I have a 1996 VW T4 diesel Motorhome.
When I tried to use the similation on the site it came up with
"Your vehicle does not meet the criteria for the award of an air quality certificate."
Looks like I'm stuffed !
I won't be able to go to places like Annecy anymore.
I hope my Garmin updates "The avoid enviromental zones" accuratley!
This is how I see things as they stand at the moment,founded on a very cursory look over, so I
certainly stand to be corrected;
As you've discovered you will not be able to get a sticker with a pre EuroBollox Classification
vehicle ie Euro 1, 2, etc. so you will not need to apply for one ? !
There are and will be 2 types of restriction, zone 1 type with permanent set restrictions. And
zone 2 type which will restrict vehicles based on their (vignette colour) classification according
to the level of pollution in that zone at any particular time the authorities consider it necessary
to impose restrictions. Obviously? any level of restriction will apply to unclassified prehistoric
vehicles such as yours (and mine). There again they may restrict any or all, 5 classes.
In practise I don't know how they are going to implement this, will there be electronic info sign boards
at zone boundaries, and if you don't comply, do you pull over have a kip or perform a quick U turn
and return when the sign board indication permits. Or will each zone have permanent time of
entry restrictions say 8:00am to 8:00pm and us polluters can charge through at dead of night?