Back safe from Ribblehead, but kaye hated it........ordred me to buy better!!

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I was drinking G&T and it was gordons, there was no house gin, you just had to specifically ask for the special offer, and personally CJ i think your comments are a bit rich seen as you were very insulting towards your girlfriend and also upsetting two very nice polish people, making personal comments to what i was wearing, insulting John on his age, so i'd shut ya gob if were you.

So it was ok that they advertised a price next to the till but if you didnt ask for that, you got charged a totally different price? tell me how thats a nice friendly welcome from the landlady, it happened to many others inc you.

i didnt upset any polish people. did you speak to them? if you did you would have known the man was from the south of england, and me taking to them, mainly as they arrived at the pub in a old VW T3 which i had and i told her all the places i had been to in tell me how that upset them.

i said your top made you look like captain kirk off star trek, now i wasnt the only one who said that........

insulting to my GF? if i was thats between me and her. yeah we talked about it after, shes fine, shes known me long enough to know what im like.
I am totally unbiased as I have never been there and probably never will, but it does seem to me to be so very unproductive to slag off what seems to most who have been there a very M/H friendly pub.
A big thank you to the landlady for her hospitality to M/H,ers
Thank You!

over charging lots of people deserves a thankyou? of course they are m/h friendly, they want to make money and fine.
I, and I expect that quite a few of us would be more than happy to pay a little extra for the security of safe overnight parking at a pub.
Christ, I never even check my change, it costs what it costs!
If a couple of quid makes the difference then don't go:cry:

you dont get it do you...........advertising a price then charging almost 50% on top? so as you never check your change your happy to be short changed or given too much?????
So it was ok that they advertised a price next to the till but if you didnt ask for that, you got charged a totally different price? tell me how thats a nice friendly welcome from the landlady, it happened to many others inc you.

It did happen to me and as i pointed out, if you asked for the offer you got it

i didnt upset any polish people. did you speak to them? if you did you would have known the man was from the south of england, and me taking to them, mainly as they arrived at the pub in a old VW T3 which i had and i told her all the places i had been to in tell me how that upset them.

it was you who told ALL of us that you had upset them by speaking to them in german, so was that a lie then?

i said your top made you look like captain kirk off star trek, now i wasnt the only one who said that........

still insulting, could have commented what you was wearing but i didnt, makes no difference to me

insulting to my GF? if i was thats between me and her. yeah we talked about it after, shes fine, shes known me long enough to know what im like.

if its between you and her then why say such awful things about her in front of everyone, it was embarrasing, i told you to your face, i wouldnt have mentioned it again only am sick of you whingin on about that meet, making out that everything was bad and if you feel you were been ripped off why dint you go back to your van, no one forced you to buy the drinks, i complained about the price of Tea, but i also expressed that to the landlady, not wait till i got home then slagged her off, your out of order CJ
if its between you and her then why say such awful things about her in front of everyone, it was embarrasing, i told you to your face, i wouldnt have mentioned it again only am sick of you whingin on about that meet, making out that everything was bad and if you feel you were been ripped off why dint you go back to your van, no one forced you to buy the drinks, i complained about the price of Tea, but i also expressed that to the landlady, not wait till i got home then slagged her off, your out of order CJ

yeah you told me to my face that you thought what i said you her was wrong, i was fine with that..
i am not whining on about the meet, only thing im complaining about was being overcharged for a drink advertised at a much lower price. would you see a price for a car tyre X at 200 pound, so ask for that X and then be happy if they charged you 350quid? all because you didnt say you wanted it at the price next to the till? she tried to overcharge me for a bailys and hot chocolate until i pointed out it was different, so again should i have said i wanted it at the price advertised or kept quiet and then be charged much more?

I also spoke to that polish girl in what i could speak in her language, not a lot, just bits i picked up from being there. she asked me why i could and i told her, i spent a lot of time in germany so went across the border to buy things.
I think the point that most have been trying express is that nothing the landlady did warranted slagging off on a public forum.

As has been said by many it is the most motorhome friendly pub going and I look forward to my next visit.

I think the point that most have been trying express is that nothing the landlady did warranted slagging off on a public forum.

