Campsite mischief

I had a rather sweet bit of motorhome related payback over the weekend.
We were parked up at a pub stop, right in the far corner of an overflow type car park, when we had to retire early as the pub shut at 6pm.
After a couple of hours a car decided to park about a foot away from us and play very very loud music. After some time Phill peeped through a window and told me they were blowing up balloons. Because of this I told him to leave well alone. They eventually buggered off, some time well after midnight.

The next morning I went out to investigate the heap of packaging, Nitrous Oxide canisters and rubbish they had left behind. It was a 2023 plate car and the idiots were obviously off their faces when they left, as they didn't realise that amongst the rubbish was a nice iPhone 16. This is now with West Mercia Police, as is his registration number and description.
they were only having a laugh