Council not happy with Motorhomes in Pub Car Parks


Full Member

Some idiot in the Local Council has nothing better to do. Pubs are struggling as it is now the Council seem to think its against the planning application for overnight Motorhome parking.
We are told you can only park with the owners permission, but this now seems questionable. Highland council have stopped two hotels from charging for parking overnight. But they are free to park now, but have removed EHU. I bet the person who complained owns a campsite.
I notice the council say "Potentially a breach of planning" and then the rest of the correspondence is based on the assumption that it is a breach.

First thing should be to ask for clarification from the council of the situation.
Think it was [much missed] Channa who used to bring up that there was some breach of pub licensing laws when allowing vans to overnight . Didn't think that would ever be invoked . Can't believe planning have got involved here . If there is a breach it is very tenuous
New Planning law in England and Wales since July 2023 allows temporary use of land for motor homes and camper vans (not towed caravans) for up to 60 days in a year without planning permission, except in a Conservation area, but the land owner must notify the Planning Authority IN ADVANCE of the dates when it is to be so used each year. There must be no permanent fixtures or fittings on the site (probably that excludes EHU's) but temporary facilities (e.g. Portaloos) are allowed provided they are removed when the site is not in use. Toilet and waste disposal facilities must be available.
So the Council want them to apply for planning permission which of course they will object to sitting the CAMC requirement that vehicles must be 6m apart. The Landlord will of course have a substantial bill far in excess of any profit he may have made. I like the bit at the bottom about publishing the letter with the idiots name, email and phone number.
New Planning law in England and Wales since July 2023 allows temporary use of land for motor homes and camper vans (not towed caravans) for up to 60 days in a year without planning permission, except in a Conservation area, but the land owner must notify the Planning Authority IN ADVANCE of the dates when it is to be so used each year. There must be no permanent fixtures or fittings on the site (probably that excludes EHU's) but temporary facilities (e.g. Portaloos) are allowed provided they are removed when the site is not in use. Toilet and waste disposal facilities must be available.
Of course if you want to provide for motor homes or camper vans for more than 60 days in a year you can do so by applying for planning permission.
Of course if you want to provide for motor homes or camper vans for more than 60 days in a year you can do so by applying for planning permission.
I very much doubt any of the People in The Britstops or P4N sites have gone down that route. The UK is mad IMO when it comes to MH's because in so many other countries you get free or very cheap overnights and that brings some money in for the locals but in the UK it's just stop this, prevent that, bloody stupid mentality
The new 60 day rule allows pubs to use their car parks for campers/motorhomes overnighting without needing planning permission, provided they give the Council advance notice of the dates and provide suitable toilet/waste disposal facilities. There are exceptions but generally if landlords meet this annual requirement, the use is permitted for up to 60 days. No need for planning permision or site license or meeting the 6 metre guidance. The Council cannot object on amenity grounds unless it is a listed building or conservation area etc when formal planning permission would be required. The Council's statement is plain wrong unless it pre-dated the change in planning permitted development rights.
The new 60 day rule allows pubs to use their car parks for campers/motorhomes overnighting without needing planning permission,
I would imagine that most pubs that are advertising on websites would want to have more than 60 days in a year when the Motorhomers stay overnight and hopefully spend money in the pub.
I would imagine that most pubs that are advertising on websites would want to have more than 60 days in a year when the Motorhomers stay overnight and hopefully spend money in the pub.
They would of course BUT does the 60 days have to run consecutively? I doubt it so just carry on regardless and IF the council can be arsed to take it further then just say we've not done 60 days yet, the clients turn up on the day and have left by the time we are able to notify. Act dumb ( it's working so far for those questioned re the post office scandal) and string the whole stupid escapade out as long as possible, they'll probably get fed up before they even think about enforcement (which has to be done by majority vote within a planning meeting) the whole issue could take years and cost the council loads of time and bad press providing the owners play it correctly.
We've been at the sharp end of the council attempting to bully us into removing a mobile home from our land while we renovated our current house. Cut a long story short they start out very threatening and legal (far worse than the letter above) in an attempt to intimidate and frighten BUT we stood our ground and questioned their legal position and reasoning and eventually they backed down.
Reading through the letter it's obvious they have been contacted by a local who doesn't like what's going on (most likely a competitor), its ridiculous and full of ambiguity, typical council shite.
Funney how they dont bully the travelers over here and move them on, they own 5/6 houses round here and swap vans around every now and again to beat the rules.
Surley folk on a pub site would be hard to prove and time wasted with snoops out at night taking pictures for a court rulling.
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I reckon that Brit stops should get involved here. After all this is the foundation of their business plan, and they surely have some kind of legal set up. Quite frankly if it it was my pub my reply would be straightforward and to the point. ☝️
The 60 day rule seems a 'double edged sword', under the old 28 day rule you didn't need to inform the council of any specific dates, now you need to inform the council which dates you want to run a campsite.

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