Camperstop GPS Downloads


Does anyone know how you put the Camperstop GPS Downloads ov2 Files on to a Tom Tom sat. nav.
Please keep it simple I'm not that good on computers.
This is the way I do it on a Windows XP machine.
Connect your TomTom to your PC. Your TomTom home program should start. First off use the Home software to make a backup of your TomTom. After that just minimize the Home software as its not used to do this.

Once the TomTom has started using 'My Computer' or 'Windows Explorer' find the TomTom in the list of local disk Drives on your computer. Mine shows as TomTom some others might be Mobile Device or Removable media or just a letter such as 'D' or 'E'.

if you open this folder amongst others you should find some of the following folders

The last one is where my maps are kept, yours might be different depending upon which tomtom you have. But there will be a similar folder.

Now.... The simple bit all you need to do is copy the *.OV2 files and any others in the downloaded file into this map folder and then using Home disconnect the TomTom and restart the TomTom.

Thats it you should then have the new POI's
Is the internerd brill' or what!!!!!!!!!!!!

A man in Valencia helps a man in Gloucester with a bit of kit made in China!!!!

LONG may it last!!!:D
I loaded camperstop data onto my Garmin Nuvi, caused it to crash when we reached southern Denmark. The firmware has been updated since so I don't think this is a problem anymore if you've updated.

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