As has been said by many it is the most motorhome friendly pub going and I look forward to my next visit.


i also said i enjoyed the pub apart from that and would go back, i just stated she wasnt polite to me, and people had to check their change as you would be charged more than the price it advertised its wrong saying that? and also mentioning that the tonic bottle had BBE of jun 2010? i wasnt the only one shocked at that....

those things were true, so i cant see a problem with saying it on here
i also said i enjoyed the pub apart from that and would go back, i just stated she wasnt polite to me, and people had to check their change as you would be charged more than the price it advertised its wrong saying that? and also mentioning that the tonic bottle had BBE of jun 2010? i wasnt the only one shocked at that....

those things were true, so i cant see a problem with saying it on here

I think the problem is CJ, is the harshness of your post and the names you called her, she came and sat with us in the afternoon and she was very nice, equally was her husband as we spoke to him on the quarry, and yes, i was shocked at the BBE date on the bottles but we also balanced it and decided not to say anything as we did have the facility of the car park and wanted to use it again and didint want to cause any trouble, lets hope she doesnt come here and read the awful things that has been said, lets face it, if we wanted to visit Ribblehead again, theres nothing else there but the pub and the nice walks of course, but i dont know where we would have been without the sanctuary of that pub due to the awful weather. You started this thread with such anamosity and i am merely balancing it by pointing out what a dick you also was.
That last sentence is your problem


you tell me why.........................

at least 3 other people mentioned it on this forum, several others did in the pub.

supposing other people go, and think lets try this pub they keep talking about, its so wonderful, not a single complaint....then find out they had been overcharged, and others at the same time. then come back on here saying they were overcharged..THEN people on here say 'oh yeah it happened to us, but we couldnt be bothered to say anything, or cos were too shy or polite too' that aint me, i write what happend to me, and what happened to others......

if i had said a little green came down in a spaceship etc than that would be a lie, i told the truth, many people were over charged, if the truth hurts that isnt my fault
I think the problem is CJ, is the harshness of your post and the names you called her, she came and sat with us in the afternoon and she was very nice, equally was her husband as we spoke to him on the quarry, and yes, i was shocked at the BBE date on the bottles but we also balanced it and decided not to say anything as we did have the facility of the car park and wanted to use it again and didint want to cause any trouble, lets hope she doesnt come here and read the awful things that has been said, lets face it, if we wanted to visit Ribblehead again, theres nothing else there but the pub and the nice walks of course, but i dont know where we would have been without the sanctuary of that pub due to the awful weather. You started this thread with such anamosity and i am merely balancing it by pointing out what a dick you also was.

i also said they are very very busy, running around and doing the best they could, so i said maybe i got her on a bad day or not time to be chatty.

yes you was shocked, you also said you was going to say something.........but i cannot see how complaining about something is in the wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt say anything to her about the out of date drinks because you said you would the next morning, so i felt that was enough. had i known you wouldnt then i would have. im not going to say ''ooooooooo we had a wonderful time, everything was perfect in this pub' when it wasnt. yeah very busy, i can sort of understand that. but not the overcharging and wayyyyyyyyy outa date drinks ( get just out of date stuff from jack fultons, i know what im buying)

as people know me, im not the one to keep quiet, if things are good i say that, if things are not good then i also say that, not keep quiet as not want to upset the host of the pub.

and what did i upset kaye about? please tell me, on here will do. yeah we talked after that night and was fine, i listened to her, i still dont see what i did wrong, but i listened to her.
i also said they are very very busy, running around and doing the best they could, so i said maybe i got her on a bad day or not time to be chatty.

yes you was shocked, you also said you was going to say something.........but i cannot see how complaining about something is in the wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt say anything to her about the out of date drinks because you said you would the next morning, so i felt that was enough. had i known you wouldnt then i would have. im not going to say ''ooooooooo we had a wonderful time, everything was perfect in this pub' when it wasnt. yeah very busy, i can sort of understand that. but not the overcharging and wayyyyyyyyy outa date drinks ( get just out of date stuff from jack fultons, i know what im buying)

as people know me, im not the one to keep quiet, if things are good i say that, if things are not good then i also say that, not keep quiet as not want to upset the host of the pub.

and what did i upset kaye about? please tell me, on here will do. yeah we talked after that night and was fine, i listened to her, i still dont see what i did wrong, but i listened to her.

i am really not prepared to repeat what you said about your supposed loved one on here, thats outrageous that you even suggest that and just goes to prove my point how disrespectful you can be, look, if she's fine with it then its not my problem, it became my problem when you said the things you said in front of all of us, you caused an uncomfortable atmosphere with the group.

if you would have listened properly to the conversation about the BBE bottles, we ALL decided it was a bad idea to bring it up, given that we had a good parking spot and didnt want to cause trouble.

