Beautiful Brum


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In today’s Telegraph, “I buy it for the humorous financial pages” A travel writer extols the pleasures of Brums 11C bus route. This is a 27 mile tour around the suburbs, taking in all the cultural sites. “That is not a misprint”. Equal to anything Europe has to offer apparently. We have known about the service for years, but obviously have never realised its potential for serendipity.

Madam being a Black County lass has got all exited about this & it seems that when we visit the family over the Christmas period a round trip on the bus, all 27 miles is schedule for my pleasure.

Does life get any better ? Well I suspect it does, but I aint going to tell her.

Travel writer hails Birmingham's 11C bus as a hidden European gem - Top Stories - News - Birmingham Mail

Dezi :beer:
Bostin plerse is Brum

ooor'rite aaar kid ar do think yoam geinit a fer crak o thu wip ear .
its rite bostin in brum sumtimes ,sumtime's it ay ,but it ay dull weneva yow goo .
ar dow goo much cuz ar cor stand the ecsitment newadays ,wot wi mi diky tica ond mi gammi leg bur its a rite gud day art darn bi the cut oor in thu rag markit .yoal av fun necst time yoam ear cus yoa misses sez so RITE:lol-053:
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Us "West Midlanders" have known about the wonderful No.11 Outer Circle route for Yonks. A few years back, 1968, we had a visit from relatives from South Africa, one day I put them on the No.11 Bus to take a trip around the City, if you sit on it, and don't get off, it takes 5 hours to do the circuit. These relatives were just completing a grand tour of Europe and said the No.11 ride was the best part of their trip. The city has such a diversity of cultures now, you could alight in places and believe you were in the Punjab or Jamaica. Come over and see for yourselves, see the part of the UK which saved you all from having to speak German as a first language, visit the Balti belt get a real Curry. Take a look at the Rag Market, if you need curtains you won't find cheaper, avoid the indoor meat market next door, I bought chicken breasts a few years ago which tasted of bleach!!.
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Us "West Midlanders" have known about the wonderful No.11 Outer Circle route for Yonks. A few years back, 1968, we had a visit from relatives from South Africa, one day I put them on the No.11 Bus to take a trip around the City, if you sit on it, and don't get off, it takes 5 hours to do the circuit. These relatives were just completing a grand tour of Europe and said the No.11 ride was the best part of their trip. The city has such a diversity of cultures now, you could alight in places and believe you were in the Punjab or Jamaica. Come over and see for yourselves, see the part of the UK which saved you all from having to speak German as a first language, visit the Balti belt get a real Curry. Take a look at the Rag Market, if you need curtains you won't find cheaper, avoid the indoor meat market next door, I bought chicken breasts a few years ago which tasted of bleach!!.

Madam being a Black County lass has got all exited about this & it seems that when we visit the family over the Christmas period a round trip on the bus, all 27 miles is schedule for my pleasure.
5 hours to do 27 miles is that a time warp ?:goodluck:
Madam being a Black County lass has got all exited about this & it seems that when we visit the family over the Christmas period a round trip on the bus, all 27 miles is schedule for my pleasure.
5 hours to do 27 miles is that a time warp ?:goodluck:
We did it a couple of years ago, we got on at the Kings Head, Bearwood at 09.30 hours, got off at Kings Heath for a Bacon & Egg Sanny, alighted at a few places en route to take in the ambience, and buy coriander, spices, etc., we got stuck in a traffic jam at Castle Bromwich, Spitfire Island, we finally got back to the Kings Head at 17.00 hours!!!!.
Thank you MOS,you sound just like my late father in law, only much more refined.

The rest of you Numptys are simply usung scare tactics to stop me enjoying myself - 5 hours my A***.

According to the bus timetable it takes about 2 hours 40 mins, from Acocks Green to Acocks Green.

Dezi :fun:
i bet the suvern git uses his free bus pass and will still moan :idea-007:tight ba$tard:baby:
Thank you MOS,you sound just like my late father in law, only much more refined.

The rest of you Numptys are simply usung scare tactics to stop me enjoying myself - 5 hours my A***.

According to the bus timetable it takes about 2 hours 40 mins, from Acocks Green to Acocks Green.

Dezi :fun:
Don't believe those timetables. BTW, the No.11 runs every 5 minutes I think, sometimes four of 'em in convoy!! There's a bloke who does a guided talk to groups on the bus as it drives around the route, I don't know where to get in touch with him.

Route 66, the Spice Road, the Oriental Express and now Brum's No.11 bus route.
i bet the suvern git uses his free bus pass and will still moan :idea-007:tight ba$tard:baby:
Cameron did say he wouldn't take away our bus passes, what he didn't say was he was going to take away the buses. In September, around here, our bus services are being depleted by around 30%, and they've already stopped us getting on before 09.30 a.m.. The No.11 is safe though.
i heard a bus driver complaining he was sick of twirlys ?? twirlys whats a twirly his mate said? its the olduns with free bus passes trying to get on saying are we to early:lol-053::wave: i'll get my coat:lol-049::lol-049:
i bet the suvern git uses his free bus pass
and will still moan :idea-007:tight ba$tard:baby:

Of course I will use my bus pass, how could I afford it otherwise ?

Brum has always had a good bus system. In the 80s I stayed with friends in Princess end Tipton While I completed a a contract in Brum.

I think the bus route was = Tipton - West Brom - Baggies stadium - Soho rd - Jewellery quarter - Snow hill - Brum. All known life on display for a £2 a week bus pass.

Dezi :beer:
I walked the number 11 route many years ago (about 40 years ago actually) for charity. That takes me back. Used to live on the number 8 route, which was the inner circle, the 11 was known as the outer circle.
is there a safe place to park the motorhome on this route ?
maybe an overnighting spot even ?
is there a safe place to park the motorhome on this route ?
maybe an overnighting spot even ?

Prefereably whith a nearby shop selling Black country sausages and Black & White puddings.
is there a safe place to park the motorhome on this route ?
maybe an overnighting spot even ?
I park here 52.46997,-1.975128 Galton Road,Bearwood, It's just a couple hundred yards from the Kings Head pub and the No.11 bus Stops, there's two No.11s, one goes clockwise and one goes counter clockwise, same difference, just depends which way you want to go round. You should be OK parking there overnight.

The two bus stops at the Kings Head are here 52.471931,-1.968243
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A Word of Warning, or perhaps Interestingly, the No.11 does take you through, as we say here, "Injun Country", where lead flies around a lot, if you hear gunfire just duck down...I do. I did say diverse cultures.
The Libraries here have banned the term Faggots and Peas, as the word Faggot may offend some people.

ye, heard that somewhere else as well. they have to call them 'something ducks' never took much notice as the locals still call them faggots and thats what you ask for in the shop.
ye, heard that somewhere else as well. they have to call them 'something ducks' never took much notice as the locals still call them faggots and thats what you ask for in the shop.

'Savoury Ducks' is the name you're looking for.

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