Baptising the van


Full Member
I am constantly you can't eat properly in a caravan .....rubbishy chicken dinner a little left over so the hound got a treat

Looks really lovely Andrew when we had our caravan I used to make dinners regularly as well as other meals
It sounds delicious , I love pork probably my favourite meat . At Christmas I have a strong temptation to go duck ,, I may well give it a twist ,potato rondelles and green beans sautéed in garlic using the duck fat,, honey glazed carrots

My starter seasoned sweated leaks served in a ramekin with Gruyere cheese and topped with egg yolk and baked in the oven ...dessert the sticking point having to be renal friendly perhaps a scotch pancake stack ladened with seasonal fruits and served with a rum custard .....that's the plan but who knows , it could be sausage egg and chips yet lol
Christmas dinner in India is an interesting affair convincing the local chefs to leave out spices is a challenge pin itself the results plain weird .

Dog sausage in Indonesia served in an attempt at an English breakfast is often on the cards too...all of it plain bizarre
Following UK (and Scottish) traditions seems weird when abroad ... although I will cook a turkey dinner one day ... got to use up the packet of stuffing mix I brought out!
All the supermarkets are doing vegetables on special offer,
2.5kg maris piper potatoes 33p other whites 29p, shallots in lidl 29p cauliflowers 29p shop around they say veg is good for you :)
Andrew Where did you say you were going to park up. What time is dinner. 😉 👌


It sounds delicious , I love pork probably my favourite meat . At Christmas I have a strong temptation to go duck ,, I may well give it a twist ,potato rondelles and green beans sautéed in garlic using the duck fat,, honey glazed carrots

My starter seasoned sweated leaks served in a ramekin with Gruyere cheese and topped with egg yolk and baked in the oven ...dessert the sticking point having to be renal friendly perhaps a scotch pancake stack ladened with seasonal fruits and served with a rum custard .....that's the plan but who knows , it could be sausage egg and chips yet lol

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