Campsite mischief


Full Member
Its a slow day here in Mortehoe (Woolacombe). Its raining and the mists have come down. On top of that the bike is playing up so I literally have nothing to do.

A motorhomer has gone out of the day and left his awning. How big a job will it be to move it to another level or pitch and see if they notice when they return? :ROFLMAO:

I think I need rescuing. :D

Its a slow day here in Mortehoe (Woolacombe). Its raining and the mists have come down. On top of that the bike is playing up so I literally have nothing to do.

A motorhomer has gone out of the day and left his awning. How big a job will it be to move it to another level or pitch and see if they notice when they return? :ROFLMAO:

I think I need rescuing. :D

View attachment 136509
'Yes, Officer, it was a wee joke, I never intended to steal it ...' Barry needs rescuing, and some bail money ... :ROFLMAO:

Its a slow day here in Mortehoe (Woolacombe). Its raining and the mists have come down. On top of that the bike is playing up so I literally have nothing to do.

A motorhomer has gone out of the day and left his awning. How big a job will it be to move it to another level or pitch and see if they notice when they return? :ROFLMAO:

I think I need rescuing. :D

View attachment 136509

Its a slow day here in Mortehoe (Woolacombe). Its raining and the mists have come down. On top of that the bike is playing up so I literally have nothing to do.

A motorhomer has gone out of the day and left his awning. How big a job will it be to move it to another level or pitch and see if they notice when they return? :ROFLMAO:

I think I need rescuing. :D

View attachment 136509
It's not much better a few miles away where I live
I went on a short residential college course in Durham when I left school. One Sunday night I arrived to see a load of lads setting up a bedroom on the college green outside the student bar. They neatly arranged the bed and all the furniture. Their target (one of their mates) arrived soon after and much drinking was done with everyone (including this guy) laughing at the bedroom that was set up on the green wondering who's it was. He never sussed it was his until he went to his room later that night sh*t faced and found it empty. He just went back outside and went to sleep in his bed on the green. :D
mate of mine was constantly banging on about his mastery of taekwondo . one day i found a manikin in a skip with an upright arm . that evening ,as it got dark , i stood the thing on his porch tied it to the door and rang his bell . it went perfectly - he swung open the door ,which causd the naked dummy to lunge forward . he gave the most horrible scream as he frantically backpeddalled and fell in his hallway
still gives me a smile
I went on a short residential college course in Durham when I left school. One Sunday night I arrived to see a load of lads setting up a bedroom on the college green outside the student bar. They neatly arranged the bed and all the furniture. Their target (one of their mates) arrived soon after and much drinking was done with everyone (including this guy) laughing at the bedroom that was set up on the green wondering who's it was. He never sussed it was his until he went to his room later that night sh*t faced and found it empty. He just went back outside and went to sleep in his bed on the green. :D
A friend was working in Shetland and they all headed to the bar which was set up for the site workers and got wasted, one guy caught a sheep and put it in has mates room. Great laugh so he though next evening when they returned from the pub his mate had manage to catch a seagull and put that in his room, the seagull made more mess than the sheep.
A friend was working in Shetland and they all headed to the bar which was set up for the site workers and got wasted, one guy caught a sheep and put it in has mates room. Great laugh so he though next evening when they returned from the pub his mate had manage to catch a seagull and put that in his room, the seagull made more mess than the sheep.

Oh thats golden!!! A seagull!! :ROFLMAO: That would be a good one for the awning to be fair.
When I was a young layabout at university there was one student who nobody really got on very well with. He was always bragging about his money or his car or his multitudinous girlfriends. One evening when we all knew (as a result of his bragging) that he had gone out with a new girl and intended to bring her back to his room afterwards for a bit of hankie pankie we used the rooms master key (don’t ask how we obtained it) to get into his room in the halls of residence. We stripped absolutely everything out, including the cupboards fixed to the walls, and just left his sheepskin rug on the floor with a packet of condoms in the middle all illuminated with the ceiling light that even had the lamp cover removed.
He never said anything to anybody about it afterwards.
When I was a young layabout at university there was one student who nobody really got on very well with. He was always bragging about his money or his car or his multitudinous girlfriends. One evening when we all knew (as a result of his bragging) that he had gone out with a new girl and intended to bring her back to his room afterwards for a bit of hankie pankie we used the rooms master key (don’t ask how we obtained it) to get into his room in the halls of residence. We stripped absolutely everything out, including the cupboards fixed to the walls, and just left his sheepskin rug on the floor with a packet of condoms in the middle all illuminated with the ceiling light that even had the lamp cover removed.
He never said anything to anybody about it afterwards.
Maybe he never had a chance as his new girl exhausted his supply of condoms and wore him out?
sounds like you were jealous ;)
A group of my colleagues went camping on a bike rally..

Unfortunately the group of bikers adjacent were noisy and it was rather late when my mates got off to sleep.

One of my mates woke up and was desperate for the loo, which was a typical low standard rally toilet on the far side of the site.

Inspiration struck when he saw the upswept exhaust pipes on the neighbour's sports bikes !
When he got back in the tent he told everyone what he had done, and throughout the night others followed his example.

The next morning hey were outside their tent and cooking bacon when the group next door emerged from their slumbers
and decided to ride into town to get breakfast and so started their bikes.

Streams of liquid came out of the exhausts and drenched my mates, their tents and their bacon.

This is a good time to point out that my mates were all serving Police Officers!
I had a rather sweet bit of motorhome related payback over the weekend.
We were parked up at a pub stop, right in the far corner of an overflow type car park, when we had to retire early as the pub shut at 6pm.
After a couple of hours a car decided to park about a foot away from us and play very very loud music. After some time Phill peeped through a window and told me they were blowing up balloons. Because of this I told him to leave well alone. They eventually buggered off, some time well after midnight.

The next morning I went out to investigate the heap of packaging, Nitrous Oxide canisters and rubbish they had left behind. It was a 2023 plate car and the idiots were obviously off their faces when they left, as they didn't realise that amongst the rubbish was a nice iPhone 16. This is now with West Mercia Police, as is his registration number and description.
I had a rather sweet bit of motorhome related payback over the weekend.
We were parked up at a pub stop, right in the far corner of an overflow type car park, when we had to retire early as the pub shut at 6pm.
After a couple of hours a car decided to park about a foot away from us and play very very loud music. After some time Phill peeped through a window and told me they were blowing up balloons. Because of this I told him to leave well alone. They eventually buggered off, some time well after midnight.

The next morning I went out to investigate the heap of packaging, Nitrous Oxide canisters and rubbish they had left behind. It was a 2023 plate car and the idiots were obviously off their faces when they left, as they didn't realise that amongst the rubbish was a nice iPhone 16. This is now with West Mercia Police, as is his registration number and description.
Nice one lol