Car Driver Abuse

Dont get mad, get even. :D

Ive had all sorts of cars. One or two really fast ones in the past but for the past decade my main car was a lowly Golf diesel. It was on its last legs a few months ago and as I hardly do any miles these days and in a fit of madness I bought a dinky little Hyundai i10. Its so small you dont need to park it, just stick it in a bag and take it with you. It seems its a proper pensioners car and generally driven around by those invisible drivers that when you come up behind them it looks like there is nobody driving it as it trundles along at 25 mph.

Totally stupid buy for me as I have to admit, I am a bit of a hooligan. However it turns out that if your prepared to ring its neck it does actually get a shift on which is great as the first thing I noticed is the BMW and Audi brigade and actually pretty much any of the 4x4 Chelsea tractor set of which there are loads around here like to bully it! :( Bit like driving a motorhome where they will do anything to get past you or pull out in front of you to avoid getting stuck behind what they assume is a slow moving vehicle. Ive took the battle to them now though and actively go out of my way to harass the feckers! If you see a little silver car in the fast lane screaming its tits of and flashing at a beemer to get out of the way, its probably me.

I live in the Dales not too far south of Weardale so if I see this Audi that abused one of our members, dont worry, ill take him out. :D
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Dont get mad, get even. :D

Ive had all sorts of cars. One or two really fast ones in the past but for the past decade my main car was a lowly Golf diesel. It was on its last legs a few months ago and as I hardly do any miles these days and in a fit of madness I bought a dinky little Hyundai i10. Its so small you dont need to park it, just stick it in a bag and take it with you. It seems its a proper pensioners car and generally driven around by those invisible drivers that when you come up behind them it looks like there is nobody driving it as it trundles along at 25 mph.

Totally stupid buy for me as I have to admit, I am a bit of a hooligan. However it turns out that if your prepared to ring its neck it does actually get a shift on which is great as the first thing I noticed is the BMW and Audi brigade and actually pretty much any of the 4x4 Chelsea tractor set of which there are loads around here like to bully it! :( Bit like driving a motorhome where they will do anything to get past you or pull out in front of you to avoid getting stuck behind what they assume is a slow moving vehicle. Ive took the battle to them now though and actively go out of my way to harass the feckers! If you see a little silver car in the fast lane screaming its tits of and flashing at a beemer to get out of the way, its probably me.

I live in the Dales not too far south of Weardale so if I see this Audi that abused one of our members, dont worry, ill take him out. :D

I experienced the audi syndrome today and the car had a baby on board sticker in the rear window !
I'm surprised no one has pointed out what the Audi logo stands for. Four extra are souls maybe ?
More Audi Problems

Hi again. During the winter I was up weardale looking to take photos of Black Grouse. Id waded through deep snow, froze my arse off and got nothing. Well after a long cold day I jumped in the car and decided to go home. Just before I went I decided to drive down a small lane. True it was covered in snow, ice but I had new tyres, deep tred and my Skoda diesel is ok in the snow. Amazingly I came upon Black Grouse in the trees/bushes eating berries in amazing light. I immediately rammed the car on the little lane into a snow drift, crept out, lined up my big camera/lens combo and started to shoot. This is amazing I thought, all day all the hard work, the cold sitting in snowdrifts and here they are. And then.......

Out the corner of my eye I spot a car, a sporty type with low profile tyres. Well hes never coming down this lane. Any idiot with those tyres, the snow the ice...oh he is. Oh well if he keeps speed up he might get past.......oh no hes got stuck.......still he can see me sat in the snow, hell be quiet and dig himself out....RRRRRAAAAGGGGHHHH.....RRRRRRAAAAAGGGGHHHHH.......oh dear hes revving the engine 15 yards from the birds. Fookin idiot, still he not let the kids out the car to run around screeming as he can see what im.........oops....shout yell screem etc etc, ........still could be worse he could have a dog but hell never let it out the car he can see me taking photos of the birds.....wrong....bark bark screem RRRAAGGHHH.......still he will know that doing that to his tyres, they will overheat and.....BANG! Tyre blows up. At this point the birds thinking the last badly working brain cell on this idiot has gone flew off.

Then again the white car? Yep it was an Audi

I must say that the times i have been to the mainland and driving from either wales or l/pool the speed and tw-ts i cam across were plentyful,who in there right mind goes into a roundabout at almost 70 on two wheels,yep bmw drivers and near portsmouth a nutter in a van tried it but ended up going the the centre of one.
It has me baffled me for years why newish type cars and bikes are let in here with top speeds well in access of our 70mph,time things changed.
The other thing is in my youth car ins was so expensive anyone under 21 had not got a chance of driving theres or daddys car,now you buy new and the ins is turfed in free for the first year.
Quite near to me is a "Golf Course Community", definitely not an "Estate". Houses going at estate agencies, although not local ones, for over £1.5m. Yes I know in London that would buy you a shed. But in Northampton, that's a lot. Enough to suggest you needn't live here.

