i go to some vw festivals with friends and on route to a festival in north wales i took a wrong turning,moments later my phone rings to tell me i had missed the turning,i should have had my phone off, any way when we got to the fest this minor mistake lead to a discusion on cb radio and if it would be any good for us ( normaly three or four dubs in convoy) now its a £60 pounds fine and points on your license,not into that,and you can pick up a cb good to go for £59.95 on fleabay,so guess what we all got one. last weekend was our first outing to volksfling and we hit edinburgh at rush hour the cb,s turned out to be great when i needed to lane change i would tell my mate at the back he would move over when he could and then let rest of us over,well worth the money if you drive with others :dance: