

I know I live a very isolated life, mostly my only contact with the outside world being virtual, but I just can't comprehend some things that are happening nowadays or the reasoning for them.

Bad enough that the parents of the children killed in the Derby house fire are in custody accused of their murder, but now it is on the news that someone has been arrested in connection with the awful explosion in Oldham yesterday where a child was killed and a man badly injured.....not the mention the poor folks that have had their homes all but distroyed.

Isn't it terrible some of the things we see? You can only feel for the victims and hope that they will somehow get their lives back together where that's possible. But it doesn't surprise me. The human brain is a very fragile thing. Some people cope with stress better than others. Or they could be tipped into doing terrible things because stuff has built up years and years without a release. Still others have, it seems, an inbuilt desire for violence and are just waiting for the time.

One good thing is, that out of the millions of people living together we only hear of a few very bad stories, so for the most part, people can live in relative peace :)
I know I live a very isolated life, mostly my only contact with the outside world being virtual, but I just can't comprehend some things that are happening nowadays or the reasoning for them.

Bad enough that the parents of the children killed in the Derby house fire are in custody accused of their murder, but now it is on the news that someone has been arrested in connection with the awful explosion in Oldham yesterday where a child was killed and a man badly injured.....not the mention the poor folks that have had their homes all but distroyed.


trouble is ange,is that you're suffering,like the rest of us,from info overload.not long agoyou would live in a town or village with maybe a radio and the occasional newspaper,you wouldn't have a motor,a bus every second day would be would have NO idea that people were starving somewhere,that global warming was happening etc basically all news is cherry picked to sell the most papers and of course that's all the worst news.and we are being overloaded with negative crap. i could really go on but i won't
trouble is ange,is that you're suffering,like the rest of us,from info overload.not long agoyou would live in a town or village with maybe a radio and the occasional newspaper,you wouldn't have a motor,a bus every second day would be would have NO idea that people were starving somewhere,that global warming was happening etc basically all news is cherry picked to sell the most papers and of course that's all the worst news.and we are being overloaded with negative crap. i could really go on but i won't
I totally agree and with the advent of internet texts facebook today is pretty instant.

Oh I agree there. Info coming in now only with news and papers but with smartphone news feeds...which mine is not on the phone anymore....the internet etc. Its everywhere we look.

I don't watch TV and only sometimes listen to the radio in the van (5 live or 6 music) . I do internet but only a few sites like this one, Facebook, and email regularly.

So it is possible to insulate yourself from news overload quite easily. Most of the time I find if it is a big story they tend to cover it to death out of all proportion.
when i was a kid,over 50 years ago,people were murdered and hurt,remember,we had all the screwed up people from the war,guns were commonplace.there were paedophiles and rapists and lots of mugging.but there was effectively only the daily paper,so the fear wasn't rammed down your all us kids were out and about all day and late into the night and we had fun! i made very sure my kids had a similar upbringing and were as streetwise as i was,of course there's bad people,always has been .but that's no reasonto keep your kids indoors and drive them everywhere.
Another problem with news items is that often the media don't yet know the full facts of a case (or if they do, sometimes they are asked not to publish them until after a full inquest or investigation), but they still need to make headlines with what they do have.

That doesn't mean that the sad deaths in these cases are any less tragic and devastating, but that the full circumstances and actions of those involved may not be made public for quite some time.

It is quite possible that none of these losses of life were intentional, but it would be wrong of me or anyone to speculate on these particular cases at this time.
Oh I agree there. Info coming in now only with news and papers but with smartphone news feeds...which mine is not on the phone anymore....the internet etc. Its everywhere we look.


Ange, even if you only get as far as your front door, get out and smell the Roses. You are suffering with cabin fever and are feeling down with recent events.

2 points to bear in mind.

1 A walk in the fresh air is the best medecine when you are feeling down. It is an inbuilt medecine and there are no side effects.

2 get a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle, on one side write down what makes you fed up and on the other side, write down what makes you happy.

If nothing else works, I can get you a padded cell next to mine. The warders, err I mean assistants are wonderful. I am sure you will like it here. we had a visit from Elvis today. :wave:
I think n brown has got it right. Any student of history will tell you that, for example, there were fears about football hooliganism way before radio and national newspapers were invented; there were serial killers, rapists, arsonists etc etc - probably in no fewer numbers than now as a proportion of the population. The difference is not only the fact that we now have instant news from across the globe but that an idiot with a bomb is probably dangerous to more people than an idiot with a lance. As Nick Ross used to say on Crimewatch - "don't have nightmares" and don't let the few spoil your life.
Sadly the world has changed, with very little "News" being hidden owing the the internet. In some ways that is a good thing, however there does appear to be much more violent crime ( murders) now, than back in the the 50`s when i was a lad. In those days, I remember, it was serious and scary when people were hung ( which I`m not for one moment suggesting was right ), however these days murder is much more common place than it ever was....or so it seems !!
Ange, even if you only get as far as your front door, get out and smell the Roses. You are suffering with cabin fever and are feeling down with recent events.