Nobody is saying not to make comments about the location, prices etc, it is allways nice to hear about different places so we can all make an informed choice, however, there was no need for the nasty names you called the landlady, that is the point.
I've just skipped onto this thread after reading about the dangers of leaving a dog tied up outside shops ("no mongrels" thread).

I don't know why, but I keep seeing an image of a certain member being left tethered to a lampost outside the pub at Ribblehead on their next visit, while everyone else enjoys the hospitality inside!

I am totally unbiased as I have never been there and probably never will, but it does seem to me to be so very unproductive to slag off what seems to most who have been there a very M/H friendly pub.
A big thank you to the landlady for her hospitality to M/H,ers
Thank You!
Hi *****, we havn,t seen eye to eye in the past, but I totally agree with your post. I go to the Station very regularly, I know the staff very well, Alan & Jo are one of the best Hosts I have come across, they will do anything for you, but you have to treat them right too.
1/ Alan asked the Wildcamping group to park at the bottom of the carpark, not spread themselves everywhere, (not sure who he told), as there would be quite a few cars in the carpark overnight.
2/ If I were a landlord, and 2 people & 6 or 7 kids came into my pub, bought a tea & half a lager, then used my wi fi for 3 hours without buying another drink, I think I would be pissed off too.

I had forgot all about this meet, and I passed Settle last Thursday and New Years eve on a brief trip to the Lakes.

Perhaps there is a salient point here in that the A65 by passes Settle completely nowadays along with othe by passes throughout the country and this must have had a dramatic impact on passing trade for all sorts of business.

I agree with ***** it is rtefreshing to hear of a pub receptive to motorhomers, and quite frankly if the cynics suggest the motivation is totally commercial then so what ? More a case of people using good business nouse in my book.

Some of you will remember I ran a pub briefly and it is certainly not an occupation for those scared of long hours. My outlet made its money at the weekend. Monday to Thursday were difficult and several event evenings were tried to encourage business in an effort to contribute towards overheads.

Therefore at peak times, it is understandable why propreitors become agitated....The same is true of campsite owners in August.

Concentrate and do the job right, and the money will take care of itself is a true adage I think, however it doesnt consider human nature.

In respects of CJs gripe re the gin, we too sold a house vodka which cost us less too than the leading brands...........depending on how it is sold I believe is down to ones individual ethics.

When asked for a double gin on special offer or Gordons ? should be the question.......I cant speak for this landlord but I made more money on house spirits.

ZeeZee, I don't remember we had any problem, maybe different ideas, but that's life. I think it is such a shame as these sorts of pubs are in the minority.
As the forum member who complained about the pub is a new member and I think maybe new to M/Hing, maybe he does not know how good a thing this sort of pub is.
personally, I think the thread should be pulled, but that's not my call.

whats being 'new' to here have to do with anything, and i have had a m/h before this one. i still dont think its good when your charged a different price to the one advertised........
I had forgot all about this meet, and I passed Settle last Thursday and New Years eve on a brief trip to the Lakes.

Perhaps there is a salient point here in that the A65 by passes Settle completely nowadays along with othe by passes throughout the country and this must have had a dramatic impact on passing trade for all sorts of business.

I agree with ***** it is rtefreshing to hear of a pub receptive to motorhomers, and quite frankly if the cynics suggest the motivation is totally commercial then so what ? More a case of people using good business nouse in my book.

Some of you will remember I ran a pub briefly and it is certainly not an occupation for those scared of long hours. My outlet made its money at the weekend. Monday to Thursday were difficult and several event evenings were tried to encourage business in an effort to contribute towards overheads.

Therefore at peak times, it is understandable why propreitors become agitated....The same is true of campsite owners in August.

Concentrate and do the job right, and the money will take care of itself is a true adage I think, however it doesnt consider human nature.

In respects of CJs gripe re the gin, we too sold a house vodka which cost us less too than the leading brands...........depending on how it is sold I believe is down to ones individual ethics.

When asked for a double gin on special offer or Gordons ? should be the question.......I cant speak for this landlord but I made more money on house spirits.


at first people presumed the 3.50 was house vodka, and as people just asked for a g&t were given gordons, this was quickly proved wrong.

of course pubs are to make money, never said anything different but its showing a price next to the till/spririt bottles but being charged almost 50% more. and so was on other drinks. i couldnt see why people should point at a sign saying i want a 3.50 double G&T and if they dont they get charged a fiver something
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