Carrying Food into France etc - THE DEFINITIVE ANSWER

By far our favourite place in France is the Pyrenees and we have some very very very remote places thousands of feet up that was like to go to and will happily have several days up there all alone apart from the local Pottok and Griffon Vultures :)

I make sure the water tank is full, the fridge freezer is stocked up and we take some of the part baked baguettes which really are quite nice then we don`t have to drive down and mix with normal people just for our daily bread o_O
On the morning of Sunday the 8th January we caught the Brittany ferry from Portsmouth to Caen, we had various foods in the fridge that you are not supposed to bring into the EU, but was willing to take the gamble, check ran smoothly and then two border guards approached us, asked if we were carrying any drugs or weapons, we replied no, then they asked if we were taking more than a thousand pounds in cash, I replied yes, they asked how much and I told them £1200 for back up. One looked at the other who then nodded his approval and said that ok.

We then drove down to the customs search area, but we wasn't stopped and waved straight through and boarded the ferry. Once we got to Caen, we went into the lane nothing to declare, again no searches and we just had to show our passports before leaving the port.
On the morning of Sunday the 8th January we caught the Brittany ferry from Portsmouth to Caen, we had various foods in the fridge that you are not supposed to bring into the EU, but was willing to take the gamble, check ran smoothly and then two border guards approached us, asked if we were carrying any drugs or weapons, we replied no, then they asked if we were taking more than a thousand pounds in cash, I replied yes, they asked how much and I told them £1200 for back up. One looked at the other who then nodded his approval and said that ok.

We then drove down to the customs search area, but we wasn't stopped and waved straight through and boarded the ferry. Once we got to Caen, we went into the lane nothing to declare, again no searches and we just had to show our passports before leaving the port.

In my OP it looks as though that is now incorrect. Small amounts for personal use are allowed.
Well it looks like things have move on in a short space of time, it now seems to have been clarified that it is illegal to take meat and dairy into EU from mainland UK.
The upside is French customs rarely bother to check, and so far I've only heard of two people stopped, and in both cases they where made to unload meat and milk and received no fines, on this basis we will probably
Can you link/point to where it has been clarified that it is illegal Colin?

Reading a post from Brian today and remembered I hadn't answered you.
Anyhow here's the latest from Brian.
Thanks for the update Colin.

So that has further clarified that it is not permissible. He's a good bloke that Brian, going to the time and trouble to find out definitively for us all.
Not sure how you intend to translate into French and then convince officials that it is an accurate translation. Far better to simply use the official web page in the relevant language (selectable top right of the page). The French language version is at:
So at the point at which French customs officers decide to remove certain items from you vehicle, you show them a web page with official guidance on the subject of food for personal consumption.

Good luck with that and the consequences.

Strip search and van breakdown potential?

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