Be careful out there

  • Thread starter Deleted member 830
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Deleted member 830

A recent thread highlighting how careful we should be when touring.

Yesterday a Belgian couple pulled onto the next pitch to me in Vinaros and looked very distressed, I asked if I could help and they asked if I could direct them to the Guardia Civil as they had been robbed. I sorted them out and helped them cancell their credit cards.

The robbery unfolded as follows:-
As they approached the toll booth with 3 cars in front of them, because they had a caravan they left a gap as they approached the toll booth, then a cheeky car pulled into the gap. They thought nothing of it other than cheeky B*stard who could not wait.
However unknown to them a passenger had been dropped off from the car with a smoke bomb. Next 2 people got out of the car in front and were banging on the window pointing to smoke coming from the rear , between the car and the caravan. The couple got out to inspect and stop what appeared to be a fire, the thieves then took the ladies bag with passports,credit cards etc. By now the original 3 cars had gone through the toll booth leaving the thieves a free run to the booth and escape to freedom.

Now this may seem partly irrelevant to us motorhomers, but we have had cheeky drivers pull in front of us at toll booths and other that being a bit p*ssed off thought nothing of it. A smoke bomb at the back of my motorhome would of had me grabbing the fire extinguisher and hot footing to the rear of the motorhome, especially as we were at a toll booth and would have felt safe. I might have had a different reaction if I was on a M-Way aire or ordinary road.

I have been saved from being robbed by information posted on this forum and while I hope that non of my fellow forum members get in this situation, Still hopefully forewarned is fore armed.

I have cut and pasted this from another site as I suppose it needs circulating round ALL the Motorhome Forums....Just shows the lengths these cheeky so and so's will actually go to.....
Nasty one thanks for sharing :idea-007:

Fortunatly we only have one door and as my partner is disabled I would be the one who got out to see whats up and I wouldn't want to upset her if they thought they would get in.:angel:
This sort of distraction burglary is not uncommon. If you ever have to leave the vehicle in circumstances like this, always lock the door behind you (or if there are two of you, make sure only one gets out) and NEVER leave credit cards/tickets/passports/cameras/etc in the front in full view. You cannot stop a determined thief from getting in but there's no need to make life easy for him.
Thanks for the info Keith - my first reaction would be the same as yours.
One way, maybe to help, keep all doors locked whilst travelling (as most new cars do automatically today), and only open your window when actually at the Toll Booth.
On the whole we are still a very trusting bunch, but it seems that as the *rseholes get cleverer, we will have to keep trying to outsmart them!
As yet there has been no report showing on the Guardia Computer of a robbery at the toll both in Tarragona
That,s only if your lucky :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:
Daylight Robbery

Hi Keithhep,

We had robbery in Italy last year, coming out of a supermarket we found the back tyre flat and while we were changing it our bag was hooked from the drivers side window. We only found out we had been robbed when we arrived at the next camp site three hours later. We had a safe in the van but had taken the bag out for shopping, we lost passports credit cards and cash, a real pain as insurance would not pay out,as we were with the van at the time.We had to detour to Milan for temporary passports that only any good for getting you back to the UK @ 230 Euro's. We also found out later the tyre had been slashed with a knife, so new tyre as well £110. We took the Insurance out at the last minute with the CC&C as our annual policy did not cover for the three months that we were away.I have just renewed the Insurance with another company, but have checked the small print very well.Over all we lost a month of the holiday,and about £450 in costs. It was a shame about Italy but they seem to accept that it is a very common problem out there, but don't try to solve it.If you have a foreign number plate you are a target.

Happy camping Snowbirds.

A recent thread highlighting how careful we should be when touring.

Yesterday a Belgian couple pulled onto the next pitch to me in Vinaros and looked very distressed, I asked if I could help and they asked if I could direct them to the Guardia Civil as they had been robbed. I sorted them out and helped them cancell their credit cards.

The robbery unfolded as follows:-
As they approached the toll booth with 3 cars in front of them, because they had a caravan they left a gap as they approached the toll booth, then a cheeky car pulled into the gap. They thought nothing of it other than cheeky B*stard who could not wait.
However unknown to them a passenger had been dropped off from the car with a smoke bomb. Next 2 people got out of the car in front and were banging on the window pointing to smoke coming from the rear , between the car and the caravan. The couple got out to inspect and stop what appeared to be a fire, the thieves then took the ladies bag with passports,credit cards etc. By now the original 3 cars had gone through the toll booth leaving the thieves a free run to the booth and escape to freedom.

Now this may seem partly irrelevant to us motorhomers, but we have had cheeky drivers pull in front of us at toll booths and other that being a bit p*ssed off thought nothing of it. A smoke bomb at the back of my motorhome would of had me grabbing the fire extinguisher and hot footing to the rear of the motorhome, especially as we were at a toll booth and would have felt safe. I might have had a different reaction if I was on a M-Way aire or ordinary road.

I have been saved from being robbed by information posted on this forum and while I hope that non of my fellow forum members get in this situation, Still hopefully forewarned is fore armed.

I have cut and pasted this from another site as I suppose it needs circulating round ALL the Motorhome Forums....Just shows the lengths these cheeky so and so's will actually go to.....
If this was posted by someone who had experienced it themsemselves and not as it always seems to be a third party who hasn't done very much at all. Funny that isn't it?

Yes of course be careful but don't bring your horrible british ways to mainland europe.
Italian fun time

Hi Droader

THIS was my experience in Italy, lets hear about what you have done in Europe, I had a great welcome by the scum of Europe.It works both ways.


If this was posted by someone who had experienced it themsemselves and not as it always seems to be a third party who hasn't done very much at all. Funny that isn't it?

Yes of course be careful but don't bring your horrible british ways to mainland europe.
Hi snowbirds

I just hope your story doesn't put off other people who want to visit Italy. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have been visiting Italy and mainstream europe without any kind of problem at all. Probably just the opposite as locals have welcomed Brits in with open arms for a long time.
I have been robbed in France but would not stop me going again ! People can make their own minds up I think ?
Not so sure about the open arms these days as have seem many a sign in Spain telling the english to go home but I guess as most brits would not be able to read it they probably think all is well !

I was in Spain and Portugal this year and yes things have changed. bUT THAT'S HOW CAPITALISM CRUMBLES :dance:
The fear shines from you. You have no idea how to change things you idiots
Very patient and very lucky thieves. Their scenario requires a vehicle to pull up leaving a space in front - at a busy toll booth. Then they need to be there at the right time to drop one off behind and then time it just right so they can drive into the gap. Then their victim needs to be towing. Then there are the cameras at the toll booths etc etc etc. Then the cars in front need to move off or they will be trapped.

Mission impossible script material.
Can I say it's probably absolute rubbish, and worse than that it it's an attempt put you off from travelling through Europe and wherever else you want to go. Have a hug from me xx


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