Citroen 2CV spares


I have got some new 2CV spares for sale.

Anybody interested?

I've just sold the last of my two but know someone who may be interested depending on what you've got and where you are.

Thanks Seeya
I ll make a list of the items I have got, mostly new.
I am in France but I have family connections in Bristol.

I will get back to you asap


Can you put a picture up of your motorhome?:)

I have never seen one based on a Citroen 2CV before.:eek:
Can you put a picture up of your motorhome?:)

I have never seen one based on a Citroen 2CV before.:eek:

DOH'HHHH @ Sprainplate :rolleyes:
CITROENS are very versatile, even 5th wheelers :D:D


  • camper.jpg
    45.9 KB · Views: 240
  • Dyane 5th wheeler.jpg
    Dyane 5th wheeler.jpg
    66.3 KB · Views: 119
I've just sold the last of my two but know someone who may be interested depending on what you've got and where you are.



This is the list:
1 carburettor 2CV6 Solex 26/35, used
2 insulator blocks for above, used
1 oilfiler, new
1 wheeljack, new
1 pair of shockabsorbers, new
1 new exhaust pipe (between the 2 silencers)
1 new rim (wheel)
1 new hose for the heating system
various new bits to repair the seats

Make me an offer. Delivery to the area can be arranged.

Many thanks

Can you put a picture up of your motorhome?:)

I have never seen one based on a Citroen 2CV before.:eek:

Rest assured, I haven't lost my marbles yet (but very close)!
My MH is a 1993 CI Granduca. I stay well clear from modern French technology.


Am I right in thinking there was a factory pick up conversion on the 2 CV chassis. :confused:

Do they still have a 2 CV racing series. :confused:

There is still a Race series for 2CV's.
I know of a Midlands and a German company who used to manufacture GRP body panels for a pick-up version.

It is a shame MH's are more complicated to repair than the 2CV.


Am I right in thinking there was a factory pick up conversion on the 2 CV chassis. :confused:

Do they still have a 2 CV racing series. :confused:

Q1, YES and they were all right hand drive and built in Slough for the Royal Navy, on Aircraft carrier decks...


Q2, Yes, I last raced at NAAS in the 24 hour 2CV race !!!
back in the late 80's only prob was >>Firestone sponsored the series so Michelin tyres were not allowed, knocked 3 seconds off potential lap times :(
Still goes on now tho' :D
Did sell my 2CV a year ago (still miss it);)
Didn't run it the last years very much; but I loved it.
Simple car and yet that sophisticated French ingeneering. Only difficult to keep it on the road (leaded fuel ....)
Ony a screwdriver and N° 10 and 14 wrench needed to take it totaly apart.:p
Magic car, but oh so rusty :rolleyes:
Citroen 2C.V. spares

I have got some new 2CV spares for sale.

Anybody interested?

Hi Kris! Just new to site so bear with me. Just asking what spares you have. If you could let me know I might do a deal on the lot!

I am always up for deals!
The list is on the previous page. (1)
I am on holiday now till 14th of July. (of course in the MH, cannot live without!)

Speak to you then.

Best regards

Did sell my 2CV a year ago (still miss it);)
Didn't run it the last years very much; but I loved it.
Simple car and yet that sophisticated French ingeneering. Only difficult to keep it on the road (leaded fuel ....)
Ony a screwdriver and N° 10 and 14 wrench needed to take it totaly apart.:p
Magic car, but oh so rusty :rolleyes:


I used to own 3 2CV6 and 1 Acadiane (van). They are great.
If I only had more time I would get another one, although they are not cheap these days. Rust is less of an issue here. It is less humid than Belgium.

Might come to Antwerp early September. Ready for a ' bolleke'?


flemish underground talk

Dag Kris,
Het zal me een genoegen zijn en dat wordt meer dan één bolleke.;)
Ze hebben zelfs een nieuw bierke bij de Coninck: Triple d'Anvers :confused ::D:D:D
Tot dan vriend
Goedenavond Leo,

Triple Anvers dat klinkt uitnodigend!
Morgenvroeg vertrek ik naar Chateau Salens in Lorraine .
Onderweg stop ik in Aubigny sur nere, waar een prima Italiaans restaurant is, plus 2 aires.
Wat ik wou vragen welke MH hebt gij?
Is de halve trouwboek aan de beterhand?
Dit is alles chinees voor de forumbezoekers, uitgenomen de nederlanders en vlamingen. Hoeveel zouden er lid zijn van dit foruml?:)


I believe there used to be an owners club called :- 602 Squadron, anybody know anything about this. :confused:
Dag Kris
Om je een beetje water in de mond te doen krijgen: :D:D Brewery De Koninck
Mijn motorhome: 'Weinsberg' Meteor.
En nee, 'grounded' voor een volgende 14 dagen. Pootje halve trouwboek terug ingetaped.:mad:
Ik weet toch dat er een klein tiental Vlamingen en Nederlanders opzitten hier.
(translation via Google for those with ???)
I believe they bought about 12 for a pink panther film expecting them all to fail but one was all they needed. proper workhorses they were indeed.

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