cb radio


i go to some vw festivals with friends and on route to a festival in north wales i took a wrong turning,moments later my phone rings to tell me i had missed the turning,i should have had my phone off, any way when we got to the fest this minor mistake lead to a discusion on cb radio and if it would be any good for us ( normaly three or four dubs in convoy) now its a £60 pounds fine and points on your license,not into that,and you can pick up a cb good to go for £59.95 on fleabay,so guess what we all got one. last weekend was our first outing to volksfling and we hit edinburgh at rush hour the cb,s turned out to be great when i needed to lane change i would tell my mate at the back he would move over when he could and then let rest of us over,well worth the money if you drive with others :dance:
I've used one for years now in the mh in the car and in the house
they are a good thing but you do get the odd couple of knobs on them
if they know what channel you're on I had a lot of that so went up Market
a bit and got a kenwood as I could go inbetween channels
hi. lots use the cheap walkie talkies you get in super markets .ideal work a treat.
i have a set from lidl,s think it was 14 quid a few years ago.
also good if split up in big hyper complex,s abroad .
or the kids on trips when they wonder off.
If your mobiles have bluetooth, how about a handsfree car kit.
If your mobiles have bluetooth, how about a handsfree car kit.

we thought about the hands free kits but they where the same cost as the cb kits and you can only be in one call at a time where as with the cb we all sit on a preassigned channel and we can all hear whats being said and best of all being a scotsman is free :dance:
That's brought back some memories - CB radio when it was on 'am'! I never moved across to VHF and I'm surprised to hear that it is still going - fair play1

We used to sit atop Dartmoor late at night (around 1980 / 81) and be able to reach other users down in the depths of Cornwall. great for helping / or asking for directions - all before the age of mobile phones - crikey, am I that old.

I had a Midland unit with a K40 mag mount aerial. Used to get 'bled' all over some nights by somebody deep in USA - can't remember his handle but he must have had some powerful sort of set-up.

What sort of range are the sets giving you today? I appreciate that the 'am' sets used 'skip' to get distance and that it was quite hit and miss on occasions.
I remember using a CB radio many years ago, was a bit chunky to carry around though, nowadays I have an Autocom kit on my motorbike which uses a Kenwood radio. Everything is connected to a mic and headphones built into the helmet, and was used to great effect with other bikes when we travelled abroad.
I have several Kenwood radios and we can use these 'on board' the van if we travel in convoy. They have a very good range depending on 'line of sight'.
Yes but can you still remember all the voice proceedure?;)
Remember my handle was sunseeker1, and we lived in sugar bowl (bury st edmunds)
used to get some good warnings from the lorry drivers about police check points etc., and cameras. (Kojak with a kodac)
Used to be a girl (radar mike) stood for randy mandy. LOL. working from just outside sugar bowl along the 45 (now A14) she must have made a mint out of travellers.
What great times.............this thread brought back some great memories. My handle was Lazer and my then girl friend was called lazer beam , I had a eye ball eye ball with a young girl called Lady madonna, I said a big negatory good buddy to lazer beam and have been maried to Lady Madoner for thirty years..... Good times
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hi .i still have an AM. electronica 360 with added channels . have an fm one as well buried away. i was rebel rouser . in the late 70,s early 80,s all the custom car s had them. think we all thought we were american graffitee stars .think making it legal on fm did away with it . not the same when its legal .hee hee.
10/ 4 rubber duck we have a convoy !! Yes memories of the old cb radio are good but 30 years old ! where have those years gone?
I find it really interesting , touch a mobile phone points on your licence...basically touch a mobile and fines yet CBS are totally legal, my point is the levels of distraction is identical?

Of course CBS upset the radio hams who have to sit an exam....seems a bit deja vu...anyone want to talk the merits of a gennyShift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page.
Hi - I did raise tis question some months ago but was sort of told that CBs were no longer being used.

For £60 i would get one.

What Channel are you using mainly ??
This licenced ham was one of the first with a legal set ready to go on air the day it was made legal. I was licenced before CB became popular as G6fgg and now G0fgg. My CB handle was Sunseeker. Now I use "Snail with a tail".

We used "Lake Manxman" CB radios, imported as parts to IOM and assembled there. That way they could be brought in legaly ready for day one.

It was great from day one to Christmas when everyone and the dog got on the air with no discipline.

Still got a Midland 98 plus in my Motorhome, together with a Yaesu (All Mode Transceiver) FT-847 ham set up

I normally sit on Ch 19 (UK) on the road and have travelled from the tip of Cornwall to the lakes both ways in the last month and only heard one distorted voice the whole way while passing Birmingham. No chat like in the old days.

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I too was licenced as a Radio Ham before the CB explosion as GW8JJP

For CB purposes I was known as the Rigmender!! Had a dummy load licence so could legally mend all rigs, AM, SSB and FM

I tried modifying a rig and by putting a high frequency sawtooth on the PLL I could simultaneously transmit on ALL AM frequencies!!.

Link in a spring delay on the mic and a 500w burner I could be like the Mysterons TV prog and be heard everywhere, I prob upset a few people, but the novelty wore off very quickly!!

Also upset a few "Good Buddies" by using a home made VHF transceiver in a sandwich box with a coat hanger as an antenna and contacting Birmingham from North Wales!! (Didn't mention the use of a repeater).
We are in Poland at them moment - staying with newly found family. The youngest daughter has a cb - took us on a trip to Krakow, but before she left she went on the cb to find out if there were any speed traps on the road - as there weren't she proceeded to drive like the clappers to Krakow & back :scared: She's a lovely person - and a doctor!!!!!! I do not think they know how to drive slowly round here.:scared: its foot to the floor & go
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I had a Midland rig on my pushbike when I was still at school in the early 80's. It was a great community and from memory a brilliant way to meet girls!
Hi - I did raise tis question some months ago but was sort of told that CBs were no longer being used.

For £60 i would get one.

What Channel are you using mainly ??

the airways are pretty dead, we just put it on chanel 30 when we are off to a festival if we get any chatter on 30 we go up one its easy lol i think 19 is still the breaking channel :wave:

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