Bread Trays


I have managed to saw through one bread tray.
I have also cut it in half long ways! hope thats right?
I will do the other one tomorrow
Now how do I use them???????
Do I just put one under each wheel when on grass as a percaution.
Or do I wait till I am stuck?????
I have managed to saw through one bread tray.
I have also cut it in half long ways! hope thats right?
I will do the other one tomorrow
Now how do I use them???????
Do I just put one under each wheel when on grass as a percaution.
Or do I wait till I am stuck?????
Just put them under your front wheels (driving wheels) as precaution on wet grass or mud.
Or: glue them back together and hand them over at your bakery :D LOL
I have managed to saw through one bread tray.
I have also cut it in half long ways! hope thats right?
I will do the other one tomorrow
Now how do I use them???????
Do I just put one under each wheel when on grass as a percaution.
Or do I wait till I am stuck?????

May I ask what on earth you are doing? Sounds very bizarre......:confused:
I have managed to saw through one bread tray.
I have also cut it in half long ways! hope thats right?
I will do the other one tomorrow
Now how do I use them???????
Do I just put one under each wheel when on grass as a percaution.
Or do I wait till I am stuck?????

GOT IT! I didn't read the message properly at all sorry.
The best way is to use 4 bread trays. Cut the base out so that you leave a supporting rim around the edge. I use a Skil saw.
Then place two of the tray bases back to back so that the most ridged sides are out. Then use lots of zip-ties to make 'em good and strong.
Works for me.
Polly you are doing it right, If ground is suspect look for a better alternative, If none available drive onto them keeping your drive wheels as close to hard as poss, even if they sink in a bit they act like snow shoes and spread the load. Drive of in second lowish revs and don't stop untill all wheels are on firm ground, then go back to collect the trays.
Could this be an alternative to bread trays?,:rolleyes: I found it in a skip on a building site last week whilst working there. It's about 1 metre wide(could be cut down the middle(500mm) is durable plastic and very light. It's smooth on one side and serrated on the other and it cost nowt.


Yes, I'm a bit of a skip rat:eek::D


I think It's some kind of Terram used by groundworkers, Patent applied for, Hee Hee.
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I agree about using 4, but from my experience, I would put one under every wheel as even the rear non drive wheels can sink in:eek:

On that basis, I would suggest using 8 trays to start off with - :D

But they do work and that's the real point of the exersize. Have you seen the price of the so-called proper things that the off road boys use? Try over £100 notes each - now that really is funny
Could this be an alternative to bread trays?,:rolleyes: I found it in a skip on a building site last week whilst working there. It's about 1 metre wide(could be cut down the middle(500mm) is durable plastic and very light. It's smooth on one side and serrated on the other and it cost nowt.


Yes, I'm a bit of a skip rat:eek::D


I think It's some kind of Terram used by groundworkers, Patent applied for, Hee Hee.

The only way is to try it out (unfortunately) Looks like it may well do the trick - Nothing like a bit of Skip Licking, is there?
The only way is to try it out (unfortunately) Looks like it may well do the trick - Nothing like a bit of Skip Licking, is there?

LOL:D, I like that one:p(skip licking):eek:. You must admit ,It's not easy passing a skip without having a little sniff inside, is'nt it?:cool:
managed to cut the bread tray up today.
no it as not taken me all day (still of work School hols i beleive they call it ha ha)
I have been doing other womens jobs like mending my shower door YES
like putting the things ( don't know what some of these things are called)back that came out of the garage in the same way. You know !!!
don't tidy it up as you can never find what you are looking for .
Internet as been down most of the evening.
Son as been around looking for something in the garage (I held my breath).
His solution for weekend if I go and watch our George race is we will go down the bottom and then open the bottom gate. Spoil sport i want to try my bread trays out.
managed to cut the bread tray up today.
no it as not taken me all day (still of work School hols i beleive they call it ha ha)
I have been doing other womens jobs like mending my shower door YES
like putting the things ( don't know what some of these things are called)back that came out of the garage in the same way. You know !!!
don't tidy it up as you can never find what you are looking for .
Internet as been down most of the evening.
Son as been around looking for something in the garage (I held my breath).
His solution for weekend if I go and watch our George race is we will go down the bottom and then open the bottom gate. Spoil sport i want to try my bread trays out.

- hope you remembered to white-wash the coal as well, take the Whippets for a walk, take in the Washing, get bath in front of t'fire...

(Editor's note - You're going to Hell for this Post)
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women's work!!!!!!!!!!!


Been to Ikea tonight (I could have watched football instead) like ikea's flat packs as you don't end up with a load of nuts and bolts (screws) left over.

Decided to go and watch our George at weekend.
This is our George 9 not bad for 6years old
sounds like they might be usefull in norway as snow shoes cable ties round your ankles to keep them on .
or put the ground in the oven on 180 and hope the snow melts and the ground goes hard then with a nice crust on it you could then use them to get out of the rut you are in
no offence ment
Just put them under your front wheels (driving wheels) as precaution on wet grass or mud.
Or: glue them back together and hand them over at your bakery :D LOL
help an old man understand i may be missing something

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