Be careful out there

  • Thread starter Deleted member 830
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Regardless of whether the original incident happened, there are, as I stated above, many examples of distraction-type incidents in all countries (including the UK) so this is not an anti-Europe or anti-Capitalism thing (not sure how we got to that last one); it is a be-on-your-guard-wherever-you-are thing. There's no need to be paranoid but there is a need to take care. In twelve years of motorhoming we have only ever been broken into once (in Hungary, as it happens) and we learned the lesson (and have been back to Hungary since).
Yes there are distraction type events but there is a big tendency in motorhome circles for what are generally isolated incidents to be blown up out of all proportion. Sure take care but don't let fear ruin what should be a wonderful and positive experience travelling in your camping car.

Regardless of whether the original incident happened, there are, as I stated above, many examples of distraction-type incidents in all countries (including the UK) so this is not an anti-Europe or anti-Capitalism thing (not sure how we got to that last one); it is a be-on-your-guard-wherever-you-are thing. There's no need to be paranoid but there is a need to take care. In twelve years of motorhoming we have only ever been broken into once (in Hungary, as it happens) and we learned the lesson (and have been back to Hungary since).
If this was posted by someone who had experienced it themsemselves and not as it always seems to be a third party who hasn't done very much at all. Funny that isn't it?

Yes of course be careful but don't bring your horrible british ways to mainland europe.

Eh? You don't make sense!!!
Ok somelier you now have my attention for a little while. Go for it, whatever it is.
Yes there are distraction type events but there is a big tendency in motorhome circles for what are generally isolated incidents to be blown up out of all proportion. Sure take care but don't let fear ruin what should be a wonderful and positive experience travelling in your camping car.

The tendency to blow isolated incidents up into a big thing is by no means limited to motorhome circles but, if you read the original post, that is not what he was doing - he was simply warning people to take sensible precautions. If you want an example of how to blow things up out of all proportion then look at the quote about capitalism crumbling (and I say that as someone who would be quite happy to see it crumble if indeed that was what was happening!) :)
No John what he was doing was pasting some unsubstantiated tittle tattle about a caravan not a motorhome that he says is from some other website. He doesn't reference the other website so who knows where it came from. Do you know where the original text comes from and who posted it John?

The tendency to blow isolated incidents up into a big thing is by no means limited to motorhome circles but, if you read the original post, that is not what he was doing - he was simply warning people to take sensible precautions. If you want an example of how to blow things up out of all proportion then look at the quote about capitalism crumbling (and I say that as someone who would be quite happy to see it crumble if indeed that was what was happening!) :)
No John what he was doing was pasting some unsubstantiated tittle tattle about a caravan not a motorhome that he says is from some other website. He doesn't reference the other website so who knows where it came from. Do you know where the original text comes from and who posted it John?

As I said above, it doesn't matter whether the original incident happened; it is always good advice to be wary of distraction burglary without being paranoid, which was the point the OP was surely making.
If this was posted by someone who had experienced it themsemselves and not as it always seems to be a third party who hasn't done very much at all. Funny that isn't it?

Yes of course be careful but don't bring your horrible british ways to mainland europe.

....excuse me ?
The tendency to blow isolated incidents up into a big thing is by no means limited to motorhome circles but, if you read the original post, that is not what he was doing - he was simply warning people to take sensible precautions. If you want an example of how to blow things up out of all proportion then look at the quote about capitalism crumbling (and I say that as someone who would be quite happy to see it crumble if indeed that was what was happening!) :)

Yeh mate stop trying to be more left than John H. lol

Sorry John I dont mean to offend you are entitled to your views.
Yeh mate stop trying to be more left than John H. lol

Sorry John I dont mean to offend you are entitled to your views.

As I said on another thread, there are some people out there who give views you believe in a bad name - but then I suppose there are idiots in all walks of life. :)

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