Citroen 2CV spares

I believe there used to be an owners club called :- 602 Squadron, anybody know anything about this. :confused:

Hi 602 squadron was the name for the citroen specials based on a Lomax threewheeler (kitcar based on 2CV). I had one once, because of the lightweight and modified exhaust it did 95MPH.


Dag Kris
Om je een beetje water in de mond te doen krijgen: :D:D Brewery De Koninck
Mijn motorhome: 'Weinsberg' Meteor.
En nee, 'grounded' voor een volgende 14 dagen. Pootje halve trouwboek terug ingetaped.:mad:
Ik weet toch dat er een klein tiental Vlamingen en Nederlanders opzitten hier.
(translation via Google for those with ???)

Milledju Leo, ik zal dat bier moeten importeren. Juist te laat voor het bollekensfeest!


2cv spares

I am in SW France and doing up a 2CV6.

What spares have you got?
What do you want for them?
All the best

Here's mine. I owned it from 1999 until 2009 and drove it as far south as Italy and as far north as Sweden. Just a bed in the back; no other facilities.

Hi 602 squadron was the name for the citroen specials based on a Lomax threewheeler (kitcar based on 2CV). I had one once, because of the lightweight and modified exhaust it did 95MPH.



Nope, 602 Squadron is the name of the local group of 2CVGB members based around Nottingham. I know many of them and - scarily - there's a sub-group calling themselves 602 Squadron Second Generation because they're the children of the original members. (I've been a member of 2CVGB since 1983).

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