CB radio and VOIP

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Here's an update from ericthelama or as he will shortly be known - ericthedogfood if he doesn't come up with the goods :D


Having spent yesterday evening trying to extract more information from Big Scary Richard at the radio club I am not much wiser.

It seems that there is a CB gateway that has been set up locally (in Shoebury) by Ofcom which allows a connection to other users world wide. Unlike the Amateur Radio version it doesn't require any special codes to access it. You just call out on channel 27 and it gets you out there through other international gateways.

I have charged up the CB and sat it there listening late yesterday evening but haven't heard a whisper, nor have I had any response to my calls. I am beginning to think this may be a complex Wah! These gateways or VOIP nodes are usually set up by local groups, not Ofcom.

I can't find anything about gateways or VOIP links for CB or PMR446 on the Ofcom website either. On the other hand, it does seem like a logical extension of the network.

I will continue to research and will call Big Scary Richards bluff by going round to his place in the week to see what activity there might be. I will feel a proper prat if this is just a joke at my expense.

In the meantime I will continue to research and let you know what I find. Sorry I haven't been much help.

You were right that the easy way would be to have an Amateur Licence but since only Full Licence holders can use them internationally, it's a long route. I have both the Foundation and Intermediate Licences but don't think my brain is big enough for the Full one.

I believe that Mikejay and Nomad had a good sesh with a british trucker in France this year

I had pretty much given up on CB's when I gave up on trucking. However I borrowed one for a trip to France last year and was running with Mikejay and Nomad when we were chatting to the british trucker running south.
CB's really come into their own if your travelling with other vans, I don't get lost half as often :D.

I'm now in the middle of a new van build and will be fitting a CB as part of the build. Even though I know it wont get used very often the few times it will be used will make it worth having.
Here's an update from ericthelama or as he will shortly be known - ericthedogfood if he doesn't come up with the goods :D

Hi, you really don't have that far to go now for a full licence, not even a morse test nowerdays, G0DIZ -AG4JD If I can do it you can.
Hi, you really don't have that far to go now for a full licence, not even a morse test nowerdays, G0DIZ -AG4JD If I can do it you can.

There are 3 licences: Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced. You need the Advanced licence to operate abroad. If you are caught using one without the right bit of paper you are taken away and horrid things will happen to you. You can be very certain of that.


The radio amateurs that I have spoken to reckon that the Advanced is very hard and will take at least 2 years to obtain
Allways have the cb in the van but only put it on when in convoy with nomad and kell or baloo the fondation course aint to hard to pass but ham radio just aint the same as cb it gets a bit repetative having to say your call sign after nearly every bit of modulation you do and watching your language you dont have to pay every year now to keep your licence m3mjn.

Well Eric The Lama has been spared a visit to Woofo pet foods because he has come up with this

Just another quick call about CB and VOIP . . .

Talking to the boffins at the radio club last night, they mentioned that there had been Internet gateways on the PMR 446 system for a while. I'm sure that you'll know about 446 which is another licence free system with shorter range than CB. I don't know much about it myself but there's stacks on the Internet and it's harmonised with the European system.

They use software called eQSO which allows them to connect to the Internet and do the VOIP thing. Apparently there are quite a few gateways in Europe too.

There's a really informative piece on www.griffinnet.co.uk/pmr446.htm

Have a look and see what you think. PMR 446 radios are as cheap as chips so might be a useful alternative to CB. It may even be simple enough that people could create gateways for their own family use. All you have to do is find a node when you are travelling and key in the code for your home gateway to get through to your own computer.

There is definitely a CB Gateway down here in Shoebury but I just can't find anything about it. Somebody must know though so I'll just keep searching. They talk through to Australia on a regular basis.

If you Google eQSO you will find out more.

Happy hunting. I'll let you know if I can find out anything else.


So he is now officially "A Good Chap" and I was not really serious about turning him into pet food....

and a bit more has just appeared

Here's some more I found out about it all, having discovered a forum of 446 gateway users here . .


. . . and joined it under my amateur radio call sign of 2E0VZL. I've already asked the question about where I could find lists of international gateways that you could access. There is a list of some of some of the UK gateways on the site for all to see.

At least I now have contact with the guy who runs my local one in Shoebury.

The trail is still warm . . . . don't despair. This whole idea fits in with the self-built motor caravan concept and we'll track it down yet.

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I read all the foregoing posts and they made great reading -- I' interested enough to install a CB (or whatever) and would like info so that I could tie-in with whatever rig you install Thanks and keep beavering away. All is appreciated:)
Hello all,

This may be of interest to some?

We are opening a Radio Amateur friendly Campsite in the spring here in West Wales, it is currently restricted to Camping & Caravan Club members but I am guessing some Amateurs who are interested in Camping may well also be members of the C&CC.

The site has a dedicated three acre field and is 750ft ASL.
Electric Hook Up, Toilet & Shower Facilities etc.

We have no problem with anyone erecting Aerials etc. and there are no neighbours to upset...

I run a 2 Metre Gateway here (MB7IWW) so worldwide comms from your half watt hand held is no problem ;)

Details here..http://www.welshcampsite.co.uk and photo attached



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cb radio

I have looked at the previous posts and am wondering how many of you out there have cb in their m/h....
*****, you being in a truck,is there still drivers out there using them..

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