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Next question: Is right the right side or left side the wrong side ? For you the left side is the right side, for us right side is the right side ???
Solution: take the middle of the road
Ah, if only it was so easy.
True - in Oz I drive on the right side of the road which as you know is the left side. We drive in the right seat which is also the right side for me.
Then it gets messy because our MH is German reg garaged in Germany while we are back in Oz where everything is quite right because we don't drive on the right. In Europe we drive on the right side of the road which is certainly not the right side as far as I'm concerned, The driver sits on the left which is certainly not right no matter which way you look at it.
But one eventually gets used to it - until one is silly enough to cross the channel where since I am used to not driving on the right side of the road back in Oz, it should feel right - but of course it doesn't feel right because I am not driving on the right side of the road and I am not driving from the right seat either so the whole thing is certainly not at all right so I can hardly wait to get back to Europe where things are right again because I am now driving on the right but not sitting in the right seat so it feels perfectly right to me --
UNTIL I go back home to OZ where everything should be right but it isn't because I'm used to driving on the right.
Morocco is just perrrrfect because everyone drives in the middle of the road if it is narrow, straddle the centre line if it is two lane, and straddle the nearest line if it is multi-lane.