2 points to bear in mind.

1 A walk in the fresh air is the best medecine when you are feeling down. It is an inbuilt medecine and there are no side effects.

2 get a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle, on one side write down what makes you fed up and on the other side, write down what makes you happy.

If nothing else works, I can get you a padded cell next to mine. The warders, err I mean assistants are wonderful. I am sure you will like it here. we had a visit from Elvis today. :wave:

You're right there :)

A 2 hr visit to the Overseal meet was the furthest Ive been for a very long time. In fact I did top the van up with fuel back in Feb I think, just to give the van a run really, and still got that fuel in now. :)

Walking isn't an option now.

But. I do have to wonder if what you say about Elvis is quite right. .....cos he was here having tea and cakes. I wonder if you had an imposter?

bloody nick ross! frightens the **** out of people then says theres not much chance it'll happen to you! it's like a distillation of the daily mail.don't trust anyone -ask for id-double lock everything-be paranoid be very paranoid,there's millions of dangerous folk out to get you and nick your telly.i refuse to subscribe to this bollocks so there
bloody nick ross! frightens the **** out of people then says theres not much chance it'll happen to you! it's like a distillation of the daily mail.don't trust anyone -ask for id-double lock everything-be paranoid be very paranoid,there's millions of dangerous folk out to get you and nick your telly.i refuse to subscribe to this bollocks so there

It's alright for you. it's me they are after. :scared:
bloody nick ross! frightens the **** out of people then says theres not much chance it'll happen to you! it's like a distillation of the daily mail.don't trust anyone -ask for id-double lock everything-be paranoid be very paranoid,there's millions of dangerous folk out to get you and nick your telly.i refuse to subscribe to this bollocks so there

Sorry! I was only trying to agree with you! :scared::lol-053:
Sadly the world has changed, with very little "News" being hidden owing the the internet. In some ways that is a good thing, however there does appear to be much more violent crime ( murders) now, than back in the the 50`s when i was a lad. In those days, I remember, it was serious and scary when people were hung ( which I`m not for one moment suggesting was right ), however these days murder is much more common place than it ever was....or so it seems !!

i wish i knew if thats right,or whether theres just more of us and the percentages are about the same
Sorry! I was only trying to agree with you! :scared::lol-053:

sorry john,its just that scaremongering twat gets up my nose.does a programme that has as its most popular theme how vulnerable people are at work ,in the street or in their own homes,then tells you not to worry,you might not be unlucky! hope he can sleep at night for all the people he's to chat with him
From snippets I have picked it seems possible that with the 6 kids killed in the fire, the fire was set deliberately, possibly by the parents & may have been intended as a ploy to get them rehoused that went horribly wrong.

The person just arrested after the recent explosion is to be charged with manslaughter & it seems he was doing a job in the house that he probably wasn't competent to do.

Murder rates (when I last checked) have been pretty consistent for as long as records have been kept. Hanging never deterred anyone, but did kill some innocents, which is why it was stopped & has never been restarted.

The issue is indeed sensationalist reporting that sells papers & gets people watching TV. These are exceptional events & unlikely to happen to any one of us.

Being killed on the road is however highly likely, so mind how you go folks! [winks, tips hat & walks off to Doxon of dick green music] :lol-053:
trouble is ange,is that you're suffering,like the rest of us,from info overload.not long agoyou would live in a town or village with maybe a radio and the occasional newspaper,you wouldn't have a motor,a bus every second day would be would have NO idea that people were starving somewhere,that global warming was happening etc basically all news is cherry picked to sell the most papers and of course that's all the worst news.and we are being overloaded with negative crap. i could really go on but i won't

I miss working abroad, where you didn't understand the local language that well, the news of the UK was very rarely on, even to see the pictures and you saw an English newspaper every so often, usually when someone came back from leave.

I lived in blissful ignorance!!

Of course I didn't have internet or sat TV then and communication with home was by letter, you can't be that miserable in a letter, you get writers cramp and people don't want to be all bad news.

And that was only 20 years a go!!

Being in the telecomms industry, we did get more phone calls home, especially when having to test a link!!
I miss working abroad, where you didn't understand the local language that well, the news of the UK was very rarely on, even to see the pictures and you saw an English newspaper every so often, usually when someone came back from leave.

I lived in blissful ignorance!!

Of course I didn't have internet or sat TV then and communication with home was by letter, you can't be that miserable in a letter, you get writers cramp and people don't want to be all bad news.

And that was only 20 years a go!!

Being in the telecomms industry, we did get more phone calls home, especially when having to test a link!!

I know what you mean matey. I have worked in Glasgow too :scared:

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