Anyway, on this Community, there are several "super cars. A couple of Ferrari's, Lamborghini's ( had to Google the spelling for that ) even a McLaren. Most noticeably because of it's noise is a Audi R8 V8, registration made to read ROCKET8. Fantastic car, able to reach almost 200mph,
REDUCED to a crawl to drive over speed bumps. Mind you, he gives it some welly in between them. Could possibly make your ears bleed. Tragic really. I mean, think of the MH he could have bought for that money.

There is a lady around the corner with a Mustang, newish, but much more sensible. Unless you want to sit in the back. What William Lyons called a 2+2.
Never had an Audi or Beemer, sounds like fun. Might have to try one. :p
Quite near to me is a "Golf Course Community", definitely not an "Estate". Houses going at estate agencies, although not local ones, for over £1.5m. Yes I know in London that would buy you a shed. But in Northampton, that's a lot. Enough to suggest you needn't live here.

Anyway, on this Community, there are several "super cars. A couple of Ferrari's, Lamborghini's ( had to Google the spelling for that ) even a McLaren. Most noticeably because of it's noise is a Audi R8 V8, registration made to read ROCKET8. Fantastic car, able to reach almost 200mph,
REDUCED to a crawl to drive over speed bumps. Mind you, he gives it some welly in between them. Could possibly make your ears bleed. Tragic really. I mean, think of the MH he could have bought for that money.

There is a lady around the corner with a Mustang, newish, but much more sensible. Unless you want to sit in the back. What William Lyons called a 2+2.

25 years old and very few things with 4 wheels can catch Maureen the moped !

Drove a lot of all types of cars in the m/trade but i have no interest in any as i treat cars as a tool,if it aint got a t/bar and large opening rear hatch for bags of cement sand and all sorts of things it usless,bit like my car im driving now,i want my SODA back.:cry:
Drove a lot of all types of cars in the m/trade but i have no interest in any as i treat cars as a tool,if it aint got a t/bar and large opening rear hatch for bags of cement sand and all sorts of things it usless,bit like my car im driving now,i want my SODA back.:cry:

Give that man a drink 😀
That'l be me then :)

One of my favourite pubs of all time is the Barley Mow at Kirk Ireton that neck of the woods ,,Theakston Old Peculiar straight from the barrel ..proper time warp of a place

One of my favourite pubs of all time is the Barley Mow at Kirk Ireton that neck of the woods ,,Theakston Old Peculiar straight from the barrel ..proper time warp of a place


Is it still like that, channa? It's a good few years since I was there.

There also used to be another time warp pub - in fact there were loads in Derbyshire! - at Bolehill up from Wirksworth, but I'm damned if I can remember the name - it might even have been another Barley Mow! :)

All I remember is that it was run by a lady called Freda who bred daschunds. She used to take a cycling holiday in Holland every year.
It was a tiny bar. The pub did have electric but the 'parlour' or 'best room', which was rarely used, was gas lit.
If there were more than half a dozen of you in it was chocker!

An elderly farmer and his wife would come in every Saturday night. They'd order 2 halves of bitter, have a couple of games of dominos then be off home by 10pm. He always had bailer twine holding his trousers up which looked as though he'd worked & slept in them for years. I always felt sorry for them as they looked as if they didn't have 2 pennies to rub between them, until someone mentioned that he was one of the richest farmers in Derbyshire - and probably way beyond!

Never judge by the cover! :)
I think the dictionary entry for car is " A box with an idiot inside of it"
I drive an Audi TT and proud of it. Only been spat at twice by Audi haters......... seriously. I put it down to jealousy of the size of my manhood. 😂😂😂
car driver

Seen a car sticker, im a vet and I drive like an animal. Hmm....I thought. Must mean all audi drivers are gynaecologists.
I drive an Audi TT and proud of it. Only been spat at twice by Audi haters......... seriously. I put it down to jealousy of the size of my manhood. ������

How would they know? Do you have it flapping out of your window:lol-061:
I love winding up prats like this, its all part of the fun.
Dash cams are great things you can put their antics on u tube and possibly they might be spotted.
Or if you are feeling really nasty do a dvla check on them, and if something is amiss contact the local constabulary.
I got abuse on one of my first trips, his regi was listed as off road, wonder how he felt when the police chapped his door.

Even better if its a company van you can send the footage to his or her boss for their perusal.:have fun:

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