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Hi. Problems! Our Fiat Ducato 2.3 2012 model clutch has failed.. not the clutch itself but the clutch controls. The pedal stays down and I can only disengage gears by stalling or turning the engine off then manually pulling the pedal up again, after which I can disegage. Not too familiar with the engine as to whether able or hydraulic...I suspect the latter as there is some clear fluid dripping from bottom of clutch case. From these symptoms can anyone suggest what the problem may be and what may be involved to fix it? Just to complicate matters we have just managed to limp into a campsite in a hilltop village in Croatia. Waiting for response from Nationwide breakdown, but it may now be Monday before we can get someone to look at it.
could be the slave master cylinder by the clutch pedal itself. Mine went a few years ago and had to be replaced. It prob is that so not a huge big deal for a mobile mechanic to change it - takes 20 mins once you have the part. Old one off, new one, and then it is bled just like brakes. Like you say Monday to get it fixed but no worries. Mine started to squeak and I took the precaution to change it before it failed....did yours squeak when depressing pedal. That said it could also be the other side, the clutch slave cylinder, which is the bit that moves the clutch itself.
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Sounds like slave cylinder.... Especially if you can see fluid from proximity of the Bell housing...

Bad news is on some of them the slave cylinder is inside the Bell housing so it's gearbox off to get at it.
could be the slave cylinder by the clutch pedal itself. Mine went a few years ago and had to be replaced. It prob is that so not a huge big deal for a mobile mechanic to change it - takes 20 mins once you have the part.

Not on an X250. It's inside the clutch housing so box has to come out. Definitely sounds like the slave cylinder though, if fluid is dripping from the box.

Not on an X250. It's inside the clutch housing so box has to come out. Definitely sounds like the slave cylinder though, if fluid is dripping from the box.

It’s a model 33-250B...if that helps refine the diagnosis.
It’s a model 33-250B...if that helps refine the diagnosis.

If it's a Ducato similar to the current shape (excepting the headlights and grille) and manufactured 2006-2014 it's an X250 with integral slave cylinder in the clutch housing. 2014 or newer the clutch and gearbox are exactly the same. Older (previous shape) vans had an external slave cylinder outside the box and much easier to change.

If it's a Ducato similar to the current shape (excepting the headlights and grille) and manufactured 2006-2014 it's an X250 with integral slave cylinder in the clutch housing. 2014 or newer the clutch and gearbox are exactly the same. Older (previous shape) vans had an external slave cylinder outside the box and much easier to change.

Hi Thanks. Sounds a bit of a garage job then! Any ideas on how long it would normally take to do the job?
Hi Thanks. Sounds a bit of a garage job then! Any ideas on how long it would normally take to do the job?

Sorry, can't quote you Fiat's repair times, but I'd say a decent garage would want it for the day. Depending how badly it's leaking, if you can get some hydraulic fluid and top the reservoir up, you might find by pulling the pedal up and pumping it a few times that you get the clutch back for a while. Could help you get somewhere suitable, although hopefully you've got recovery cover?
Agreed, slave cylinder gone. May as well stick a new clutch in while the box is out.

Thanks one and all, had mechanic out, he confirms slave cylinder in clutch is the problem. Can’t do anything now until Monday, then it’s recovery to garage and a couple of days there to get parts and fix. At least we can stay in van there so no accommodation probs. I guess it’s worth asking how much left on clutch while it’s out. Only done 39000 miles, don’t know how long Ducato clutches last, (any ideas?) but we do do a lot of mountain passes.
Thanks one and all, had mechanic out, he confirms slave cylinder in clutch is the problem. Can’t do anything now until Monday, then it’s recovery to garage and a couple of days there to get parts and fix. At least we can stay in van there so no accommodation probs. I guess it’s worth asking how much left on clutch while it’s out. Only done 39000 miles, don’t know how long Ducato clutches last, (any ideas?) but we do do a lot of mountain passes.
Well if the gearbox is coming off then it would make sense to renew the clutch assembly.

If gearbox does need to be removed I,d be temped to replace clutch as well save the possibility of doing it again in a short time

If gearbox does need to be removed I,d be temped to replace clutch as well save the possibility of doing it again in a short time

550€ parts and labour to drop gear box and replace cylinder on clutch. Sounds reasonable? Defo look at clutch replacement.
Get the clutch renewed ,also the first motion shaft seal and both driveshaft seals when it’s out they’re not too costly parts wise as the box is out ,good engineering practice
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Hi. I always thought I had a light touch on brakes and clutch.They have just showed me the clutch. Compared with a new one the wear is absolutely negligeable. Although they would be happy to take my money they insist it would be a complete waste to replace it as if this represents 4 years of my use it will last many years yet.
I put a post about this a wee while ago. Exact same symptoms. Fiat quoted just over £1000 as it's an 8 hour + job. I managed to find a commercial garage (south of Scotland) which did the repair and renewed the clutch at the same time as the leaking fluid contaminates it, for £565. My mh has done 27000 miles. Stupid design having the slave inside the box. Bob.
Hi. I always thought I had a light touch on brakes and clutch.They have just showed me the clutch. Compared with a new one the wear is absolutely negligeable. Although they would be happy to take my money they insist it would be a complete waste to replace it as if this represents 4 years of my use it will last many years yet.

Sounds like the garage are being very fair with you. (no tourist in distress rates) at 565 euros money you can do without spending but reasonable in my opinion


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