here too long for that.
Is anyone still at Simat? We're thinking of moving on.
Toleration at Cullera is supposedly down to a sympathetic motorhoming Alcalde, make the most of it while he's still the incumbent.

Methinks the Alcalde de Cullera knows which side his bread is buttered.
Last night we walked the Paseo Maritimo & out of the 1000s of flats in those hideous Edificios, only a handful were lit. The local businesses must be earning more from our community.
Obviously in high season it's a different matter.
Methinks the Alcalde de Cullera knows which side his bread is buttered.
Last night we walked the Paseo Maritimo & out of the 1000s of flats in those hideous Edificios, ony a handful were lit. The local businesses must be earning more from our community.
Obviously in high season it's a different matter.

This could be an additional factor for Mr. Mayor, but Cullera is essentially a Spanish resort not too many complaining expats. As you are aware there are literally dozens of expat resorts, urbanisations essentially just accomodating few out of season holiday makers and expats that the Alcaide and the Police have to placate. A bit of wild campers dosh just isn't thought worth considering......unfortunately.
In fact many authorised campsites themselves have been sold off to developers in the past 20 years, more money to be made by the Ayuntamiento with the property taxes paid by absentee foreign owners.

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