This is doing my head in!!
Difficulty in contacting the one man in the Park authority is the main issue, on leave for two weeks then in meetings, not returning my calls etc.
The last E.mail stated that if Riverside caravan park became full then the car park could be used as an overflow!
I then emailed to discuss further but I've hit a brick wall. Will try again on Monday, but it's getting late I know.
On a positive note, I've been talking to the Chair of the community council who was totally opposed to wild camping, but now that she's seen what they are and what they need (plus the fact that my daughter & friend gave them a fund raising concert) she is slowly seeing the benefits of allowing wild camping or even shock considering Aire type facilities.
Lots of pictures of Aires, Stellplatz etc.
I'm even thinking of trying to become a councilor!
Obviously in the case of Betws, Riverside have created a fuss so that the Park Authority have changed their mind re Wild Camping. Effectively bowing down to commercial pressure, by someone that feels that because they have taken the decision to provide a commercial enterprise, everyone MUST be forced to use it, even if they don't need it.
In conversation with County and Community councilors, initially they took this view. When on a site visit, I pointed to some picnic benches opposite a cafe, "So I suppose that you will take away those as there is a commercial venture that offers all the facilities that people use a picnic bench"
Slowly the penny is dropping.
I need lots of people stating that they will boycott Betws y Coed as a result of the Park Authority banning Wild Camping as a result of Commercial Pressure.
I know it takes time, but it's only when people are shown that it will hurt their economy, will internal pressure be brought from within the community.
If you can write, please be as frank as possible explaining what money you did spend and why you cannot spend in Betws any longer as a result of this ban on the Car Park.
I URGE that it is kept a concise as possible without rants as this will not help our cause.
If I don't get your help, then perhaps there isn't actually the need to try and change peoples restricted view on what we claim is something we enjoy ie. WILD CAMPING
Mail me at: